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"And they sang a new song, saying: 'You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.'"
Revelation 5:9-10 (NIV)

AUTHORS // Andrew Peterson & Ben Shive
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This song reminds me of God’s love even when everything seems to be falling apart today.


When sometimes it feels hard and lonely being a Christian, watching this makes me feel like I’m in great company and motivate me to keep leading a life that is Christ Like 🙏🏾 love from Kenya


I can only imagine what the body of Christ will sound like when we bow before Him singing Holy, Holy, Holy!


I was lost and now I am found. Hidden in Him. He is worth. He has held me in in grasp these 33 yrs. By His strength I stand.


Wow. This blows my mind! This just goes to show- the church was never about the building. It is about the body of Christ- His people coming together to worship the One who is always worthy of praise!


Hi everyone, I am from India and wanted to say that he is worthy without no doubt. He has saved me and helped me so much in my life and want to thank him for everything tha he has done for me and not giving up on me. From since I have accepted Jesus as my saviour two years ago he has always guided me and helped me to be a better person


HA... the devil thought he was shutting the churches... they just multiplied by every congregant <3 God bless - praise God Almighty in Jesus name <3


As I prepare to minister God’s Word at Glasgow Farm Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia, I’ve listened to this song countless times. Thanks to all who were a part of the beautiful rendition that so touched my heart.

He is worthy, He is, He is, He is worthy!


What a beautiful song ive always thought churchs aren't buildings its about people showing love respect acceptance tolerance. Im coming to the end of my life im ready when ever god calls me but until my time comes i will carry on supporting anyone who needs it. May god bless you all from a sinner xxx


The body of Christ worshipping is SO BEAUTIFUL 🌟 🙌


Y’all give your audio engineers and video production guys a huge high five when you see them again. This is so, so many hours of work. Excellent job!


2, 000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, because we are all sinners and God saw our need for that. He lived a perfect life, setting an example for every human being, and when he shed his blood and died, he atoned for our sins, and to seal the victory over sin, he ressurected three days later! Now he is alive today, and his spirit is calling sinners like you and me to be his children. All you have to do is just place your faith in him and his work, and accept him as your Lord and savior, submitting to and laying down everything, including your life, at him, in prayer. If you do this. You will feel hope and love which you never have before. It is so worth it, no matter how much fear you are feeling. God bless you. :)


I was a nurse during Covid and this song pulled me through. THANK YOU.


Let ❤✝️💕😭 entire Body of Christ give praise 🙌 and Honor and Glory to our Lord Jesus 👑 Christ!! Heaven is rejoicing with all the saint and all the Angels in Heaven!! Hallelujah


I've watched this interpretation so many times, one of my favorites. Tonight as I listen and watch I am praying each of you who sang it remain faithful with your eyes on Jesus and your heart in submission to Him because He is worthy. Looking forward to the day we all will be with our Father forever.


And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them,  and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.”
Revelation 21:3-4 NASB

That day is coming!


I have to say that the man with reddish hair in blue and his wife in yellow----the harmony is indescribably beautiful. So loved this whole video !


Does God intend to dwell again with us? He does. That line alone gives me hope. Dear Christians lets keep pressing on until we get united with him when He comes back.


He is worthy! Blessings and peace to all saints! St.Petersburg, Russia


This Song was right on time. I felt like I was barely holding on. But this song reminded me of His love. Thank you Jesus!
