How to run your small business like The Rock with Ramit Sethi

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The Rock’s probably the most likable guy ever. Not only was he a fantastic pro wrestler, but he also has established himself as an actor and an all around awesome person. AND he can teach you all you need to know about being an entrepreneur. In fact, there are 3 different things the Rock does that you should start doing with your online business.

First, he’s down to earth. The Rock’s an incredibly authentic person and he knows exactly who he is. Instead of hiding from the fact that he’s this huge muscular person (and potentially scary), he leans into it and people LOVE him for it. Check out his movie roles. Whether you’re writing on your blog or crafting an email, you can’t be someone you’re not. Your audience can pick up on inauthenticity and you’ll turn them off from your business. Instead, do what the Rock does and be yourself. Add a joke in an email even though you might be the only one who finds it funny. Write a blog post about a topic you find really interesting. I like talking about hot sauce so I blogged about it once. Whatever. This authenticity will make you more likable and people will be more drawn to you. Hell, the Rock once got into an accident with someone and they became his fan afterwards! And it was all because he’s a very down-to-earth guy.

Next, he’s a Top Performer. As an entrepreneur, you need to be a Top Performer. This means being the best in your field and being diligent about building your business and developing your craft. The Rock works tirelessly to be a multi-talented entertainer. In Moana, he sang songs. In the gym, he’s constantly pushing himself to sculpt the perfect physique. And he’s in a TON of movies every year. That’s not even mentioning the fact that he’s the wonderful father of two kids. Much like the Rock, you need to be a Top Performer too. That means making the sacrifices and putting in the hustle necessary to make your business great.

The other thing I love about The Rock is how much he engages with his audience. I mean, look at this picture. A fan literally stopped in the middle of traffic. Most celebrities would hide under a hat and sunglasses and say “screw you weirdo, leave me alone I’ve got somewhere to be.” But the Rock pulls over to the side of the road to take a SELFIE with him! He LOVES his fans, and because of that they love him back. Look, you start a business because you want to help people. You can’t do that unless you get close to them and deeply understand their hopes and fears. That’s why, even though I get thousands of emails a day, I read them all! It’s that extra personal touch that helps you build fans for life.

The point is, you don’t always have to look inside your own industry for inspiration for your business. The Rock is just one example. Now we want to hear from you. Who’s one person outside of your industry who you could look to for lessons on how to grow your business? Share it in the comments below. Thanks for watching!


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Great Ramit....You may add some background music...It helps.


I‘m taking advice from you and a shitton of other people that are not in the music business through books, podcasts and online video. 👏🏻


Awesome set of videos. This is a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at creating a video. Thinking outside of my industry (eg: pop-culture examples) illustrates the creativity I am often lacking when I'm focused on the tactical and practical. --- I took some time to think about your CTA. Someone outside of my industry I use as an example is Rob Bell. He is controversial for many in his industry, yet he's drawn a huge following by staying authentic to himself and his beliefs.


Am your biggest fan Remit. Thanks for starting this channel.


Currently I am mainly taking advice from you and also from Jordan Peterson who is not really into business but into psychology. But he also is about really speaking your truth as your highest priority (in life in general and as a kind of duty for society) and deeply knowing your stuff gained by honing your skills and abilities of critical thinking (he thinks the best way to do this is by writing which perfectly overlaps with writing a blog ;-) )


I hate both videos. Here’s why: they seem to be copying what everyone else on YouTube is doing. Both these videos aren’t “authentic Ramit.” Just look how much more engaging Ramit is in the “business teardown” videos.
He’s much more passionate when he talks about a friend’s business or a product he personally bought.

In contrast, he’s just not smelling what The Rock is cooking.

Ramit is great as “Oprah for people who want to succeed at business.” By that, I mean he talks to (or for) real people and helps them through their real challenges. And he sprinkles in interviews with experts and his real life experiences.

In no way do these “pop culture” inspired videos match the value provided in Ramit’s videos like “The Briefcase Technique” and “Small Talk Hacks.” Not even close!

I know Ramit took great pains to build the best team. I know the team is talented and passionate. However, it feels like you folks are focused on attracting more and more eyes. But the irony is it seems to me that there is a direct correlation between the value provided in Ramit’s videos and the view count.
