How to Build and Deploy an app on Kubernetes by GitLab ci cd pipeline

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CI CD pipeline is used for quick and efficient delivery of an application to its consumers. So, In this "How To" presentation I demonstrate how to create a #gitlab CI/CD #pipeline that uses a #Gitlab-Runner to build and push images to GITLAB #container registry and we will learn how to connect an existing #kubernetes Cluster to GitLab and How to deploy applications on cluster using CI/CD tunnel
If you are using GitLab self-managed instance, You need to enable GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server (KAS) from GitLab configuration using below step.
gitlab_kas['enable'] = true
Restart or re-configure GitLab.
All Files related to this Project: (1-K8S-CICD folder)
#kubernetes #gitlab #gitlab-runner # gitlab # build #deploy #ci cd pipeline #gitlab ci cd tutorial #gitlab tutorial #pipeline #devops ci cd pipeline
If you are using GitLab self-managed instance, You need to enable GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server (KAS) from GitLab configuration using below step.
gitlab_kas['enable'] = true
Restart or re-configure GitLab.
All Files related to this Project: (1-K8S-CICD folder)
#kubernetes #gitlab #gitlab-runner # gitlab # build #deploy #ci cd pipeline #gitlab ci cd tutorial #gitlab tutorial #pipeline #devops ci cd pipeline
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