“Parent Hack” how to help boy toddler use public restrooms

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Alright, so I've been a stay at home dad for a solid 7 years and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I'm always creating my own tricks that my wife compliments along with many other parents. My wife took our son to the library one day and was sharing with me her struggle of helping him use a public restroom. Our son insisted on standing to pee, but wasn’t tall enough to reach the toilet. She was telling me how thankful she was to find a small step stool in the library bathroom so that she didn’t have to hold him up in an awkward position like she had done before. I showed her my hack and how I just have our son stand on my feet so that he can reach better. She was so impressed and I was shocked that she and others didn’t already know this. We started telling other parents and I made a video to share this hack. I've never seen anyone do this and I started doing it without even thinking twice. So as far as I'm aware It's my hack👍😃😊

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Many people underestimate the challenges I of being a stay at home parent but I can tell you it is difficult and challenging at times.

I do all of the house duties including cook, keep the house very clean, laundry, shopping and I work very hard to educate and raise my children in a positive and happy environment.

Also did I mention I'm a Lead foreman for a contracting company? I work very hard at both of my jobs and I make a point to put my family first in every aspect of my life.

🍻Cheers to all of you hard working parents. May you all stay blessed!!!

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This video is 5 years old. And I'm glad I found it. Because I'm single mom struggling with my son when we go out to public places. I appreciate you 🙏


When my 25 year old son was young. I used to bring a cup or keep a ziplock bag. He would not go if both feet was not on the floor.


Hopefully my son can cooperate with this example. I wouldn’t want to take his toilet everywhere I go, haha Thank you!


There are schools that train boys to sit and tuck because its more sanitary. You can use toilet covers to avoid any body parts touching the toilet. And it shouldn't be considered embarrassing or shameful if any boys do do it this way.


My dad used the cradle on me. I was surprised that you included it.


It is hard when they are not tall enough but is getting heavier lol ...
Thank you for showing us the trick


This is exactly what I was looking for so thank you !!


"We're just teaching boys to sit to pee and it is embarrassing" wdym???


I'm taking my son to the zoo tomorrow thanks for the advice!!!


Good tip! Just have to make sure I'm not wearing nice shoes.


THANK i´ve been trying to figure this out for a long time!


Thank you sooo MUCH I have 3 boys Cody and CARTER are two there twins
And Levi is 3 out of training

But if been trying to find something to help since my husband is in the military he can't take Cody and Carter to the restroom and help them so I have to go in the boys I also still help Levi pulling his pants down and up
And finding the is helps cause it's so embarrassing when someone sees you holding your child above the toilet so this helps thanks


I guess theres no way to avoiding My phone son from his legs touching the public restroom. He doesn't want to sit but pee like a big boy. And I am always grossed out lol someone recommended bringing Clorox wipes but sometimes there are emergencies . Thanks for the tips


this helps me because I have bad aim and I wipe after I wee


My son would pee some on the toilet but then he would always end up wetting himself. Any advice?


I’m confused as to why my son won’t get into his preschool? He’s 3 and they’re saying he ha so to go potty all by himself with no help and they don’t accept kids who wear diapers. Here my issue, my boy is too short like in this video portrays so he needs help reaching a regular toilet. My son can’t reach it! He uses a training urinal here at home. He’s potty trained but I do need to help him but he knows how to do it. That kid looks about 3 so i’m just irritated at his preschool because they won’t let him learn because he’s too short to reach a regular toilet? that doesn’t make sense to me at all. my concern is how to i teach him to go all by him in a regular toilet when he physically can’t reach it?!? It’s just dumb. Not calling this video dumb just the preschool


Was it hard my two year old son don't like to use public


What if he has to poop. I have twin toddler boys this is going to be interesting for me. Clearly I have no idea what I’m doing because I just hovered my son over potty girl squat style and aimed his pee pee down with a tissue -_- and potty training gives my husband anxiety so he has no idea either . Help!


by brother levi is only 5 and trying to get to potty train


Hello everyone, I have noticed that I’ve received some dislikes on my video and I was curious to why, I’m hoping that I have not offended anyone. Maybe the ones who have disliked my video don’t see my humor in this manner or you don’t like people stepping on your shoes. I make a choice every time I take my son to a public restroom and I much rather allow home to step on my shoes then to touch any body parts on any kind of toilet.
