Reaction To How America Almost Bought Canada With One Ship

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Reaction To How America Almost Bought Canada With One Ship

This is my reaction to How America Almost Bought Canada With One Ship

In this video I react to Canadian and American history and geography by looking at an interesting Canadian historical moment where USA almost bought Canada for a ship and a look at an alternate timeline if American took over Western Canada.

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Lol my fiance and i watch your channel constantly and we joke about winning the lottery and flying you, your family and another reaction channel owner @TylerBucket here to Alberta to show you our home province all the time 😂


The thing Americans have misunderstood from their inception is that Canada wanted nothing to do with their version of freedom. Even if this had happened, the Canadians would have fought against it as Canadians were fundamental different in their political beliefs. This is still very easy to see as Canadians do not want to be Americans. We're fine as friends, but we see their problems better than anyone does. We would be happy to help be more like the rest of the free world, but their version of freedom is at odds with ours. We are a socialist country, and the US will never give their misunderstanding of this type of system a chance. They are so influenced by propaganda that I fear they will never feel helping their citizens as a beneficial course.


Alternate history like alternate facts are known as bullshit.


Check out ‘Scotsman Reacts to Canadian Highland Games’.


When they made that deal they could have sweetened it by tossing in a couple hockey sticks and a few beers. I guess they weren't thinking straight at the time.


Something to note is that in the 1850s there was an idea that to balance out a hypothetical expansion into Mexico annexing Baja, Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila the US could maintain the north south divide by annexing Canada as four states, with Western Canada (eastern half of Ontario), Western Canada (Quebec and Newfoundland, which made sense given how economically tied we where at the time), New Brunswick and Acadia (Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island) that had the idea go so far as to even calculate how many electoral delegates each of these states would get.


Great video. Please remember Colter Wall. Worth a video, imo.


Watching American politics, especialy durring the Trunp pesidency, I thank God Canada is not part of the U.S.&A.


His argument is flagerantly divisive. I'm into the Greyhound.


I hope we can stay out of that dumpster fire to the south of us. This creator ends most of his alternate histories with Canada being annexed. I have stopped watching them.


This video maker's train of thought in not entirely logical or historically accurate. Too much speculation and not enough fact leads him to conclusions that are not supported by the historical record. It takes a fair bit of time, as in years and years, to ferret out the truth of these matters. I don't really care for these sorts of videos.


canada wouldnt have been stronger, they would have no oil/gas and lose most of its agricultural base in the prairies and British columbia and besides all that quebec probably would have separated from eastern canada because they would have no oil/gas money to bribe them to stay .. not too mention the yukon gold reserves wouldnt be theirs


A very stupid time of history other than the navy. They were drunk most of the time and discovered Virgina tobacco.☺


Also Mert? What the literal F are you doing in Malaysia talking about Canada? Come here and live you ejit.


Just curious when a continent almost bought canada? Or do you mean the United States OF AMERICA


I would NOT recommend this channel that you just watched. It sounds educated & well thought out BUT
- it is NOTHING more than COMPLETE American HOGWASH! & shows their lack of understanding about ANYTHING Canadian at all
*First off - the WHOLE REASON for the discovery of Canada by Europeans - was BECAUSE they were searching for a North-West passage to Asia. They are NOT going to give up their gateway to the Pacific & Asia just because it would be handy for the Americans
2nd - while it took a while for Britain to find that passage to the Pacific across Canada (not by that name at the time of course) - Britain WAS happy with the furs from Canada AND the lumber (especially for their ships but also for their housing etc.) A lot of the lumber would have ended up coming from British Columbia. (I don't know if they were using BC lumber yet or still lumber from Eastern Canada but they would have known by then of the great quantity of lumber available in our Canadian West (including BC) & it wouldn't have been something that they would want to give up on
3rd - Canada built (at GREAT expense), a railroad right across the entire country, with hotels at various rest stops all along the way, all the way to the Pacific on the edges of British Columbia - BECAUSE the territory DID matter to us (whether it was little populated or not)
4th - Britain gave out FREE LAND to European farmers from Eastern Europe (& then very cheap land to other Europeans afterwards) - to farm all along Canada's border to the U.S. in our Western provinces (the reason we have such a large Ukrainian population) - JUST to KEEP THE AMERICANS OUT! This alone should tell you how important our Canadian West was to Britain to keep - instead of allowing Americans to get it.

On top of this, the United States had tried taking Canadian territory 2 - 3 times already & had been unsuccessful in the fight EACH TIME. The United States was not in ANY position to take any part of Canada at this time even more so, as they had just come out of a civil war & were short young fighting men & in a bad way financially (which is why they even tried to get money from Britain) & probably did not have much will for ANOTHER war (against someone they had already lost to a couple of times at least.)

There was NEVER a chance that America was going to get any of Canada from Britain in any deal, even if the U.S. wanted us. This dream in American minds was ONLY a fantasy on their part.


Damn British Columbia was pro American back then, Now Alberta is pro American take us both please America lol


British Columbia and Alberta need to create our own Country fr oil an gas free health care guns trade from the pacific and a crazy army we would rule soo good god damn
