SD Card module with arduino Tutorial - Create, open, delete files and data logger

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This is tutorial how to use SD Card module with arduino. We can create, open, and delete files.We also examine how to use the SD card to store data from arduino or arduino data logger.

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Music: Travel - AShamaluevMusic.
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thanks ! How to use data on SD, i have problem when I read it again it is always numbers which is different from the data i had save before ( text data)


I want to read first line from sd card and delete it . After that second line other lines should be shifted .Please help me in logic and commands


Thanks to you but can you make one for fetching timetable from sd Card and display on going sessions on lcd at particular time


why my sd card till fail to analyze after put into the slot? it is necessary to use 32gb sd card?


Hello Sir!
How should i read the last line of my sd card data while using ardunio


I got this error even after following you :
Initializing SD card...initialization failed. Things to check:
* is a card inserted?
* is your wiring correct?
* did you change the chip-select pin to match your shield or module?


Dear Sir. Can you help me, please?

I need to know, how to open(read) a file without need to wrote the file name on the skecthe.

For example, in my SD card, I have a txt file with any name. I want to open this file, regardless of the filename, only by the file extension. I am trying to build a hardware, that writes binary files to an EEPROM chip. If I don't get this, I will have to keep renaming the files on the sketch for each different file I want to write to memory.


will arduino suppourt 16/32 gb sd cards iam trying its two days but always showing sd card intialization failed
i tried with esp8266 also there also showing same error .. id ont have 4gb or 2 gb sdcards...connnections jumpers are correct


thanks for the tutorial, I try this and try to re-open manually from my pc, but the file goes corrupt, how can I make the file became available and then delete and insert it again into the same name file? thanks before


It says my card isn’t formatted what do I do


I dont know why, but my SSD1306 display doesnt work after I add SD library to my code. I wanted to make a GPS datalogger.


After checking the card info :
Initializing SD card...Wiring is correct and a card is present.
After upload Read Write code:
error opening test.txt
Gimana nih bro solusinya, thx


me gusto su video y bien explicado, pero déjeme plantearle algo a ver si usted me ayuda o le sirve como pie para un video nuevo.Yo descargué el software JINX, vay usted ha oodo hablar de este software, con el se hacen animaciones que luego se guardan en una targeta sd, en los videos que yo he visto sobre este software te enseñan hacer las animaciones y como guardarla en una targeta para que luego sea leída por un arduino nano, uno, o mega, pero que pasa que no te hablan del código que debes descargar en el arduino para que te lea las animaciónes que grabaste en la sd y enviarla a una matrix de led.Seria usted tan amable de orientarme donde buscar un código para programar el arduino y este me pueda leer las animaciones que hay en la memoria sd, le repito animaciones que grabe del software JINX.
