What if GANDALF TRAINED Anakin Skywalker

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What if Gandalf TRAINED Anakin Skywalker? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

As Qui-Gon-Jinn prepares to depart for Naboo, he sits down underneath the Great Tree in the Jedi Temple to meditate. He takes deep breaths and feels a familiar presence as the image of Gandalf materializes. The old wizard smiles but notices the worry on the Jedi Master’s face.

Gandalf: What is the matter, my friend? You look almost as old as me.

Qui-Gon: Events are moving in the galaxy quickly and I fear the Jedi can no longer keep up.

He explains everything that's been happening, the invasion of Naboo, the return of the Sith, and Anakin.

Qui-Gon: This boy has more power than I’ve ever seen. I believe he is the Chosen One. And yet, with everything happening I fear that I will not be able to protect him alone.

Gandalf: You aren’t alone, my friend. If you fear the happenings of this galaxy, then perhaps it is time to get away from that. Allow me to shelter the boy. I shall train him and keep him safe alongside you.

Qui-Gon and Gandalf agree that means Anakin cannot be trained like any other Jedi and that the two of them together can help forge him into the Chosen One.

As Qui-Gon and the others depart, he makes a stop in Arda, a remote planet in Wild Space. At first, Anakin and the others are shocked to see this place and that Qui-Gon means to leave him there, but the Jedi places a hand on his shoulder.

Qui-Gon: I know this seems cruel but I sense a great darkness approaching so I send you here to protect you. But mark my words, I shall return.

As Anakin leaves the ship, a kindly-looking man approaches them and smiles, introducing himself as Gandalf. He allows Anakin to live with him in his home while Qui-Gon completes his mission.

One of the first things he learns is that despite Gandalf’s appearance as a normal human, he is a Maiar, a primordial spirit deeply connected to the Force. This allows him to harness abilities that even the greatest Jedi can’t perform. Qui-Gon is one of the few Jedi Gandalf’s revealed himself to due to him following the Living Force.

While waiting for Qui-Gon, the two begin their training which radically differs from the Jedi. Rather than keep Anakin in the temple, the two spend their time traveling across Middle-Earth to meet the different races and see the natural wonders of the planet. Aside from admitting the beauty, Gandalf teaches Anakin to meditate on it and learn how to find the connections in all things.

Because of that, Gandalf can draw upon the world’s power. That is how he can use the Force. To prove his point, Gandalf raises his staff and slams it into the ground, unleashing a pillar of fire.

One of his most poignant lessons is when Gandalf takes Anakin to visit the elves and presents him to Legolas. Beside him, the guards escort a captured orc who thrashes and struggles under his chains.

The wizard makes Anakin look at the two and explains how the orcs were once elves who had become corrupted and their bodies twisted into their monstrous form. Anakin steps back from the orc as it lets out a thunderous bellow. Even the most heroic and pure things can be warped if not tempered and controlled.

Gandalf: That is the nature of the Force. As everything is connected, when something is corrupted, it can harm those around it. When that happens, it can throw everything out of balance.

Unfortunately, the lessons are cut short when Gandalf receives word that Qui-Gon’s ship is arriving. However, the voice who contacts him belongs to Obi-Wan. When they find the ship, Obi-Wan steps out with a haunted look and his master's lightsaber. There, Obi-Wan reveals the news, that Qui-Gon has fallen.

For Anakin, the young Jedi is intolerable and runs off into the forest. In a matter of weeks, so much has changed. He’s had to say goodbye to his mother and move to this strange world, and now his friend Qui-Gon is gone.

He’s so lost in his tears that he doesn’t notice Gandalf approaching until he sits beside him.

Gandalf: Anakin, I know the sorrow you feel. It is a natural part of life. But you must stay strong and learn from this moment.

Anakin: Qui-Gon was my friend. How can I just let go of that? How can I move on?”

Gandalf: It is not easy. I have lived many lifetimes, Anakin and it does not get easier. The gift of immortality is also its greatest curse. While I may see the world change, I must always say goodbye to my friends who cannot share this gift. I have seen friends, comrades, and loved ones come and go. But it is a part of our journey for when they depart, know that they become one with the Force.

Anakin: And the Force is in all things.

Gandalf: Exactly, my boy. He may no longer walk among us, but he remains inside you. You carry his memories, lessons, and hopes, but also his burdens. He had hoped you would bring balance to the Force. To carry on, to honor their memory by living fully and wisely, is the way we cope with loss.”
Рекомендации по теме

So Saruman finaly got the one Ring... Good for him!


Anakin: "Master Gandalf, you're late, where were you? Training was supposed to be an hour ago!"

Gandalf: "Hmm, a Wizard is never late, my boy. He arrives exactly when he is needed."


I'm surprised Gandalf didn't notice the strange resemblance Dooku bore to his old friend Saruman...


Sauron & Sidious in unison: "Do it"


No Saruman? It's outrageous. It's unfair.


I can definitely picture Anakin teaming up with the Hobbits


Not going to lie I was kind of expecting Sméagol to pop out of nowhere behind Anakin to chase after the ring as it fell into the lava


What if Dooku *became* General Grevious? Right before or during AOTC, Dooku suffers a horrific injury and is put into the same cybernetic suit originally designed for Grevious.


What if Anakin was the template for the clone army ?


What if Captain Jonathan Archer took a young Anakin Skywalker under his wing and aboard The Enterprise NX-01 after the Jedi Council refused to train him after Qui Gon's death


what if the force granted Anakin a vision where he is given a code he is willing to follow. One where he can be himself, have attachments, and emotions. The code I have in mind comes from the movie Dragonheart.
It goes:Inside the table's circle,
Under the sacred sword.
A knight must vow to follow
The code that is unending,
Unending as the table—
A ring by honor bound.

A knight is sworn to valor,
His heart knows only virtue,
His blade defends the helpless,
His might upholds the weak,
His word speaks only truth,
His wrath undoes the wicked.

The right can never die,
If one man still recalls.
The words are not forgot,
If one voice speaks them clear.
The code forever shines,
If one heart holds it bright.


Cool. Now do "What if Deadpool was in the Clone Wars"


Good vid bud. Would be interesting to see what if scarlet witch joined forces with mother Talzin?


I loved this what if that was awesome, I love how you incorporated everything from middle earth to be able to contend with the Star Wars universe


One of the best crossovers you've ever done if I do say so myself. I hope my suggestions help in the future ❤‍🔥


Maybe there's a portal between Mount Doom and Mustafar.


I trust Sidious as much as I Saruman which is not all.


What if Dooku killed Jango in front of Boba on geonosis? But Dooku does it to try to use Boba's desire for revenge to convince Boba to take it out on Sidious first by joining him and promises to give Boba a fair chance to kill him in a one on one duel after they kill Sidious.


I love Middle Earth (aka Lord of the Rings) and Star Wars cross overs.

I have been even contemplating on who would win between the Empire vs the forces of Mordor, but with a twist.

Of course what happens depends on where the narrative takes place before the real battle begins.


It's kind of funny the similarity between the force and the Ainulindale. Like both, even when corrupted, inevitably bend towards the will of its origin. With Tolkiens world that's Eru, with Star Wars the Force.
