The Downfall of Growtopia (2024) - Teaser

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What will unfold in this documentary...

Disclaimer: This video may have discrepancies when it comes to researching, it is all based on my perspective as a player and no one else. Also, keep in mind my files got all corrupted while making this documentary, so this is what I salvaged for the teaser part. All in all, I'll be re-editing from the very start with better writing and visual representation.

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Seth and Hamumu made a masterpiece and Ubisoft destroyed it.


If there were any chance to give growtopia back to hands of seth and hamumu all of the growtopia community would get together to make it possible, but its ubisoft you all know.


This game holds a special place in my heart, as I still reminisce about the days when I made friends in it. It's pretty wild to think about forming friendships with people from all over the world when you're just 10 years old. What's even crazier is how much it taught me about economics and trading. I swear, I learned more about stocks, bonds, and the economy from playing this game than I did in any of my business classes.

I remember logging in and exploring all the parkour worlds I created when I was younger. It's a nostalgic feeling that hits you deep, you know? Just the idea of revisiting your younger self's creativity brings such pure happiness.

I really hope this game turns around in the future. It would be amazing to log back in one day and feel that same motivation to play again.


😢😢 man i miss the times coming back from school, hopping on growtopia, seeing 9 friends online, watching my favourite youtubers, and just having fun.


Old growtopia will be always in my heart ❤


Growtopia is basically a gambler’s paradise where most of them if not all of them are indonesian


nice editing skills, you made a huge progress after the last gt video. need more videos like this BC!


I got into this game 7 years ago back when I was a kid and played it nearly every day. Although I wasn't very big in the community, I remember just being able to chat and have fun with so many different people. I'm serious when I say this game taught me so much about economics. This game had such a competitive economy and it was fun to be a part of it. After getting my Zeus Lightning Bolt and Focused Eyes I considered myself as finally having "made it" and quit a while after. Miss all the good memories though, including the experience of getting scammed for the first time in my life lol.


The video was unfortunately postponed, and was moved to August. 🤧


Back in the day when updates were more hyped up over and you could just log on and mess around with your friends. Simpler times..


Bro I used to play in 2013, it’s so crazy to see some moderators quitting. I feel like the US audience is basically dead for this game.


I played this game 9 years ago 😢 the downfall started at 2017


Thanks god i quitted this game long time ago
I was too addicted but now i cant stand playing it even 1 minute
Guys stop focusing on being rich on 2d game and focus to be rich and successful in real life!
If the time i spent on growtppia to be rich there and i spend it to myself, i would be rich irl lmao


my account was created in growtopia 9 years and 72 days, the game i never seen before ... The community everything was just right . The last time a played it was like 2020-2021 when the stupid BOTS era just started . Today i dowloanded growtopia again and i was shocked .... everywhere i go there is just stupid bots spamming the same, the Worlds like Seediary, Buy, Sell where you couldnt join for days is literrally empty . I cant even trade anymore with real people because there is really no one. Hope you recover my lovely growtopia . But for now you are fucked hard .... miss it


The start of the downfall was when the Vending Machine is introduced, it killed the trading system which all GT players enjoyed. It killed the sole purpose of the game


Thanks for the video. I played the game almost 10 years and it's been fascinating i've been through a whole lot season of the era changes . I truly miss the old authentic growtopia that once held by the original creator. I got truly lot of friends in community that empowering, encouraging, and truly respresented reality of the world we living. Ofcourse i had plenty moment i got scammed :) but it was fascinating experience to been through.
Current growtopia now is truly isolated. No more community who's really encouraging and help each other. They got busy on their own stuff and focusing on truly pursuing materialistic . Current game now is been through big damn inflation, which is diamond locks is not even worth the value anymore and BGL's is ton outside the world. In the past, i would love and very happy when i got profit like wls, but current now "diamond locks" is not even worth to pursue and no more happiness afterward. So sad to see how really degradating this game since ubisoft really make alot of messup in the game... Bad server, lost authenticity, big damn inflation, so many bots, this game became a total gamble game disguise as sandbox.

I miss the moment, 210 friends i got from the past in my friendbox has no longer online and it becames 0 . So sad because the memory we got is totally vanish... No longer authenticity in this game and this game keeps evolving into a whole unclear direction heading on . But i consider my self lucky and we should!! since we've been through the experience of authentic growtopia from the past. Thanks for the memory .


god how I wish things would go back to how they were, I miss WickEr10 I literally grew up with his videos


Growtopia isn't just a game, it's a masterpiece and literal social experiment, that should have been studied in universitys to how diffrent aspects of the game affect people in Real life tragedy or problems


I’ve been playing for 9 years though quitting and returning several times.
The game is pretty much dead already. It’s just full of bots, the random bans and not being able to log on with the constant error connecting as well as “too many people logging on at the same time”. It will just never be the same again.


hope the video actually gets released this time and not only stays a teaser like last time..
