TALLNECK Machine Spotlight - Horizon Forbidden West

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The Tallneck is one of the 21 machines returning in Horizon Forbidden West, initially introduced in Horizon Zero Dawn. In this installment of Machine Spotlight, I cover everything you need to know about the Tallneck!

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Could you imagine if an apex tall neck was just…taller?


Can anyone else agree that the Tallneck is just a Divine Beast (this is a good thing)


I would love to see a boss fight of a Tallneck in the nest installment of the horizon franchise. It could be an empire strikes back like fight, where you have to attempt to trip it to actually deal damage to it. While other machines are running around trying to kill you as well. That would be awesome

Great video!


The machines not in forbidden west is strider broadhead watcher trampler sawtooth deathbringer and control tower


The Tallneck has a force shield like in Starwars 🤣💪🛡🤣


Awesome machine spotlight Noxious 👌 the Tallneck is still one of the most stunning machines to see. If only we could override it and set it to aggressive 😂


I really like the tallneck it's such an amazing and majestic machine, although I thought you weren't going to make a machine spotlight on the tallneck, but it was a pleasant surprise non the less!


I think that in a DLC or the next game, Heaphestus should weaponise and strengthen a tallneck or a few, making the tall neck able to create electro-magentic pulses from it's hooves and it's head, also being able to kick backwards, pushing massive amounts of land towards Aloy, perhaps giving it a few weapons underneath its disk head. and Apex version of a tallneck would be cool as well, perhaps the regular weaponised tallneck could be a level 50 / 80 then the Apex Tallneck could be a Level 100 / 130 making it very difficult to kill! but if killed, it could drop part that activate its shield, or it's radar to be made into a machine lure to lure many machines to it. the lure could also be attached to a bomb to then detanate machines arounnd it or to direct machines away from settlments (or if your crazy like me, towards settlments). you could also override a tallneck and mount it or go through a side quest chain to get additions to your tallceck like, guns, small bases on it with balistas, on it's back a station to put machine carcases, to then salvage with a possible new merchant in a DLC / new game. you could also use the magestic machine for comabt, using its possibly unlimited array of attacks to fight large machines like, slaughterspines, thunderjaws or even a Rebel

These are a few ideas for the Tallneck in future DLC's or games!


Heh, an unexpected but welcome episode! Also can’t wait for the stalker episode, it’s my favorite machine from the first game


If they ever make an apex variant, I want it to be a boss monster. Full stop, all geared up, max armored juggernaut. Bigger and stronger, with every footstep alone being an AOE attack, never mind when it actually attacks Aloy. All the antenna replaced with turrets, with the EMP from overriding lesser tallnecks being modified into a massive stun-bomb. Radar disk made into either a blade or a battering ram, and finally... a tail. A massive, air-splicing, thunder-clapping, ground-shattering, water-boiling, iron-cleaving, man-liquifying tail.


Whoa hold “weaponize a tall neck”???
How do you kill that 😂


Remember when tallnecks used to be Killable in zero dawn but they removed it



I apologize for being quiet for so long. Long story short, I had some things to do with the university, but it's all settled now.

Ahh, Tallneck. The greatest (and most majestic) of machines. I'll admit that in both games I made a few attempts to wound these machines with practically every possible weapon, with the exception of those obtained from other machines. I simply didn't want to attack a Thunderjaw or Thremortusk just to shoot off their weapons and drag my ass to TallNeck, bypassing the other machines. Anyway, never managed to damage these giants (the one at Las Vegas doesn't count). I felt sorry for all that lost ammunition, especially in FW, where I had already run out of metal shards a few times and couldn't make up arrows.

It's nice that they added more physics in FW and now Tallneck can step on you, even if it costs you HP. I sometimes use this on enemy machines.

Honestly, the idea that Hephaestus will arm Tallneck is both interesting and a bit scary. I mean, how the hell would we even fight such a damn thing? If such an ArmorNeck (a name invented on the fly) appears it's either only in main/sideline missions or in places with lots of traps. The idea of a weapon capable of destroying TallNecks falls away in my opinion, since players would probably arrange a hunting season for normal TallNecks.

In all seriousness, I did not expect you to make material about them. Rather, I expected you to serve us material about Deathbringer. I'm not complaining, but I was completely surprised.

But let's get back to the point!

"TallNeck" in Polish game is called "Żyraf" which comes from the word "Żyrafa"🦒 which means "Giraffe"🦒 in English. To be completely honest, I have no idea how to translate the word "Żyraf" word-for-word into English. It seems to me that it would be "Giraff" or "Gira" or something similar, but this is solely my guess, so I could be wrong (and I probably am).

Translating "TallNeck" literally into Polish we get "Wysoka Szyja" which is literally "Tall Neck" in English.

PS. Congratulations on your fortieth machine spotlight🥳. I've been waiting for it for a long time, as I was also preparing something special.

👇 😊👇Check down below 👇😊👇

"Noxious Asp" when translated into Polish means "Toksyczna Żmija" (Toxic Viper) or "Trująca Żmija" (Poisonous Viper), among others.

"Noxious" in Polish means "Szkodliwy" (Harmful) or "Niezdrowy" (Unhealthy).

"Asp" itself is one of the common names for "Vipera Aspis" which means "Żmija Żebrowana" in Polish.


Did I not tell you? That the tallneck was the machine? Btw, I think the ability of the Apex tallneck would be to attack you, which would seem off as it will consume most of the map. Also, there are land-god plowhorns, and they too are indestructible.


good work as always, I thought THIS were the spotlight about the stalker lol


Imagine if we get to fight those machines. Have you seen how Giraffes kill lions or how they fight against each other in real life?


3:35-3:52 The end is my favourite where you can get 2 trophies 🏆 at once aka first Tallneck overridden and first cauldron complete!❤ The sunrise as well! ❤


The first timei sae a Tallneck i did not want to approach it i was affraid to fight it lol


the first time i play horizon zero dawn, i thought this machine was hostile. The sounds it walking and the vibration on the controller in my hands while it walk nearby me make me really terrified.


i override all of them now except shining waste it was not on the quest bruh
