The First Goths

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We will upload videos with historical content, the subjects will be from ancient times until early modern times, we will be mainly focusing on important kings, emperors, generals and tribes.

This video covers the story of the First Gothic tribes that made their way in to the Roman empire in the first centuries AD, their epic journey is filled with battles, raids and interaction with other civilisations. In the next parts we are going to talk about the different paths of the Visigoths and the Ostrogths, as they succeeded the first Goths after the invasion of the Huns. I hope you enjoy the video. Feel free to subscribe, more videos are coming soon!

1:43 - Correction 'Greuthungi' = Gruethungi
6:44 - Red color = Eastern Roman Empire
Orange color = Western Roman Empire

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Hello everyone! Regarding the comment I made about the Scandinavian origin of the Goths, I said it is ''hardly believable'', that was a wrong choice of words. What I meant to say was that we are not 100% sure yet if their culture started developing in:
1) Scandinavia,
2) The region of today's border between Poland and Germany
3) The Vistula river in Central Poland
Of course, since the Goths were a Germanic tribe, their ancestors in the Bronze Age lived in Scandinavia. However, during the Iron Age the Germanic tribes expanded further south developing many new different sub-cultures. The Romans began mentioning the Goths in their texts around the 3rd century A.D. so it is difficult to know if they crossed the Baltic Sea at that time or if their culture developed within the region of the Bronze Age southern Germanic cultures.


Rome: You took everything from me.
Goths: I don't even know who you are

Celts: [thumbs up in the background]


Just discovered your work. I'm not sure why I haven't heard of you before. Perhaps I was only awaiting very fascinating, well produced video.
Well, I'm here now and subscribed.
Keep doing what you're doing, we salute you.


In the oral tradition Wisigoths and Ostogroths described themselves as coming from Gaut, their main god, father of both branches. We have gothic sources in latin and even latin sources that talk about the origins of the Goths, the most known goth writer is Jordanes, inspired by Cassiodorus, they talk about 'Scandza' or 'Scandia' to describe Scandinavia (see Orosius, another writer). They retrace the goths to Gotland and Öland in Scandinavia, "Gotaland" (Goth land) which gave Catalunya, it's Gothia Nuevo, the new Goth or the new Goth land. Just like we would say the new world for the americas.

(Also see Strabon and Tacitus)

There's still stuff to be researched and digged up, but we have pretty good feedback from most writers and from etymology study.


Imma support this channel so bloody HARD!


The way the goths attacked the Roman Empire seems to be just a continuation of the Geto-Dacian style of war. Almost every year, the southern Danube Roman province Moesia was plundered by Dacians, especially during the winters when the river's waters were frozen. Also, the scorched earth tactic was used by Romanians against Ottomans many times starting with the 14th centuries. I feel somehow that the history of Dacians did not end with the defeat from 106. According to the modern history Dacians simply vanished and this is weird.


New genetic evidence proves they have thier origins in Scandinavia


As I have been binge-watching your videos all afternoon, you’re probably sick of me telling you over and over again how wonderful they are, but it’s true. I subscribed halfway through the first one I watched.


I'm half gothic, but also quarter white berber and quarter black berber, I look like a lightskin Ethiopian


While there may not be a sign in Scandinavia that says Goths started here, you can be sure that an elite core of the tribe probably did in fact emigrate from Southern Scandinavia, maybe even Gotland. Yeah they picked up people along the way but certainly their origin was as their legends state.


I was taught that the Goths probably all came from the Baltic island Gota. The only hardly believable thing about this is that the Goths were so numerous, it’s hard to imagine such a large group, spreading almost all over Europe, coming from a single, not very large, island.


Still trying to convince my wife to name our firstborn Alaric or Theodoric


I don't think it's hard to believe they came from Scandinavia and Sweden.


The first goths were thracians and were from Balkans. They live in territories around river Dunabe.

According to greeks (famous greek writers and historicians ) goths know too as Geths are thracians that speak thracian language and have the same culture and thraditions like other thracians!


Very good information 😉☺️😃😜🙂😃😉☺️😃😉☺️😃😃😸😃


So let me get this straight, the goths took over Dacia, Italia and Hispania. So can Romanians, Italians and Spaniards claim a part of their descent from them?


I am also gath(jats)
From india
They are saka saithian people in
In india
We came here 100b.c. in india
From capsion sea to bactriya
After india
Saka era clander authorised by govt of India 1942 is running


It's "hardly believable" 0:20

We say Asiatic tribesmen walked a landbridge across Russia into modern-day Alaska or sailed down along the coast of North America as far as California, yet those same experts who accept this deny that the Germanic peoples happened to come from Scandinavian isles and cross a Baltic Sea that was something like as large as the territory those Asiatics had covered - even when everything already points to the Goths coming from Scandinavia (genealogy via Haplogroup Q, language, historical accounts). "Nope, didn't happen" LOL.

Basically this is like the opposite of the big H-o-caust: rather than accepting historiography as truth no matter what contradicts it, we are rejecting historiography as truth regardless of all that affirms it. The hangup seems to be not a fact itself, but that people don't like the Scandi connection because it seems "too Nazi" for there to be a link between the Germanic world and the Scandinavian one, since it is something that was part of Nazi folklore. Heaven forbid one develops an interest in symbols, runes and sagas that were all part of the armory of iconography under Captain Hitler, especially as any sort of understanding and identity other than "hominid" could result in people seeing themselves as something uniquely "northern" and being against letting in infinite African migrants. Actually you'd think under the circumstances the powers that be would actually be emphasizing that the Germanic/Northern peoples were from Scandinavia so as to emphasize that they were migrants themselves once, too. But I guess it's hard to backtrack once you have your foot dug in and invested in the "we must negate whatever the Nazis said" strategy. So tired of the psychosis. Aren't your "experts" the same people who laughed at the Nazis digging in the Middle East and Asia looking for the roots of Caucasians, only to now claim those ideas as their own? Again, not historians. Nazi-negationists. Our new religion.


There is both genetic, linguistic, and archeological evidence of Scandinavian origin. Their Scandinavian origins are not conclusive you mean?


I'd rather be dead than be a goth
