#10 Login Register Authentication in React Native with Node JS, Express JS and Mongo DB ||#mernstack

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Hello guys,
In this video I have focused on making our login and register page functional. In this video I have made register api and made our register page functional. In the next video I will focus on login.
If you are facing any issue then let me know in comments.
0:00 - Introduction / Demo
1:47 - Setup Node JS
3:05 - Install Express
3:40 - First API
7:53 - Integrate Mongo DB
10:53 - Create Register API
17:15 - Call API from React JS
22:00 - Encrypt Password
22:57 - Handle Response in React JS
Thank You.
In this video I have focused on making our login and register page functional. In this video I have made register api and made our register page functional. In the next video I will focus on login.
If you are facing any issue then let me know in comments.
0:00 - Introduction / Demo
1:47 - Setup Node JS
3:05 - Install Express
3:40 - First API
7:53 - Integrate Mongo DB
10:53 - Create Register API
17:15 - Call API from React JS
22:00 - Encrypt Password
22:57 - Handle Response in React JS
Thank You.
#10 Login Register Authentication in React Native with Node JS, Express JS and Mongo DB ||#mernstack
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