Russia-China Alignment Challenges U.S. Hegemony

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Trump's China tariffs and aggressive military build up is pushing Russia and China to seek a closer relationship which serves China's growing global influence - Prof. Richard Sakwa joins Sharmini Peries

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USA has to learn that its behavior has consequences.
Putin tried like hell to be a friend to US in the first 7 years of his presidency.

We drove him away.
What did we expect would happen? What kind of challenge would China have been to a Russia-US alliance?


I'm glad China and Russia can now defend themselves. At least that's one part of the world the USA won't be bombing any time soon.?
The US and the West did a damn thing especially for Africa except looting her rich resources as colonialist including even her people for the last two centuries (mind you that is for 200 years). On the other hand, China comes and treat each nation with respect and in less than 15-20 years they gets the engines of innovations for building major infrastructure for much of Africa, etc.


China should move their entire fleet out of the south China sea and put them between Maracaibo and Caracas..see how the US feels about being half stepped as well.


I love the " BRI " I am surprise it didn't happen sooner than this. "It's no longer possible for the US to expect the whole World to dance to their tune"


Tariffs are normal. Every country have some form of it or another. However, the biggest problem is the aggressive militaristic behavior.


America? Living in their dreams out dated.


Donny Trump believes in the "Golden Shower" .. . Mr. Putin believes in the "Golden Rule".


Who here finds it funny when U.S complains? Lmao


As it was in history, China has become once again the center of the world. Russia geographically their closest ally, border respected.


It also challenges liberal Democracy, the idea of basic human rights, workers rights etc.

China and Russia are showing you can be a tyrannical dictatorship, drive growth and living standards.

A worrying example that will inspire others.


They need to unite. Cuba & North Korea should unite with them.

They need to band together to protect themselves from the world’s largest terrorist state: the United Corporations of America


My God China is building an army capable of global intervention! But the US.. wait, what? Nevermind.


American belligerence and stupidity is driving our principal economic adversaries into an alignment against us. As usual, we have acted in bad faith. Both China and Russia have publicly stated that America is not 'agreement capable', an assertion that is met with nods of agreement from Tehran and Caracas to Berlin and Kiev. We used to be the world's largest economy with friends around the world. Neither is true any longer, due in large part to our own bad behavior, and America is still trying to ignore these facts. I would not be surprised if economic sanctions were laid by other nations against the United States as punishment for our outrageous acts.


Hello, Shanghai Cooperation Organization [SCO] was formed in 1996 to counterbalance NATO.


Thanks to the Real News Network for the interview and can you ask Prof. Sakwa for the title of the article in which US military officials stated they wanted to provoke Russia into a new military arms race 10:36 Thank you.


The US is hot because the Iranians and Venezuela and Iran are moving off of the petro dollar. Which will threaten US dominance of the world's financial system.

The US is definitely going to war with Iran. The Europeans are too spineless to stand up against US imperialism and the Neocon agenda.

Venezuela is a much different story. With the Russian and Chinese presence, matters are far more complicated. Russian and Chinese hegemony has been successful so far in Venezuela. It will likely win out. The US would already have invaded had the Russians stayed out.

Iran is a different matter. The Russians are certainly working with Iran in Syria. But Russia refused to honor a deal involving the S300 because of sanctions over Iran's nuclear program initially. More recently the Russians did deliver the system to Iran.

China depends on Iranian oil and seem far more willing to assist them. The US is building up military force in the middle east. But the B52 is no match for the S300. The Abraham Lincoln is perhaps somewhat better. But the Iranians are going to engage assymetrically. The US military is built for WWII style engagements. Not for assymetruc warfare. The Vietnam and Afghan conflicts have exposed that.

It is US arrogance and conceit that has forced China and Russia to work together. And the US is looking more and more like an axis power. The NSA functioning essentially like the Gestapo.

An attack on Iran, or more likely, sufficient coercion to goad Iran into an attack leading to all out military engagement will lead to catastrophic world wide economic collapse. But likely part of the plan all along when assessing the current situation in retrospect. Trump did warn the American public to stock up on supplies. And he is taking steps to EMP harden the grid.

Wars are so very unpredictable. They never go as planned. What are supposed to be short conflicts almost never turn out that way. MacArthur went from being hailed by the American public for his brilliance in developing the island hopping campaign that defeated imperialistic Japan and the even more brilliant Inchon landing leading to the route of the North Korean Army to man exposed for his arrogance and foolishness for wanting to start an all out war with China and the Soviet Union. MacArthur refused to stand down and continued to escalate the situation, being relieved of command. A truly incredible event. The very man that signed off on the surrender of Japan, being relieved of command in a totally undignified manner.

Wars never turn out as intended. What looks like overwhelming advantages don't always work out. And the fact that the US Navy is so arrogant about their ability to secure the strait of Hormuz within 3 weeks with minimal casualties, is actually a bad sign. No matter how thorough the battle plans are, something always gets overlooked. ALWAYS. And it's even worse when arrogance is involved. The Iranians may seem arrogant, but it is only false bravado. To appear to their population as being stronger than they are.

Let's have no doubt. Engaging the Iranians in armed conflict comes with huge risks. And if the Russians along with the Chinese can support Iran clandenstinely to put additional hurt on the US, they will definitely do so.

What happens when Iran missiles hit the oil rigs of Saudi Arabia and the UAE? Oil prices will rise instantly to obscene levels. Russian oil fields will remain in operation. And the Russians will get very handsome prices while they ramp up the pumps to send oil to China and Europe.

Will the Russians decide to punish the Baltic states and Poland by shutting off the hydrocarbon flow like they did to the Ukraine previously? The Russians will likely keep the flow of oil and LNG to Germany and France in an attempt to drive a wedge between the US and its western European allies.

Bolton and Pompeo don't care. They only know war diplomacy. That's their only tool. When one's only tool is a hammer, all of his problems will take on the appearance of nails. Well, driving sheet metal screws with a hammer doesn't work very well. Removing screws with the claw is even worse.

But that's what we have. Two incredibly stupid men who believe that making war will bring peace.

I mean honestly, if Bolton or Pompeo were to lose close loved ones by another nation's imperialism for financial and economic purposes, how would they feel?!? Would they want to extract revenge? And if they do successfully hurt America through some great terrorist act, what then? More attacks on them by America? And what breaks the cycle?

The idea of making peace by waging war is incredibly stupid.

Well it is going to be interesting to watch it all play out. What is happening will greatly enhance the power and reputation of Russia. The Chinese economy will certainly take a big hit. But Europe is going to suffer in a dramatic fashion. With continental Europe breaking from the US and not amicably either.


There you go that is the fastest route to my house no matter if you leave from 🇷🇺 Russia or 🇨🇳 China let's do trade boys


+The Real News Network: THIS video is what we cud call true Information! Thank you.


Ultimately we the people pay for the tarrifs and enrich our own evil government


the teenage petulance of the young tyrant must come to an end soon. let the wise old man lead the world again based on harmony, prosperity, mutual understanding and respect. enough war, greed and suffering already. move aside kiddo.
