Variations in G Major by Baklanova performed at The Conservatorium of Sydney

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Hello and welcome to another music video. Although I performed it ages ago, I am uploading it now. This is performed at the Con of Sydney. The con holds weekly Saturday concerts that you are free to watch at 11:00am and 2:00pm.
Violin: Murphy Xi
Accompaniment piano: Ying Ho
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Performed at the Conservatory of Sydney on the 18th of November, 2017
Check out our tri-channel by three Youtubers: The Nerds
Enjoy and have a good day!
Рекомендации по теме

...asi najlepšie odohrané variácie zo žiakov, čo som počul, ale aj tak v hre bolo niekoľko intonačných nedostatkov, taktiež finálna variácia sa hrá razantnejšie a s viac akcentom a'la Beethoven presto-style !!
Baklanova variacie bol môj absolventský koncert v 1985 roku.
