Elision Pronunciation - How to Understand Fast English Speakers

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In this lesson, you can learn about a pronunciation feature which can help you to understand fast speech and also talk more fluently in English. What is this pronunciation feature? It’s called ‘elision’. Elision is when some words or parts of a word are not pronounced. For example, a letter might not be pronounced, or a syllable might disappear, or sometimes even whole words are not pronounced fully. Elision is common in spoken English, especially in fast, informal speech. Learning about elision will help your listening and—if you can use it yourself—help your speaking, too!

 See the full lesson on our website:

1. Disappearing Syllables 1:20
2. Disappearing /t/ and /d/ Sounds 5:32
3. Elision in Sentences 10:52

This lesson will help you:
- Understand how fast English speakers use elision to pronounce some words without a syllable.
- Better hear the long and short vowel sounds which are used with words that are pronounced with disappearing syllables.
- Learn about /t/ and /d/ sounds which are commonly left out of words when fast English speakers use elision pronunciation.
- See how elision pronunciation is used in full sentences to better understand the way fast English speakers put these words together in connected sounds.

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Can you think of any other examples of elision where words, sounds or syllables disappear? Let us know in the comments!


Hi! I'm from other side of the world. From Azerbaijan, the capital of Baku.🇦🇿. Thank you for this video. In our country English is second language after my own language( Azerbaijanian ). I'm in 9th grade and learn English with helping of my school teachers' lessons. I'll write exam in English, specially listening for my education marks. That's why i listen your videos. They're very helpful for me😊. Thank you very much. 🤗.


Another magistral class, plenty of thanks for your work, these materials are always well received.


Thank you very much Oxford online English teachers for this lesson I enjoyed it.


Oh my gosh!!! Thanks a lot about your great lesson my amazing teacher keep up the good work!!!! You brought my level up about speaking English..


I really enjoyed watching all of the videos of Oxford Online English. Thank you!


Hello teachers,
This video and the hole explanation must give for person who are intermediate in english a lot of comprehension to understand native english speakers when they are talking, I was always searching on the net for a way to understand what I hear in english, because I find myslef not bad at all in english (by the way I'm from Morocco) but when I hear native speakers speaking fluently that let me fell that I'm not good enough and I retart to try to ameliorate my understanding about pronunciation, so it was i vicious circul for me, but NOW, and thanks to the teachers and for all the exampls, I think that this video is the best videos that it can help me and that I must repeat it and analyse it very carfully to improve my listening and also to speak fluently in english without giving much imprtant to the grammar, really you've done the best video for all people who are intermediate in english .
Best regards .


This lesson is very interesting
I've enjoyed the lesson
I've learnt something new


Nice tips how to practice good pronunciation in English. Thanks so much.


Thank you Oxford Online English, mighty video as usual! I have a few suggestions and wanna tell you something that is probably the biggest listening and speaking issue for many English learners. I've been studying English for over 4 years and one thing really get me annoyed is When native speakers are talking, they always replace a lot of words with words that are simple and basic but we can't understand. For example, here are two sentences: 1. She's going to be running through design concept with me.' 2. 'Racism runs right through society.' There is nothing hard for a native speaker to understand these sentences, but I am quite sure this definitely gets lots of learners confused because the phrase 'run through' means different things in different contexts(But I may say 'have a quick look' and 'spread to'). Also, 'do' and 'get' are the most common word native speakers use in English, but we always get them wrong... I knew there are too many phrases that you cannot tell me them all, but I just want to know the most common phrases you guys use a lot in informal English and academic English. Can you post a video about what I mentioned above? I hope you know what I mean, sry...


Thanks millions for this wonderful lesson. It really helps us to improve our capacity of speaking English. But we want u to tell us if there are rules for it


Your training is very helpful, thanks for creative and beneficial channel😊


Good evening mam, one of the best English spoken teacher I like really appreciate for online teaching


Thanks a lot oxford online english staff for this tremendous lesson to improve pronunciation , specially t and d sounds.It is highly productive for english listeners and speak ers.welldone.


That's why it's hard to listen to fast English. This information is very useful and I'm going to practice elision! Please make another video dealing with fast English. Thank you!!


Really really helpful. Please give us more lessons about phonetics (the most difficult part of English language).


It's very helpful for me 😊 thanks alot


Nice explanation thanks you for this class theachers
