YouTube is an unfair platform that hates most creators and it's getting worse, more evidence

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Well spoken my friend! A video like this was really needed. I've experienced a mirror image of this, but perhaps even worst, in the sense that Between April and May, I've published 12 videos, which is a lot for me. My general views, revenue and performance went literally down the drain. I'm only starting to see the first green check marks again on my analytics after months of constant grey down arrows, and I totally feel you. It's depressing, particularly when you have a family you support. I tried increasing the production quality, but that doesn't seem to do much. I've literally started to just try to increase the production quality for those who do watch, rather than as a way to try and beat the system. Hopefully views will return to normal soon for all of us.


I feel for you. As a viewer I've had the distinct impression that my recommended videos are now what YouTube thinks I SHOULD watch, rather than what I personally might WANT to watch based on my subscriptions and watch history. I swear that refreshing the site used to bring up new suggestions - now the same videos sit there at the top of the list for days, unwatched, because I'm just not interested in them. It's become a very irritating site to use.


Forced recommendations are the worst. I can't tell you how many times I've clicked "Do not show me videos from this channel" and less than a week later, I have to do it again for the same channel. It really is so very twisted up by money. And the amusing part is the videos they want to push never even seem interesting, positively NOR negatively. The whole "any publicity is good publicity" can only be right if something brings you back. I would question the sanity of Youtube suits pushing for net-loss partnerships. It smells of wierd conspiracy business.... Anyway, best of luck!! Hopefully the dumpsterfire gets put out and sorted sooner rather than later. Cheers.


Oh yes. They truly do hate the very people that make up the backbone of their company.

I've been on this platform for a decade and I've watched it go off the rails.


YES!!! This is so frustrating. I have spent hours at a time telling youtube that I am not interested in news and disinformation. I want to see fantasy and science, and REAL history, but over the last few months I have seen very little of my usual content. Yet when I click on a single video related to news or pop culture or someone famous all the sudden my page is flooded with it. I hate it!


I have been advocating for years that people need to stop using the recommendations and/or relying on notifications. I bypass YouTube's front page and go straight to my subscriptions tab. Never miss an upload. Don't always watch them right away, but I always see them and get to them when I have time.


As a gun nerd with a more casual interest in swords and the medieval (subbed to Shadaversity since sub 200k though) I can say the entire gun community has been hit really hard in the past few months. I consider Forgotten Weapons probably the most similar gun channel to Shadaversity, and can say that over there too I now only receive maybe one notification a week of an upload from Ian. I really think most of this comes down to the fact that YouTube tries to kill any content even somewhat related to weapons, even in a historical context. The only ones growing seem to be those couched in videogames like the Roya Armories ones.


YouTube’s obviously bias isn’t Eve being hidden anymore…and that’s the most concerning


As a user I friggin' hate algorithms. Scrolling for content on Youtube feels like digging through trash for treasure, instead of simple timeline search we have ALGORITHMS that know better what you SHOULD want than you do, except mostly they just hide content you actually want to see while showing garbage in your face.


The worst is when you actively tell YouTube: [Me: “Not interested”] (YouTube: “Tell us why”) [Me: Don’t recommend this channel”]. You do that and the algorithm listens to you… for a week… and then it’ll start re-recommending that very channel that you already told YouTube to not recommend. And then you go through the process again… and again… and again… and again… I’m doing my best to give the algorithm the information it needs to serve me up relevant videos (and give YouTube the ad dollars), but it just won’t listen. There is no guessing as to what I want. I am being as direct as YouTube will allow me to be. I am directly telling YouTube NOT to recommend me a specific channel… and they’ll keep recommending it anyway. I am constantly annoyed with YouTube. But there are creators like Shad that I genuinely enjoy, so I put up with YouTube’s nonsense to keep watching those creators’ videos.


The biggest thing is YouTube NEEDS to reduce algorithmic shit on search functions. If I am researching something I want stuff about as relevant to what I typed as possible. I tried looking up leather hat sweat band cleaning tips and just got nonstop videos about reviews on fedoras and baseball caps. I know there was more stuff out there, I was able to find some by going through third party search engines, and in some cases even typing the exact video title led it not showing up till like the second page of results on YouTube itself! And half the videos in the search were completely unrelated pulled from my 'recommended for me' content

This is a HUGE issue, searching for things should NOT be so heavily affected by the algorithm and definitely not have any relation to the personalized recommendations content.


So sorry you’re dealing with this too Shad, it really has made it so discouraging to make videos recently and this is the system that encourages lower quality more frequent uploads.. very upsetting, but this video reminds me we’re all in this together and we will get through this! Thanks for speaking out 🙏🏻⚔️


Thing I hate the most is people flocked to Youtube because it wasn't like TV. Now they support the corporate BS that comes from hollywood that I was trying to avoid.
I do think that if Youtube continues in this direction I'll stop coming on it as much. Hopefully, Youtube will start to "ruin" their platform and feel some financial backlash from this.


It's really messed up, it's not even just gun and sword communities, now it's literally anyone that isn't a late night shows, celebrity, or mainstream huge creator, is getting screwed.


I have noticed a trend in my own recommendations: Youtube seems to be much more sensitive to short term viewing history than it ever has been before. If I binge-watch a bunch of similar content in a short time span (a few hours, or a day) I see a dramatic transformation in what I am recommended. Also, the algorithm doesn't seem to give shit about what channels I am subscribed to.


I'm still learning my way around how YouTube actively nerfs engagement & revenue as for the past 2 years, EVERY video I upload is automatically demonetized which forces for to delay my releases until manual reviews go through.
My appeals always get approved of but when even videos of a completely white screen with no audio gets hit with limited ads, that's when you get suspicious.
I've had videos completely die off in views and you can see the climb before it completely falling off the cliff after hours of the upload, I've had videos get age restricted for police brutality and for animal cruality with no timestamps given, and all sorts of other nonsense.
I almost never click the box if a video has a paid advertiser in, that video will always fail no matter what on my channel.
I can go on for hours but this comment is much too long now.


This is proof that Youtube doesn't care about creators' mental health. A nicely presented video too.


They remove the "dislikes", because the "dislikes" showed the users what other people feel. Especially some self proclaimed "reaction videos" had 60-90% dislikes. So you can say Youtube hate creators, but they hate user oppion too (if not to say, "even more").


Happening to me somewhat as well. Just as you say, the metrics all suggest the vids should be normal performing, but have seen a mark drop off in my last three uploads to the point where I’m on a month long break just to clear my head.


Hey mate. Thanks for coming out as another Australian content creator and giving Youtube the proper whinge they deserve. I've only just found this video now, but I recently had to step back from my own channel as Youtube drove me to an incredible poor state of mental and physical health. It's hard out here, but we're also passionate about what we do. Hopefully we can take back our passions as things we can enjoy while also being fairly compensated.
