I read 174 fantasy books & these are my favourites ~TOP 10~

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I have read 174 Fantasy and Sci-Fi Books, and today I will be answering "what are my top 10 favourite fantasy books".

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If I forgot to mention anyone then it was not intentional and just an honest mistake. Please reach out if your name is missing!

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0:00 Intro
0:42 - Honourable mentions
1:38 - Book 1
2:04 - Book 2
2:40 - Book 3
3:41 - Book 4
4:58 - Book 5
5:53 - Book 6
6:42 - Book 7
7:38 - Book 8
8:21 - Book 9
9:20 - Book 10

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Thanks Johan. I am genuinely honoured to see Illborn on your top 10 list alongside such incredible books.


A Storm of Swords Book 3 in George R.R. Martin’s series A Song of Ice and Fire is arguably if not most likely Hands Down the best Fantasy Book ever written…You need to read this series…Even if no other books are finished within this series it is still and always will be the Best and Greatest Fantasy Series ever written…Yes even better than any series Brandon Sanderson has or will ever write in his lifetime…I am a fan of Brandon Sanderson mostly his Stormlight Archive series…I mean Mistborn is okay but The Stormlight Archive is Epic…My second favorite fantasy series after ASOIAF is Malazan Book of the Fallen…But ASOIAF will always be number one ALL TIME for me…


I'm pleased to see that indie books are getting a lot of love in your channel. And I'm so glad that you have finally made this list! This channel also got me to read the Liveship Traders so I'm very grateful for that.


I'm a pretty big fantasy reader and I haven't read about half of these, thanks for the recommendations!


As an author, who has only had their breakthrough in their own country, I'd be so honored to get into this kind of list! Amazing video! Fantasy is just the best!


Saw that the Dark Tower, my favorite series, made it to the list.
It made my day!


I’d add The Lies of Loch Lamora by Scott Lynch to my personal list. Incredible stand-alone book, and series.


Just wanted to come back to this video and say I read the first book of the Faithful and Fallen based on your recommendation, and absolutely loved it! Ended up reading the next three back to back as I couldn't put them down, they where so good, so thank you for the great recommendations.


So happy to see Piranesi in this list! It's a breathtaking novel, and one of my all-time favourites


One of my all-time favourite is The children of Hurin by J.R.R. Tolkien, such an amazing and emotional story.


"Piranesi" is my favorite book of all times. Love "The Sword of Kaigen" as well.


I've been waiting for you to put out this list for a while. Some really interesting choices! I feel similarly to you in that I have a lot of well-loved books that I haven't read yet, including Gwynne and Fonda Lee. An off-the-cuff list for me (following 1-book-per-series but not per-author):

Words of Radiance (Sanderson)
The Fellowship of the Ring (Tolkien)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Lewis)
Mistborn: The Final Empire (Sanderson)
Warbreaker (Sanderson)
The Crimson Campaign (McClellan)
The Broken Eye (Weeks)
Royal Assassin (Hobb)
The Shadow Rising (Jordan)
Dragon Mage (Spencer)


I've only read The Hobbit from your list, though I've started the Mistborn saga. I'm absolutely obsessed with fantasy and how some authors take world building to another level. It's just wonderful, and it's escapism at its best for me. Though there are tons of reasons to read any of these books. Thank you for the recommendations.


David gemmell Legend featuring druss is well worth a read saying that most of his books are epic


Great List - lots of new stuff for me to check out - For what it's worth I've been reading fantasy for about forty years my top 3: 1. Malazan books of the Fallen 2. Song of Ice and Fire 3. Prince of Nothing


If you liked Mistborn, you are gonna love Stormlight Archieve. Even the author himself said that SA is going to be his magnum opus once it is finished.


Try David Eddings The belgariad. Then try Raymond .E. Feist, Magician, then read all the rest.
Also Brent Weeks, Night Angel series.
I started off reading fantasy when i was 6, jackson and livingston and joe dever all choose your own adventures, it got me into reading. Followed up with LOTR when i was 10. Books open up the mind.


Ocean at the end of the lane is just gorgeous and whimsical, so glad it was mentioned!


Nice list. I recommend "the lies of locke lamora"


Great list! A Big Fantasy Author I saw missing is Brent Weeks. I recommend his Lightbringer Series. And have you read the Current King of Fantasy? Mr. GRRM Song of Ice and Fire is a must, even if you saw the show. That only adapts like 60% of his epic saga.
