Terrian - Stayed On Him (Isaiah 26:3) [Official Music Video]

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Directed by Diego Brawn & Gabe Patillo. Edited by Diego Brawn. Filmed on location at Amaile Arena (Tampa, FL). Lighting by Noah Wood. Live audio by Pat Haapanen. Performers: Darren Mulligan, Lindsay Pulliam, GabeReal, Brian Ramey, Loren Clark, Drew Kerxton & Matthew Calloway. Darren Mulligan appears courtesy of Curb/Word.

Written by Terrian Woods, Kyle Williams, Darren Mulligan & Gabe Patillo. Music produced by Kyle Williams & Darren Mulligan. Recorded at Raccoon Room Studios (Spring Hill, TN). All Programming and instrumentation by Kyle Williams. BGVs by Terrian, Darren Mulligan, Gabe Patillo & Kyle Williams. Choir vocals Candise Marshall, Joy Freeman & Shaun Lloyd. Mixed by Luke Fredrickson. Mastered by Ambient Digital.


There’s a world full of mercy and peace 
Mercy and peace, waiting for me 
There’s a land for the lost and the least 
Where they dine with King, waiting for me 
Yeah His holiness fills up the temple 
Still He took my sin and my shame
I didn’t deserve to be rescued 
But still He has called me by name

I’ll stand firm with confidence
Til He comes again, til He comes again
I’ll keep my mind stayed on Him
Til the very end, til the very end
I will keep my mind, stayed on Him

There’s a savior with wounds you can see 
In His hands and His feet, waiting for me 
There’s a place where His glory is seen
It’s beyond my wildest dreams, waiting for me 

(I know)
You’re the God who reigns 
(I know)
You’re the God who saves
(I know) 
That You walk on waves 
(I know)
That You’ll never change 


#Terrian #StayedOnHim #GenesisOf
Рекомендации по теме

I want my whole life to be about Jesus Christ forever


"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." - Isaiah 26:3


Greatest man in history who had no servants yet they called him MASTER. He had no degree, yet they called him TEACHER. He had no medicines, yet they called him HEALER. He had no army yet kings feared him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb yet HE LIVES name is JESUS!


I look forward to Jesus' return, and while I wait, I will keep my mind stayed on HIM!!! ❤️ Amen!!!


A mind stayed on Him is eternal peace with Jesus Christ


I’m 14 years old pls pray for me! I need to read the Bible more, I love that the people of GOD are the people that u can trust😁


If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1


"Permaneceu com Ele (Isaías 26: 3)"

Há um mundo cheio de misericórdia e paz
Misericórdia e paz, esperando por mim
Há uma terra para os perdidos e os menores
Onde eles jantam com o Rei, esperando por mim
Sim, Sua santidade enche o templo Mesmo
assim Ele levou meu pecado e minha vergonha
Eu não merecia ser resgatado
Mas ainda assim Ele me chamou pelo nome

Eu ficarei firme com confiança
Até que ele volte, até que ele venha de novo
Eu manterei minha mente nEle
Até o fim, até o fim

eu Vou manter minha mente, ficar nele
Eu vou manter minha mente, ficar nele
Eu vou manter minha mente, ficar nele
Eu vou manter minha mente, ficar nele

Há um salvador com feridas que você pode ver
Em Suas mãos e Seus pés, esperando por mim
Há um lugar onde Sua glória é vista
Está além dos meus sonhos mais loucos, esperando por mim

Eu ficarei firme e confiante
Até que Ele volte, até que Ele venha de novo
Eu manterei minha mente parada nele
até o fim, até o fim

eu vou manter minha mente, ficou nele
eu vou manter minha mente, ficou nele
eu vou manter minha mente, ficou nele
eu vou manter minha mente, ficou sobre ele

Eu sei
Você é o Deus que reina
Eu sei
Você é o Deus que salva
Eu sei
Que Você anda sobre as ondas
Eu sei
Que Você nunca vai mudar

Eu sei
Você é o Deus que reina
Eu sei
Você é o Deus que salva
Sim, Você anda sobre as ondas
Eu sei, eu sei ...

Vou manter minha mente, ficar Nele
Eu vou manter minha mente, ficar Nele
Eu vou manter minha mente, ficar Nele
eu vou mantenha minha mente, permaneça Nele

eu vou manter minha mente, permaneça Nele
eu manterei minha mente, permaneça Nele
eu manterei minha mente, permanecerei Nele
eu manterei minha mente, permanecerei Nele

( Tradução do Google ) Amei a música e o clipe 😍


Please pray that my lost son, Isaiah, will return to Jesus. Thank you!


Alguém do Brasil? 🇧🇷
Esse louvor é top em 👏🏻❤️


Os gringos quando adoram ao Senhor eles adoram com força, rsrs!


esse louvorrr!😍😍😍 Cadê os brasileiros?🇧🇷❤️




Jesus the way, the truth and the life and light in a world of darkness


Talk with God, no breath is lost. Walk with God, no strength is lost. Wait for God, no time is lost. Trust in God you will never be lost. God is not an option, He is a necessity. Trust in him 🙏 ❤


The Holy Spirit brought me here.. who else???


The Brazilians really love this song... God bless you guys❤️



Existe um mundo cheio de misericórdia e paz
Misericórdia e paz, esperando por mim
Existe uma terra para os perdidos e os menos favorecidos
Onde eles jantam com o Rei, esperando por mim
Sim, a santidade dele enche o templo
Mesmo assim ele levou meu pecado e minha vergonha
Eu não merecia ser resgatado
Mas ainda assim ele me chamou pelo nome

Vou permanecer firme com confiança
Até que ele volte, até que ele volte
Vou manter minha mente nEle
Até o fim, até o fim
Vou manter minha mente, ficar com ele

Há um salvador com feridas que você pode ver
Em suas mãos e pés, esperando por mim
Há um lugar onde Sua glória é vista
Está além dos meus sonhos, esperando por mim

(Eu sei)
Você é o Deus que reina
(Eu sei)
Você é o Deus que salva
(Eu sei)
Que você anda sobre as ondas
(Eu sei)



There's a world full of mercy and peace
Mercy and peace, waiting for me
There's a land for the lost and the least
Where they dine with the King, waiting for me

Yeah, His holiness fills up the temple
Still He took my sin and my shame
I didn't deserve to be rescued
Still He has called me by name

I'll stand firm with confidence
'Til He comes again, 'til He comеs again
I'll keep my mind, stayed on Him
'Til the very еnd, 'til the very end

I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (yeah) (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)

There's a Savior with wounds you can see
In His hands and His feet (in His hands and His feet)
Waiting for me, yeah (waiting for me)
There's a place where His glory is seen
It's beyond my wildest dreams, waiting for me (waiting for me)

I'll stand firm with confidence
'Til He comes again, 'til He comes again
I'll keep my mind, stayed on Him
'Til the very end, 'til the very end

I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (yeah) (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (yeah) (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)

I know You're the God who reigns
I know You're the God who saves
I know that You walk on waves
I know that You'll never change
I know You're the God who reigns
I know You're the God who saves
Yes, You walk on waves I know, I know

I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
I will keep my mind (stayed on Him, stayed on Him)
Source: Musixmatch


YouTube algorithm had been recommending me this song for a few days but I didnt pay attention to it and yesterday I was feeling depressed and I asked Jesus for help. After a while I thought why not just try this song out. I felt so happy after listening to it, it literally touched my heart. It brings me so much joy as I listen to it. Thankyou Lord ❤🙌
