The End of Traditional Industrial Design & Transition into a New Frontier

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Industrial design is changing. Here's how you can adapt. In this video, we discuss the transformation of traditional industrial design into something new. We talk about why it's changing and what you can do about it. Dieter Rams, Charles, and Ray Eames never could have seen these new trends coming to fruition. It's a new and exciting time for product design students and industrial design education on the whole.

John Mauriello has been working professionally as an industrial designer since 2010. He is an Adjunct Professor of industrial design at California College of the Arts.
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"Industrial design is changing." It has been changing since it's creation. Every year a new material, new process, new tool or whatever comes up. Those who can't adapt will stay on the past.


Brilliant. Well done. As an industrial designer in my 60’s, you hit it on the head. The hours I spent learning to render in markers versus the visualization tools of today. Oh my! It is a very interesting time for all societies and cultures and I’m delighted to see young designers branching beyond the traditional artifact. Design is passion and love. The artifact is just the manifestation to deliver the experience. I’m happy to sit back and watch the prolific, ubiquitous creativity coming from every corner. Embrace the Simon Herbert saying - “Everyone is a designer who devises a course of action to change an existing situation to a preferred one.” The world needs more designers. We’re living in a radical VUCA era that needs sustainable solutions. More power to the emerging designers. You will change the world. Great podcast. Can’t wait to discover more.


Another great and insightful video.

We're in a new renaissance of design. Not just ID but ALL design practices. During the first renaissance sciences, humanities, and arts were all blending together as scholars embraced a wide range of fields with deep curiosity. The age of industry has passed, the age of information is also now waning. Up next is the age of Insight - both emotional and intellectual. And the primary tool for understanding those areas is and will always be driven by human curiosity. This is not exclusive to designers, it will be important for all of us, but the designers will take those curious insights and connect them in ways that others might not yet see. Curiosity to Connection will the the core method to actualize the industrious skills of tomorrow.


You have to make what marketers and the Chinese cant make, mechanically complex and aesthetically pleasing products with great branding. The simple products have too much competition unless your design is superior, but then it'll just be instantly replicated.


So glad I stumble upon your channel, you truly give a great perspective on what is like to be a Creative in current times! As a GenX person the rug was pulled from under our feet and here we are, so many of us are stuck in the past but we got to move forward. Thank you for all the great content and perspective you share in this wonderful channel, much success to you Mister!


Thanks for having me on! Hope this starts some interesting discussions in our industry 👍🏻


Hey this is SPOT on and just what I was hoping you’d cover in you videos. I would love to hear more about specialization and really get into maybe even forecasting clever ways to use ID discipline . This gives me TONS of hope for the craft, as well as myself


Congrats on starting a podcast! Hearing 'the end of ID' is so dooming, but it's relieving that the the end is just a transition into the new, and I figure we'll all be swept along with it eventually anyway.


Great video! I started in ID in 1970. Amazing how much has changed in 51 years. Our first project was a waste can that did not require hands but couldn't use a foot pedal, either. I was watching the electronics in the video today. A far cry from my slide rule and graph paper renderings.😀


Great video. It’s not often that you find both style and substance in the one package, with tidy editing to boot. Subscribed!


Thank you for this video. I have a fascination with design systems and providing solutions through a well made cleanly designed product. I really want to major at Pratt for industrial design and this gives me somewhat confidence that I could still be in this field. Unfortunately, I am poor. Through Starbucks I’m mastering in ux and ui. From there I’d like to take out loans to go to Pratt. I will continue to watch your videos. Thank you again.


I have been looking for these kind of contents . Thanks for sharing. And the audience here is awesome.


I'm a packaging engineer. Yes we would appreciate collaboration with the product designers! For example they sent me a bathroom ceiling fan that was 13"x 13", a nightmare for any direction it would be packed out. But was too late to change that, he lost prob 20% off the pallet count


I think another way of looking at what your role in Industrial Design could be is by referring to Charles Handy's Shamrock Organisation model. He describes 3 parts of organisations, rhe first the creative core - the lot who come up with the ideas and get things completed. The second are people who are the contractors and technicians who specialise in an area of the process and brought in as and when needed - the rendering specialist or prototype makers are examples of this. The third are the consultants/experts who provide very high end specialist input into the process of creating something, in film making these are the actors, in design they could be a electronics engineer specialising in robotics. With technology advancements and blurring functional boundaries the question is where in the shamrock do you want to sit? If its technician then it's piece of a big pie but it can be a very good business.
Look at how Film industry is structured to understand how Industrial design has changed, which is in part driven by technology and on part by efficiency needs but good design is still good design and that requires talent and holistic thinking.


Amazing video ! As our generations retail habits are changing towards experience beyond the product. It’s time we account for where our products fit in the bigger picture(system).


Man! you are really making me nervous! Being a kid who aspired to become an Industrial designer and end up as a Senior RnD engineer.... your videos always keep my mind Exploring, and always keeping me reminded that I have not even tasted a teaspoon full.. the grand ocean is still ahead. I feel that you are talking in my language of understanding. Thankyou for making such videos John <3


As an industrial designer that started focusing on digital experiences in the mid 90s, I can +1 your thoughts. I also teach ID at the college level and share your hypothesis with students. Modern ID is a mindset and one that is open to solving for wicked problems, with the user at the center of it all. Thanks for this video!


Wow! I love your content! Lately I was feeling lost, but this channel came to my life to clear me things up and motivate me to keep going, and start doing. Thanks!


I absolutely love your videos. Im an ID student in wisconsin and it can be really difficult to get an idea of whats going on in the rest of the world where the field is really innovating


GREAT video, made me subscribe.

Releasing my first musical instrument product soon and watching this was perfect timing!
