Montessori Stamp Game static Multiplication

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A box containing:
Green colored stamps with the number 1 written on each one
Blue colored stamps with the number 10 written on each one
Red colored stamps with the number 100 written on each one
Green colored stamps with the number 1000 written on each on
One large green skittle
Ten small red skittles
Ten small blue skittles
Ten small green skittles
One red disc
One blue disc
One green disc
A tray with a pencil, a pencil holder, a ruler, a protector and grid paper.
Direct Purpose:
To give the child the opportunity to carry out the individual exercise for addition, subtraction, multiplication and devision.
To give the language of the operation
Introduce the sign of each operation.
To show the zero as a place holder
5, 5 1/2
A box containing:
Green colored stamps with the number 1 written on each one
Blue colored stamps with the number 10 written on each one
Red colored stamps with the number 100 written on each one
Green colored stamps with the number 1000 written on each on
One large green skittle
Ten small red skittles
Ten small blue skittles
Ten small green skittles
One red disc
One blue disc
One green disc
A tray with a pencil, a pencil holder, a ruler, a protector and grid paper.
Direct Purpose:
To give the child the opportunity to carry out the individual exercise for addition, subtraction, multiplication and devision.
To give the language of the operation
Introduce the sign of each operation.
To show the zero as a place holder
5, 5 1/2