Огромный Ростовой цветок своими руками. A huge growth flower with your own hands.
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Приветствую на канале Цветы своими руками. Сегодня буду проводить видео мастер класс по огромному ростовому цветку. И каждый кто хочет сможет сделать его своими руками. Для цветка я использовала гофрированную бумагу, пластиковую бутылку, металлопластиковую трубу, клеевой пистолет. Цветок смотрится просто шикарно, но при этом очень прост в производстве и любой даже ребенок справится с ним. В своих работах я стараюсь использовать материалы, которые уже были в эксплуатации. Трубы, пластиковые бутылки, обрезки бумаги. Только нежные лепестки цветов создаются из новой гофрированной бумаги. Для меня важно знать, что мое хобби не загрязняет планету. Мои цветы создаются на радость и удивление людям. Я люблю создавать хорошее настроение и вызывать восхищение. За несколько лет работы мои огромные ростовые цветы много раз оформляли свадьбы, юбилеи, дни рождения. Я относила свои цветы в онкологические центры, что бы порадовать больных, Моими цветами украшали школьные выпускные, церковные службы, детские и городские праздники. Присоединяйтесь ко мне, давайте вместе делать мир ярче, лучше добрее.
Greetings to the channel Flowers with your own hands. Today I will conduct a video master class on a huge growth flower. And everyone who wants to be able to make it with their own hands. For the flower, I used corrugated paper, a plastic bottle, a plastic pipe, a glue gun. The flower looks just gorgeous, but at the same time it is very easy to manufacture and even a child can handle it. In my works, I try to use materials that have already been used. Pipes, plastic bottles, paper scraps. Only delicate flower petals are created from new corrugated paper. It is important for me to know that my hobby does not pollute the planet. My flowers are created to delight and surprise people. I like to create a good mood and arouse admiration. For several years of work, my huge growth flowers have decorated weddings, anniversaries, birthdays many times. I took my flowers to oncological centers to please the sick. School graduations, church services, children's and city holidays were decorated with my flowers. Join me, let's make the world brighter, better kinder together.
(The text has been translated through a translator, the translation may not be accurate).
Greetings to the channel Flowers with your own hands. Today I will conduct a video master class on a huge growth flower. And everyone who wants to be able to make it with their own hands. For the flower, I used corrugated paper, a plastic bottle, a plastic pipe, a glue gun. The flower looks just gorgeous, but at the same time it is very easy to manufacture and even a child can handle it. In my works, I try to use materials that have already been used. Pipes, plastic bottles, paper scraps. Only delicate flower petals are created from new corrugated paper. It is important for me to know that my hobby does not pollute the planet. My flowers are created to delight and surprise people. I like to create a good mood and arouse admiration. For several years of work, my huge growth flowers have decorated weddings, anniversaries, birthdays many times. I took my flowers to oncological centers to please the sick. School graduations, church services, children's and city holidays were decorated with my flowers. Join me, let's make the world brighter, better kinder together.
(The text has been translated through a translator, the translation may not be accurate).