Q60. What is the purpose of throw keyword? How to handle the userdefined exceptions in java?|

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Core Java Interview Questions Videos and Materials
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Phone: 9927372737,7207212427/28
Q1. Can we define static variables inside the static method or not?
Q2. In project when we will instance & static varaibles give the scenario?
Q3. When we will use for vs. for-each?
Q4. Define JDK vs. JRE vs. JVM?
Q5. How many parts of java?
Q6. What is the purpose of methods?
Q7. Define class vs.Object?
Q8. Define and(&),or(|)?
Q9. Define the constructor?
Q10. define break vs. continue?
Q11. Define the package in java?
Q12. What is the difference between bitwise & logical operator?
Q13. What are the entry controlled loop & exit controll loop?
Q14. When we will get StackOverflowError?
Q15. Explain instance & static blocks? What is the purpose of blocks?
Q16. What are the different ways to load the .class file into memory?
Q17. How to call the constructor in java?Is it one constructor can call multiple constructors?
Q18. What is method recursion?
Q19. What are the Different ways to call the static members in java?
Q20. When we will use switch & else-if statements in Application?
Q21. When we will use for vs. while loops in Application?
Q22. Can we access the other packages classes without import statements?
Q23. What is the difference between the normal import & static import?
Q24. What are the modifiers applicable to constructors?
Q26. Can we access sub-packages data when we import main package with*?
Q27. What are the Permission/Scoping modifiers in java?
Q28. Define inheritance? how many types inheritance in java?
Q29. Explain about Object class in java?
Q30. Define the Polymorphism? How many types of Polymorphisms in java?
Q31. What are the Different types of overloading in java? What is the advantage?
Q32. What is method Overriding? what is the advantage?
Q33. What are the rules to fallow while overriding the method?
Q34. What is Co-variant return type in java?
Q35. What is Method overriding & method hiding in java?
Q36. What is the advantage of parent class reference hilding the Child class object? or What is runtime polymorphism?
Q37. Explain about final modifier/prevention modifier in java?
Q38. Define abstract methods & normal methods in java?
Q39. Explain normal classes & abstract classes in java?
Q40. what is the abstraction concept in java? What is the advantage of abstraction?
Q41. Explain about interfaces in java?
Q42. What is the difference between interfaces & abstract classes & normal classes & client code?
Q43. How to clone the objects in java? What is the advantage?
Q44. What the new features about interfaces in java?
Q45. Explain about functional interfaces in java?
Q46. What is the meaning of Automatic garbage collection?
Q47. What are the Different ways to call the Garbage Collector?
Q48. What are the Different ways to make the object un-referenced?
Q49. Explain Encapsulation mechanism in java?
Q50. What are the different ways to initialize the data in java explain?
Q51. Define type conversion? what are the different types of type conversions in java?
Q52. Why method signature of main() method is always public static void main(String[] args) ?
Q53. Though interface is a pure abstract class then why interfaces are needed
Q54. Define the exception? What is the main objective of exception handling?
Q55. what are the types of exceptions in java?
Q56. What are the differnet ways to handle the exceptions in java?
Q57. What are the possible ways to handle the multiple exceptions in java?
Q58. What is the purpose of try-with resources concept?
Q59. What is the purpose of finally block?
Q60. What is the purpose of throw keyword? How to handle the userdefined exceptions in java?
Q81. Explain Daemon & non-Daemon threads in java?
Q82. Explain thread names & priority in java?
Q83. Explain sleep() vs. join() vs. wait()?
Q84. What is the purpose of Assertions in java?
Q85. Define the array? what are the advantages of arrays?
Q86. What is the main objective of Collection framework? What are the parts in Collections f/w?
Q87. What are the difference between Collections & Arrays?
Q88. What are the difference between List & Set?
Q89. How to add one collection data into another?
Q90. What are the Differences between ArrayList & LinkedList?
Q91. What are the Differeent ways to read the data from collection classes?
Q92. What is the purpose of cursor? Explain the cursors in java?
Q93. What are the conditions we need to fallow while sorting Collection data?
Q94. what is the purpose of serialization & Desrialization process? How to prevent serialization?
Q95. What is Type Earser in java?
Q96. What is the Difference between Comparable vs. Comparator?
Q97. In application when we will use Map classes?
Q98. What is the purpose of streams API in java?
Q99. How to convert Arrays to Collections & Collections to Arrays?
