A/C Compressor Clutch and Bearing Replacement. (All Makes & Models)

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A/C Compressor Clutch and Bearing Replacement for all makes and models. These A/C compressor clutches all function the same way. A electromagnet pulls on a plate to engage the A/C. Typical failures are, the bearing, or the coil in the electromagnet go bad. The A/C will not work if the clutch is not working correctly. To diagnose an electrical problem with the clutch assembly, the easiest test to do would be, Ohm out the wires going to the electromagnet. The other easy thing to check would be clutch air gap. If the gap is too wide the clutch will not work correctly and the A/C will not work.


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Probably the most important thing you mentioned was to measure that gap between the clutch and the pulley with a feeler gauge. I left that shim out on my last install because I didn't know it was needed and ended up having my new coil burn up. This is the second time I'm replacing it.


Not only did you show the actual parts, and show how to replace it all, but you explained how it all works. I needed that. Thank you so much!!!


You're one of the only techs that address the a/c clutch air gap aspect of this repair.


I just finished the job on my 2008 Honda Fit! My old A/C clutch electromagnet had a permanent open in it, so it would not engage the A/C clutch. I do not have an impact, so I held the clutch from spinning with a 24" pipe wrench and used a ratchet to break the nut loose. I did not have a gear puller, so I used my $200 wheel bearing puller kit for rear wheel drive cars. The 10# slide hammer in it had a 3 jaw attachment. The jaws do not have much of a grab notch in them, so it took a few tries, but I got the pulley off. Now my A/C clutch kicks in just like it is supposed to. Thank you so much!


"you guys are definitely going to need a good set of snap ring pliers to do this"
Understatement! Fought it for a couple hours to get it off, and it was an absolute impossibility to get it back on without biting the bullet and buying a good strong 7 inch snap ring pliar. None of this interchangeable tips crap from the parts stores.


Thanks for a very professional and technically very accurate video. It is very important to get that air gap correct as per the manufacturer's specifications otherwise all your efforts will amount to nothing. It vital that the clutch mechanism contacts the flywheel with the right pressure and also disengages completely when the coil is de-energised. Thank you for taking the time to point this out!


Nice job! fyi, if using puller as you have, put a socket (socket OD ~same as bearing ID) on the nose of the compressor housing, and put puller screw on that socket.. That way you aren't pressing on the shaft of the compressor..


You always easily explain everything, and your ascent is very soft. Understand that it is a great help. I follow and work on my car
Thank you for making this type of video
God bless you


Thanks for this. Good to get an explanation of the functioning. 👍


Nice job . but for safety screw the original nut half way then use the puller on it also when installing the new pulley you could use the old pulley as the installation tool for the new pulley .same procedure as using the socket . Nice job man and thanks for the information


Great video, thanks. Ohming out the coil won't work in your case unless you let the engine get hot. Sometimes, when you ohm something out, you should put the coil in an oven or chill it in a freezer to check the part over a large temp range. I like to use an amp meter and check the current flow, put the amp meter right there on the dash board and drive it around for a while, watch for any changes.


Thanks man! I gotta do my a/c clutch in my 05 CR-V. Your videos have come in really handy for me. I used your mustang clutch cable one on my 03 Mach 1 and works awesome! 👍


That hardest part is always what one takes for granted. in my case, a clutch plate that was totally seized (4:23). Before starting I expected the most difficult part of the job will be to get the center bolt out of the pulley, not having room for an impact wrench, but that was easy enough supporting the edge with the end of a flat screwdriver. Eventually penetrating lubricant, time, and tapping the edges with a hammer like a pendulum freed it. Also, use good, strong snap ring pliers. Those rings ain't easy.


I just got rookie of the year by over-tightening the bolt on the shaft with an impact driver and breaking a piece off. Newbies learn from my mistake and buy the a/c clutch holding tool - there's no way I would have broke a piece of the shaft if I was hand tightening!


Brilliant report... Covers so many points that the all the other video seem miss.


The problem is when they tell you YOU NEED AN AC COMPRESSOR. You are like come on man, it's just the clutch, and they will whine and say: it needs works, and we don't if things are going to get "complicated" fucking mechanics bro, 80% of them are shit. Great content, I will try do it myself 🙏


Awesome video! I really appreciate the info on setting the gap


Awesome video, just what i needed, crisp and well done. Thanks a lot.


Great video, Thanks a lot and God bless
