My Hand - Simian Line

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Simian line - a line on my hand! Does anyone else have one of these?

(Messy hair alert!)
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hi i have one at my left hand and since birth have been blessed with some spiritual gifts its a blessing to have it Amen


I was told by my doctor I had the line . Mine I on the right hand . He told me Down syndrome people have this ! I was taken aback by his comment! I thought about it how happy they are and are angles ! So I am glad to be part of that group!!


My whole life I always saw the line as a, sort of a doll stitch of my creation. But until 2 weeks ago, I showed it to my mother, and she has never seen one nor knew that I had it, I found that very weird.. I've been trying to find information about the line, and there are just so many different views and ideas on it I'm just left baffled. Although the missing crease does allow the hand to fold easier which means I should start playing all my instruments lefty, or just take over the world.


Yes, I have read it makes a difference which hand it is on. Not met anyone with both hands, but it's not unheard of. Maybe you know people with it but you haven't really looked at their hands!


I loved your video. Thank you! I have Double Simian Lines. Left handed. Aquarius. 7 in numerology. Aged 39, married mutt/white female in the United States. I'm neither psychotic, autistic nor do I have down syndrome. I am however, an extroverted invert. I love Music, Science, Psychology, History and Parapsychology. I am a forever student and teacher. Spend heaps of time dedicated to research of all topics. A truth seeker. A humanitarian and illuminated or "woke" so to speak. An Empath, gentle, attentive listener, kind, honest, non judgmental and fair. Oftentimes, I feel as if I am made to fully understand and accept others while not many understand me. And, that's okay. I am not religious at all. I tend to relate more towards the Mystics. I choose to be a loner often times because in silence, we hear the answers. Small talk makes me nervous. I am uninterested in politics as 'I feel' they are all liars. When asking someone - anyone "how are you?" and their reply is "fine" or "great" instinctively, I know how fking sad they truly are & this engulfs me. Too many people in our society wear masks. They are so afrid to keep it real. Unfortunately many are on that paper chase, buying more and more crap they don't need, only to impress people they don't like? I guess my greatest passion is studying humans and why they do what they do - without passing judgement because I am honestly, completely curious and always questioning. Even while I may not particularly agree with their opinion (to each their own) it doesn't stop me from wanting to know their mindset, for only then can I begin to understand why they feel or do what they do~♡~
At the end of the day, we ALL have much more in common than differences! 🌏🌟🌱☮👽🕉☙♾
Blessings and Love to ALL!


@mustbenice123 yes, I believe it is often genetic, but sometimes just random - and that it's not usually anything problematic. Apparently it is more common in Asian countries, the same way lactose intolerance and AB blood types are more common the further east you go. I have all three of these things though - so possibly there is some ancestry I am not aware of!


my parents thought i had down syndrome or something was wrong with my head. i lie to do creative stuff and do things beyond what i was assigned to do. when i read i have to focus to understand when I'm reading in class. my head hurts when i think. i always have imaginations in my head i daydream nonstop. i always wanted to be a good leader to let other people follow my dream but.... i always lead them astray.. when i try to finish a goal i want to do it always ends up worse. there are voices


I have a simian line, I was always curious about it. I still don't know what it means, but I sure am some kind of special ;) It's on my right hand, freaky hand people UNITE!


Difficult to know without seeing it - but if there is a crease all the way along when you bend your hand (rather than two lines coming from opposite directions in your palm but not meeting) then it probably is a simian line. I only have one on my left hand - the right is two lines.


Yay! I am quite glad I am finding so many people who do - I have met so few who have!


Thanks! I have only met one or two people who have them - it's always exciting to me and they get freaked because they hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary about their hands!


@nicknguyie I think some groups of people have them more often than others. And there is a possibility they happen more frequently in people with AB blood groups. That might just be a coincidence though!


@sharonburtonfletcher three lines! Wow, you have extra special hands, by the sounds of it. My one Simian line joins up but also has little off shoots. I had my palm read once and the palmist didn't even seem to notice I had a simian line, which made me doubt they were a very good palm reader! (Did I say that in the video? It's ages since I made it and I forget!


i have a simian line on the left. i am a creative person, i can pop idea whenever, wherever and in any situation, especially in crunch time. and for some reason if i am focus on things that i like, thanks GOD i can be success. when i was in 7th grade i didnt pass my class twice, i thought i am dumb but find out later in years, i love to experiment not to remember. i like to pay attention on people behavior and also always curious. curiousity that gain my careers


@mustbenice123 possibly! What I think and what I feel do seem to be very much intermingled!


I've got one on my right (and so called 'Major') hand. Doctors noticed it when I was a kid.
/I'm from Latvia (if aybody knows where it is :D) - it's quiet north but you see - I do have it though I have never met anybody else who has this thing here/
For information - I found out that there is a big difference if the simian line is on the major or minor or both hands.


I have 4 Simian Lines as each hand has one on the back since my hands bend both ways being double-jointed as i am.


Well I did a home blood type test a few years ago and it came out AB positive both times I did it. I did another a few years later and the two tests came out A positive. I think I did my right side the first times and left the next - so I either did some wrong, they were defective or I am a chimera! I haven't had an official test - but the other way to work it out by calculating from your parents what type you might be is no use as I could be anything based on their types (B neg and A pos).


@DARKANGELLATINA well it will be a converation point anyway! I think if someone has no other problems that are noticeable or apparent it is nothing more than a curiousity. Certainly nothing to worry about!


I have it on both my hands and I have no problem because of that. I am brazilian and I never met another brazilian with a simian line. And I liked your video =D
