Too Extreme? Minimalist Zero Waste Bathroom Essentials - Sustainable Minimalism

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Today I want to show you the products and tools I use in the bathroom to maintain my extreme minimalist and sustainable lifestyle. I try to declutter everything I don't need, to just have the essentials. In my bathroom I also manage to almost be zero waste which is amazing.

#minimalism #extrememinimalism #minimalist
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I hate it that people think you have to shower every day to be clean. It’s definitely not necessary. In my case my skin reacts to everything, even when it’s just water my skin gets very red and itchy. So I don’t shower every day and no, I don’t smell. Better for me, better for the environment!

Thanks for the video Lia, it’s very interesting and inspiring, like all of your videos!


This might be different for everyone but I have found when I use lip balm, I need lip balm. When I stopped using it, my lips would be chapped for a few days but eventually my body adapted and I haven't needed it in years. Don't come for me, this is just my experience 😋


And your hair looks really pretty today btw


My goal for 2021 is to be able to pack all of my belongings in one bag. I’m slowly getting there.

As far as toiletries I keep it minimal as well. Shea butter, homemade deodorant, bar soap, etc. thank you for sharing! I like your philosophy!


For me, this is way too extreme, but I really appreciate what you do and that you share your very interesting minimalist lifestyle with us, thank you!


Drinking enough water doesn't necessarily prevent cracked lips. You can still have dry lips even when you drink enough water


In my youth I never really washed my body with soap, just water and my hair with shampoo and I always got comments on how good I smelled, especially when I had a light sweat for some reason.
But now I live in a different place and the house just smells different, so I feel I need to shower more often here - our surroundings just give off a scent and we give a scent to our surroundings, but I definitely experienced that our house has an impact on our body scent.


I never use lip balm and one thing I have always done is lightly brush my lips as I finish brushing my teeth, which exfoliates a bit and brings natural color, and then I sip black coffee in the morning with a tiny bit of coconut oil in it which seems to condition my lips as I sip. I ski 4x per week and this helps immensely but everyone is different so that's just one idea of many. Loved seeing your bathroom essentials!


For toilet paper, well.. in my house we don't really use it, we wash ! (just hear me out haha) it's a cultural thing where i live, we use water in a little bucket (water from the sink ) some have a bidet and for outside i personally juste always make sure i have a bottle of water with the amount i need ( i've been doing it since i was a kid so i just know how much water i need so i don't waste it) and then we use small (individual, everyone has their own) towels to dry/wipe
Now for Pee, you can just wipe and not use water it's less waste, i am just a bit paranoid about smell and it bugs me if i don't rince a little !
And of course when we're done we wash our hands with soap ( i promise juste wash your hand correctly and there won't be any smell), i understand it can't be for everyone but you can just try it once and see if you're comfortable with it, i find it really useful for when you travel somewhere where there isn't any toilets or paper all you need is water, a cloth/towel and soap !


Hi. I use my all purpose cream in my lips, hands, body and face. That way, I don't need to use lip balm. The cream is made of shea butter, aloe vera gel, argan oil and some drops of vitamin E.


My essentials:
1. Shampoo
2. Toothpaste
3. Toothbrush
4. Hair ties
5. Dry shampoo
6. Blow dryer
7. Razors
8. Comb


For the last half of a year I've been using natural soap instead of shower gels and baking soda as a deodorant. Works so well for me! (after an initial detoxing period after I stopped using commercial antiperspirants).
It just feels so nice and fresh to use simple, natural stuff instead of all this chemically loaded, highly fragranced products, isn't it


Your skin looks so clear and perfect, whatever you’re doing is working! I have a minimal bathroom routine as well, very gentle vegan shampoo and conditioner, a little argon oil on my hair, coconut and almond oil to remove my mascara, some coconut oil for moisturizer. I do use sunscreen every day, moisturizer for my face. I also just got a bunch of bamboo toothbrushes for my family, so we are slowly switching over to that as well. I’m trying to go zero (or less) wasteful, it is inspiring to see others who have already incorporated this into their routines as well.


It's not always possible to get rid of the need of lip balm or putting a product on the skin. If it is dry in the air due to osmosis moisture will leave the lips and go outside due to the chemical process of osmosis. Even though we can give the lip moisture through even putting water on them since there isn't any fatty layer providing a barrier on top it will leave the lips. Even if we drink water the amount of water molecules in the lips is still so proportionally small to all the molecules binding to water in the air that it will pull out the moisture regardless if we have lips full of moisture.


I use for a few years now reusable squares from old towel for number 1 and toilet paper for number 2.

I made tissu for my nose with used t-shirt, I switched a few weeks ago and love it and wished I switched sooner. It is so soft and it is diy.

I made a cute cover for the tissues and for the reusable toilet paper I made a cute box with cardboard.


Instead of lip balm you can just use shea butter, works great! And you can also do a lip scrub with your toothbrush and some sugar!


I'm so impressed that you collect hair ties on the street, I'd never considered doing that!


Can you make a video on your savings and how you mange your money 💰 😁👍 absolutely loving your channel and I hope your subscribers keep growing as its muched deserved 👏


Coconut oil instead of lip balm! you can use it as lotion/body oil and a hair mask and a makeup remover all at the same time, plus it usually comes in glass jars you can recycle.


I pick up hair ties off the street too. I live in a rural area and I still find them almost every freakin day! I don't even really like using them in my hair (I have super fine hair so I mostly use bobby pins) so I probably have a lifetime's worth already. Luckily they are my cat's absolute favorite toy. 😸
