How I Cured Hiatal Hernia in 5 Simple Steps at Home (Natural Remedy)

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5 Steps to FIX Hiatal Hernia at Home (Easy Natural Remedy)

Follow these 5 steps to repair your hiatal hernia and avoid hernia surgery. It needs your patience to reverse a stomach hernia naturally but it is absolutely possible.

GUT REPAIR Cheat Sheet (FREE) 🍏 Six simple rules to follow to improve your gut health

Watch this playlist to heal your stomach fast:

In this video, we cover the three most effective exercises to heal hiatal hernia. And you’ll learn why acid blockers and PPIs are NOT a real solution to treat hiatal hernia.

Instead, there’s a lot you can do to repair a hiatal hernia without surgery, e.g. by following a hiatal hernia and stomach-friendly diet.

A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of your stomach bulges through the large muscle separating your abdomen and chest, your diaphragm.

The 1-Week Stomach Healing Challenge 🍵 is the best start to support healing hiatal hernia naturally:

To fix a hiatal hernia I show you a simple hiatal hernia stretch that will help elevate hiatal hernia pain within minutes.

If you have reflux from hiatal hernia, you’ll be surprised by these 5 best home remedies to heal hiatal hernia without acid blockers or other medication.

Let me know in the comments below which hiatal hernia treatment you have tried and if it was successful!

// V I D E O S to watch next

Low Stomach Acid (low HCL) - Fix it with these 5 Simple Habits (no supplements, ACV or medication)

Proton Pump Inhibitor Side Effects - Stomach 10x WORSE afterward

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GUT REPAIR Cheat Sheet (FREE) 🍏 Six simple rules to follow to improve your gut health

STOMACH PAIN Reliever (FREE) ❤️ My #1 "trick" to relieve stomach pain without meds in less than 20 minutes

ALLERGY RELIEF Cheat Sheet (FREE) 💚 The 5 worst mistakes that make allergies worse & what to do instead

GUT HEALING GUIDE 🥦 Start healing your gut troubles in one week with food

Start healing Helicobacter Pylori, acid reflux, gastritis, and chronic pain without meds in 7 days

SHOP 🌿 The best supplements on earth

MY GUT-SUPPLEMENT KIT ☀️ What supplements are essential for healing your gut?

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by Peggy Schirmer / Gut Feelings, are published for educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Please consult a physician or other healthcare practitioner for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission.

#GutFeelings #PeggySchirmer #guthealth
Рекомендации по теме

The 1-Week Stomach Healing Challenge 🍵 is the best start to support healing hiatal hernia naturally:


Hello, I came across a Dr David Williams and then your video and decided to follow the techniques strictly. After being in excruciating pain for 2/3 months it lifted around a month after starting the exercises. I am now pain free and would just like to say thank you very much


thank you, thank you, have hital hernia myslef and living with this discomfort for five weeks watched your video i feel much relief. i cant thank you enough.


Thank you so much for this video. It has helped my symptoms so much, especially the stretching exercises.


Thank you so thank you so much your last massage exercise is very helpful for me i m suffering from this problem this exercise really helped me


What wonderful advice. Thank you so much 💕💕🫶


Thank you. The information you give is so helpful


Hi. Excellent video, and lot of people are saying very good things about your suggestions. Do you have any such life-changing routines for umbilical hernia too?


It sounds a good technique, I’ve tried it and I felt, my symptoms got improved


Great video. Can you recommend any inguinal hernia fixing exercises if any?


Remember the important point she made … it’s not about too much stomach acid … you may not have enough and might need to supplement Bentaine HCL.


En español:
1. No tomar antiácidos, es necesario el ácido para una correcta digestión
2. No comer y beber a la vez, es uno u otro. Dejar 30 minutos entre uno y otro
3. Ejercicio en 5 minutos
A. estiramiento focalizado en el torso. No sacar la cola, derechos estiran un brazo respiran y después para el otro lado. Relajados. Repetir 7 veces al día más o menos
B. Una mano en el pecho y otra en el estómago, respirar por la nariz, exhalar por la boca, 10 veces
C. Con la punta de los dedos, primero de un lado después del otro, apretar bajo las costillas, no en el medio 1 o 2 minutos y la otra mano en el pecho, respirar


I can't believe it worked. Thank you so much


Thank you so much! These exercises actually helped reduce my symptoms so I could get some sleep.


Thank you for the video, it sounds like many have acid reflux and digestion problems. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, only issues I have is if belly button is bumped or every once in a while when I bend over I can irritate my hernia.


Liebe Peggy ich bin froh deinen Kanal gefunden zu haben. Abo und Glocke sind geläutet. Ich habe Stillen Reflux durch die Hiatushernie (1cm groß, Axial ) bekommen, es wurde bei der Gastroskopie ial diagnostiziert. Meine Hausärztin sagte es ist heilbar ohne OP und Medikamente darauf vertraue ich auch. Ich finde deine Übungen sehr überzeugend und werde sie anwenden. Ganz liebe Grüße aus Sachsen / Germany


This is some Lind of a miracle for me. Because the suffering has been immense and the solution was do easy. It has caused me anxiety, panic attack, palpitation, wrong diagnosis by docs. Strangle after knowing where the pain is actually coming from, I no longer feel pain in chest but in the centre of diaphragm. Even if pain starts to feel in chest. As soon as I think that's it's the Diaphragm the location of pain goes to diaphragm rather than the chest. This is so strange.


Thank you for putting this up. I had one two years ago. Thankfully, I was able to do research and find things to help me cope that were included in this video and a really great chiropractor who helped me avoid surgery.


THANK YOU! You're the FIRST person who has at least attempted to explain why it MIGHT happen. THANK YOU THANK YOU, makes a lot of sense... This, coming from a Functional Nutritionist. Science has no explanation, but what you said makes SO much sense.


Thank you so much, I’ve been doing the side stretch to cure my hip pain, which is related to weak glutes, it works better than painkillers. I’m glad to try these exercises for hernia symptoms. I sometimes find myself holding my breath out, is that a subconscious reaction to ease internal discomfort?
