5 Best WordPress Gallery Plugins in 2024

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Image galleries have solidified their place on the web as a popular way to showcase images, videos, products, portfolios, and more. A stunning gallery can really help your website stand out from the rest of the pack. Today we will go over the 5 Best WordPress Gallery Plugins in 2024!

We covered some great products in this video. Find them all here. 👇

Looking for other great WordPress plugins? We cover several categories of the best WordPress plugins. 👇

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#WordPress #Divi #elegantthemes

Timestamps ⏰
00:00 Intro
00:27 Envira Gallery
01:15 NextGEN Gallery
01:55 Photo Gallery by 10Web
02:25 Divi Masonry Gallery
03:00 Divi Gallery Extended
03:26 Our Favorite
04:11 Outro
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Thank you! Do you know if Envira's features include the ability to set a focal point for each image?


I hate licence / paying per year. Why there is no option to pay one time and use it for next 20 years?


Any galleries (not named Envira which was a nightmare for my site) that supports assigning URL links to each photo in a gallery? Also supports pagination and filtering?


Hi, I need a gallery that will get me more page views, like showing every photo on its own rather than in a light box, or does that make no difference? Thanx


Your video production quality is amazing. What about Elementos essential add-ons gallery plug-in?


What gallery plugin would you recommend for our website? We run a golf tournament, started 2018 up to present. we wanted to organize it by year and each year there are 12 albums in for each months tournament. It would be great if theres a free pluggin for the feature that Im looking for. thanks!


what about one that links to cloud like how you have youtube videos on your site so they are not uploaded to your server?


Thanks for your video, I have some stock photography I want to give free for people to download so I don't need flashy option, I just need a simple one so please recommend a Free plugin that suits most


NextGEN gallery can't adapt to iPhones. For the money it's rather aged, and there's no estimate of when such a common functionality will be added.


Envira was a complete disaster for my site. Would literally take forever to load the first gallery page. We are talking OVER 1 minute to load the initial page. Bottom line...totally useless.


All these suck. They dont allow in place creation of the gallery. You have to go into their interface, create gallery, then put the shortcode into the post - this is stupid.

A good gallery plugin should allow you to create the gallery right in the post without going anywhere.