Q100. What is the purpose of WildCard symbol(?) in Generics?
Contact for More Info:
Phone: 9927372737,7207212427/28
Q1. Can we define static variables inside the static method or not?
Q2. In project when we will instance & static varaibles give the scenario?
Q3. When we will use for vs. for-each?
Q4. Define JDK vs. JRE vs. JVM?
Q5. How many parts of java?
Q6. What is the purpose of methods?
Q7. Define class vs.Object?
Q8. Define and(&),or(|)?
Q9. Define the constructor?
Q10. define break vs. continue?
Q11. Define the package in java?
Q12. What is the difference between bitwise & logical operator?
Q13. What are the entry controlled loop & exit controll loop?
Q14. When we will get StackOverflowError?
Q15. Explain instance & static blocks? What is the purpose of blocks?
Q16. What are the different ways to load the .class file into memory?
Q17. How to call the constructor in java?Is it one constructor can call multiple constructors?
Q18. What is method recursion?
Q19. What are the Different ways to call the static members in java?
Q20. When we will use switch & else-if statements in Application?
Q21. When we will use for vs. while loops in Application?
Q22. Can we access the other packages classes without import statements?
Q23. What is the difference between the normal import & static import?
Q24. What are the modifiers applicable to constructors?
Q26. Can we access sub-packages data when we import main package with*?
Q27. What are the Permission/Scoping modifiers in java?
Q28. Define inheritance? how many types inheritance in java?
Q29. Explain about Object class in java?
Q30. Define the Polymorphism? How many types of Polymorphisms in java?
Q31. What are the Different types of overloading in java? What is the advantage?
Q32. What is method Overriding? what is the advantage?
Q33. What are the rules to fallow while overriding the method?
Q34. What is Co-variant return type in java?
Q35. What is Method overriding & method hiding in java?
Q36. What is the advantage of parent class reference hilding the Child class object? or What is runtime polymorphism?
Q37. Explain about final modifier/prevention modifier in java?
Q38. Define abstract methods & normal methods in java?
Q39. Explain normal classes & abstract classes in java?
Q40. what is the abstraction concept in java? What is the advantage of abstraction?
Q41. Explain about interfaces in java?
Q42. What is the difference between interfaces & abstract classes & normal classes & client code?
Q43. How to clone the objects in java? What is the advantage?
Q44. What the new features about interfaces in java?
Q45. Explain about functional interfaces in java?
Q46. What is the meaning of Automatic garbage collection?
Q47. What are the Different ways to call the Garbage Collector?
Q48. What are the Different ways to make the object un-referenced?
Q49. Explain Encapsulation mechanism in java?
Q50. What are the different ways to initialize the data in java explain?
Q51. Define type conversion? what are the different types of type conversions in java?
Q52. Why method signature of main() method is always public static void main(String[] args) ?
Q53. Though interface is a pure abstract class then why interfaces are needed
Q54. Define the exception? What is the main objective of exception handling?
Q55. what are the types of exceptions in java?
Q56. What are the differnet ways to handle the exceptions in java?
Q57. What are the possible ways to handle the multiple exceptions in java?
Q58. What is the purpose of try-with resources concept?
Q59. What is the purpose of finally block?
Q60. What is the purpose of throw keyword? How to handle the userdefined exceptions in java?
Q81. Explain Daemon & non-Daemon threads in java?
Q82. Explain thread names & priority in java?
Q83. Explain sleep() vs. join() vs. wait()?
Q84. What is the purpose of Assertions in java?
Q85. Define the array? what are the advantages of arrays?
Q86. What is the main objective of Collection framework? What are the parts in Collections f/w?
Q87. What are the difference between Collections & Arrays?
Q88. What are the difference between List & Set?
Q89. How to add one collection data into another?
Q90. What are the Differences between ArrayList & LinkedList?
Q91. What are the Differeent ways to read the data from collection classes?
Q92. What is the purpose of cursor? Explain the cursors in java?
Q93. What are the conditions we need to fallow while sorting Collection data?
Q94. what is the purpose of serialization & Desrialization process? How to prevent serialization?
Q95. What is Type Earser in java?
Q96. What is the Difference between Comparable vs. Comparator?
Q97. In application when we will use Map classes?
Q98. What is the purpose of streams API in java?
Q99. How to convert Arrays to Collections & Collections to Arrays?
Q100. What is the purpose of WildCard symbol(?) in Generics?