Was THOTH the Master Architect of Atlantis?

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Born in the Middle East and sent to Atlantis to help organize their civilization, Djehuty was one of the most important architects of the Atlantean era. He became known as Thoth to the Egyptians and Hermes Trismegistus to the Greeks. Working with the people of Sirius he designed and helped to build the temples along the Nile, in accordance with the sacred geometry codes of the universe, to create the path of enlightenment.

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Matias one of the most honest, truthful and guide to humanity speaking the truth like we have never heard before❤🙏 Thank you Matias for all you do and for who you are


LOKAH SAMASTAH SUKHINO BHAVANTU is a Sanskrit phrase that translates to "may all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts words and actions of my own life contribute in some way towards that happiness and freedom for all" 💚👽🛸😻🐶🐄🐷🐔🐳🐬🦜🦚🍀🍄🌎


I gratefully found Gaia in my search for Thoth. Flower Of Life. Drunvalo Melchizedek.


Drunvalo Melchizedek said Thoth was called Chiquetet Arlich Vomalites and he was brown skinned with height less around 5 feet. His hair was black with black eyes also.. Simply, he looked like a Native American... It's baffling how spiritualists keep on contradicting each other concerning these figures..


Wow, so grateful for these teachings! The whole series on Gaia is mind blowing!


According to Edgar Cayce, Hermes was the architect of the Great Pyramid. Building it, as Matías has mentioned before, was done by singing and vibrating the limestone to move, so he wasn't the builder, that was done by everyone, but it took 100 years approximately to construct it. He was a human descendant from the Blue Arcturians, so he was the priest that would live the longest in order to prepare the people for ages, hence Hermes Trismegistus, thrice great.


In Hebrew Thoth was known as Enoch, per Edgar Cayce.
Loved your video.


I used to joke with God how ancient He is and then He taught me how ancient my soul is before all of my many reincarnations. To imagine how ancient I truly am, and other ancients of Lemuria, is well, I still can't get my human mind around it. But this was so so interesting to hear. We once were blue avatars legitimately. I love that! 💙 Thanks for all of this information. So awesome to learn these things. I learned this truth about me during a Kundalini awakening last year. It still amazes me.


Granted, he *is* a shapeshifter, but I've never seen Thoth without a full head of hair (excluding the ibis-headed form, obviously, then it's a full head of elaborate feathers). And he would NEVER wear that ugly outfit lol. God of wisdom, magic, and secretly, **fashion** (and comedy, but that's not such a big secret).

Thoth is waaaay too otherworldly, and he's had many incarnations, and now he's a being made of pure light. You can't really box a mega-ancient, extradimensional ascended master into any particular skin color or race.

Although I will say that the lack of POC in old Egypt is definitely gross, and Djehuty/Thoth definitely wasn't some scrawny bald white dude during this era. Looks like crappy cell phone game avatars or something...This show is kind of a mess tbh. Unwatchable on multiple levels.


I believe we met in Egypt at that time. I have the same visions and feelings as you. How about creating a group of people like you and me to discover more about ourselves. There is so much to learn and share in this life!!!!


Thoth, Teacher of abundant knowledge. See'er of See'er's, King of Kings. Son of Anu Elohem. Brother to Arthuro Elohem, brother unto Princess Nikkikurga Elohem. Brother to the betrayer of Source Enlil Elohem. King Enkidu Elohem, "Thoth" Annunaki.King Enkidu and Princess Nikkikurga creators of humans. " Let us create man in our image". Is it possible they are present this day the age of Enlightement in human form? Yes. Indeed it is possible. They are indeed present in human form. Soon these things shalt be revealed unto all. Nothing relative to religons of man. Awaken Source energies. Enlightenment is now.


Bring back the ancient teachings, they represent so much truth, and knowledge.


Lieber Mathias, ich wollte Ihnen🍀🌈🪷🌈 hier einmal von ganzem Herzen für Dein unerschöpflisches Wissen, was Du selbstlos und von Herzen mit uns teilst, was sich für mich wahr und richtig mit dem Herzen anfühlt, danken. Denn nur mit dem Herzen "sehen" ist richtig. Vielen Dank dass Sie uns helfen wollen, die Erde und uns wieder in Harmonie zu bringen!!! Alles liebe für Sie auch persönlich. Herzlichst Conny


I Love Thoth!!!! Great Initiation from the Emerald Tablets💚💚💚✨✨✨


IT is always there, it only appeared when i needed it most.
Gratitude 🙏🏾 light and love.


Not to be a Debbie downer, but Thoth did state in his emerald tablets that he was not from a Star race, also known as a Children of light. You may refer to Emerald Tablet 2 for that, and Emerald tablet 3. He had to learn everything he knew from the 7 Lords of Amenti. So Thoth was not like Isis and Osiris.


I enjoy how Matias teaches. I seem to retain alot in my memory of what he says, even if I don't yet quite understand the meaning or importance
of the depth of what he's saying. Then when I do get it, (or part of it, lol), it's easier to fit the pieces together, from the way he explains it. Much love, light + gratitude to all of you there, from all of us here. ❤️😘


I would love to have this exact thing broadcasted around the world


Amazing 😍 I love the ancient teachings ♥


4:33 if you played assassin's creed you know all this and more
