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In this video i talk about strokes
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My 47 yr old son died from a major stroke in 2019 .. Heartbroken ❤💔


Thank you for helping us understand. You and your fur baby are the best❤🙏


My grandfather just suffered a stroke and had to relearn to chew his food. He is still having trouble walking and can't use the bathroom himself.
Doctors said hes reached about as much of a recovery as he will be at.
Strokes can be devastating but i am grateful he is still here. Happy 95th birthday grandpa!


Yes my Mom had a major stroke in Nov. '16 and went from total independence to total dependence. The stroke also brought on dementia. Sadly she past away in June '21...


My mom had some mini strokes, the was diagnosed with vascular dementia.
I had taken her to the emergency a couple of times after what happened (above), but was told she suffered something else [forgot the name].
Later on in time she siffer a significant stroke, six months in the hospital, and now in a residential care home. She is stuck in a wheelchair, can't walk, very little use of her right hand, and now needs to be fed.


Covid long haulers are also at extremely high risk of being misdiagnosed. I've had long Covid since 2020, inappropriate tachycardia & dysautonomia for longer. Last June I had symptoms of TIA but ignored them, stupidly, but after being gas lit by most Drs I tend to avoid them like the plague. Unfortunately the symptoms returned with me becoming mostly paralysed down my left hand side including left side facial droop. I did go to hospital but because micro clots do not show up on a standard blood test & they refused to use contrast for CT despite me repeatedly explaining that micro clots won't show up. Long story short they diagnosed me with FND with no further testing & I was sent home with no treatment, no follow up, unable to move my left hand side very much at all. I was told not to use any walking aids - so I fell multiple times a day or dragged myself around using my right side. I am still waiting for a second opinion nearly a year on. I have funded my own neurophysiotherapy, after extensive research I decided to do 6 months protocol of natokinase, lumbrokinase & serrapeptase with aspirin. There are many papers that are finding clots on PM, both stroke & pulmonary embolism in long Covid patients that have been 'treated' in hospital & then sent home to die because the standard blood test did not find the clots. My Neurophysiotherapist & my long Covid practitioner (who previously worked with neuro rehab) both believe that I've had a stroke & not FND. I'm fortunate that 15 years as a biomedical scientist has meant I am able to do my own research & find reputable treatments myself. A year on I've had 0 treatment from the NHS, 0 support from my Dr. I've made some progress but still need a power wheelchair to get about outside & help with daily tasks. I missed out on the key 6 weeks treatment all because hospital drs were closed minded & preferred to gas light me rather than listen to what I was saying. I have written this very long reply (apologies) to raise awareness. If I can only get 1 Dr to think again when faced with a negative test but classic symptoms. Or 1 patient to really push for further tests then it's worth it. Covid long haulers are dying & being left with further disabilities & it needs to stop.


I've been going to the doctor all my adult life every 3-6 months, taking BP meds for 30 years, now I have AFIB. Why didn't my doctor treat the underlying cause of high blood pressure instead of waiting for AFIB? Now I'm in danger of a stroke and a heart attack and on a blood thinner, which makes me feel terrible. My doctor nor cardiologist has ever mentioned diet and the Cardiologist has never mentioned diet, exercising or sleep! Just pills, pills, pills that tired me out, makes me dizzy and unable to sleep, @ $300 a clip!


My uncle had COVID & then a stroke due to blood clot in the brain. He had earlier survived a stroke some years back but second stroke killed him.


My brother had a stroke and was taken to hospital but had another a week later and died. He was only 49.


Just happened.Twisted mouth. Terrified


I am not, healthy even though I eat a clean (organic) diet. But I did add vit e to my diet. A certain kind of vit e. Toco sorb.


Then why is there limited follow up after a stroke in the UK? You need help long-term. There are clinics for monitoring of asthma etc why not all the issues that arrive well after the stroke? Stroke nurses as the hospital has? I have found, unlike other countries, we are dumped in GPS that have minimal knowledge of strokes. In fact, we are disuaded from asking to see a neuro, cardio etc and asking about cardioversion, ablation and Watchman is Evidently the word they avoid is ..costly! Big pharma is always their answer. You look on the net, and you see poor countries giving a better service. Physios working with patients in the gym would help instead of handing out worksheets. Psycho help in my county is only for the suicide risks 😳🤷🏻


Thank you for taking time to inform us.🤗


Don't drink n don't be greedy. Don't even think of taking revange. Dementia


Why would a 13 year old have a stroke?


You are always my cardiovascular go to. Whilst I m Uber health conscious, my entire family barely acknowledge the importance of diet and exercise in relation to. God knows what awaits them physically. Your soothing tones are a wonderful complement. 😁
