Stop your 'Mark of the Beast' nonsense. Please.

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I was told that the Mark of the Beast was…
My social security number
My credit card
A bar code
My passport
A new federal government ID, that never actually came to pass
A chip in my hand

What I don't remember was ANY of those people showing me where the those things actually fit the biblical data. Instead, they were all just forms of ID or something connected to buying and selling.

Yes, I believe there will be a mark of the beast. Yes, I think it's coming in the future some time. And yes, I'm genuinely frustrated and embarrassed by much of what I see from Christians who talk about it. Y'all aren't really being biblical. You're doing prophetic guesswork that only looks at SOME of what the Bible says about the Mark and not all of it.

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I’m not making a case for getting a chip in your body. I’m not saying it can’t be used for nefarious purposes. I’m saying we shouldn’t call things the Mark of the Beast without good biblical evidence.

One response I’ve seen a lot is that it COULD LEAD to the Mark. But, two things make me reject this reasoning.
1) The Bible doesn’t warn us to watch out for things that COULD LEAD to the Mark. It doesn’t. And if you are focused on that then you are focused on something the Bible isn’t.
2) The track record of people who try to predict what might lead to the Mark is dismal. Bar codes, social security cards, credit cards, the US dollar, the euro, the internet, etc. This is a big deal to me. Those of you who are convinced you can predict the things that lead to the Mark, would you have also been convinced, and wrong, a dozen times over the past hundred years?

So, we have no biblical warrant for fearing what leads to the Mark and a terrible track record at trying to guess what those things will be.


Yea I'm still not getting no chip in my hand!! Forget that!


I think it’s ok to be discerning about what goes into your body…


It doesn't have to be the mark of the beast to be a terrible, terrible mistake.


Before you write it off, tell me what worship is?

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Whatever you place before God is what you worship. So now tell me what is the beast?

The beast doesn't have to be flesh and blood. The beasts mentioned in Rev 13 are representative of nations; and the beast in question is a power arising from them, perhaps a one world government, or the UN, or maybe the WHO - whatever it is, it is a power like unto a nation.

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.


This guy is way too comfortable with the beast system already.


"Getting a chip put in your hand to access your work computer.."
I've never heard of such a thing and I don't understand why anyone would put a chip in their hand to access a computer!


I dont think it's the mark but i think it lays the framework for it.


Don’t ever accept chips inside your body


Does a credit card change your RNA-DNA?


Then I suggest you take a very very deep dive on the technology. Because it goes much deeper then buying and selling.


When it’s here there won’t be any question about it. It will be a willful, deliberate act of worship to take the mark.

“and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭14:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬


Well... although I agree these things aren't "the mark" by definition, we must also understand and have discernment that these notions of "the mark" via mandated technology will absolutely pave the way and condition those who've become desensitized when the day of the evil one comes.


Satan always presents things slowly until they are fully accepted.


does it glorify God? NO, and idol worship is rampant. i agree with you a lot Mike, but not on this topic. these types are covert worship. sin bc its done out of fear, not Gods glory. i believe this type of behavior is sin bc its fear induced by wicked people (controlled by evil spirits) to scare Gods people into submission.


IMO, this topic warrants better discussion than this video offers. Requesting full study video.


Even the very elect would be deceived if it were possible


They are preparing people to receive it and these are just precurser, so that when the real one comes its just going to be another thing.


It's not the mark of the beast, it's the conditioning to accept this as normal. It's a system not a single thing. You should really put a disclaimer rather telling people to lower their defenses down.


“embarrassing other Christians”….?!? I find this comment incredibly disappointing. I find your compassion to other peoples with different views and faiths, and Christians you are counselling, significantly more generous in all your videos, than your compassion displayed towards these Christians who “embarrass” you and whose views don’t “impress” you much. Having listened to these Christians myself, it seems that though they are hyper focused on the mark, beneath that they seem most fearful of the elevation of science, to a near religious fervor, to the point it could now be called “scientism, ” where scientism / technology is worshipped over of God.
