The TRUE Fundamentals of Shooting Form | Basketball Shooting Form

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The TRUE Fundamentals of Shooting Form | Basketball Shooting Form
DISCLAIMER: This video is not created or intended for children 13 years of age or younger. Please do not view or participate in any instruction if you're not 14 years of age or older.

In today's video, I give you The TRUE Fundamentals of Shooting Form I let you in on the one thing that might be killing your jump shot, and I also show you what the pros do and what the most common shooting fundamentals from the best shooters in the world. Make sure you pay close attention throughout the video so you can Instantly Increase Shooting Consistency! These simple basketball shooting techniques are super easy to implement for players at every level. By implementing these tips into your game you can almost immediately skyrocket your basketball shooting percentage!
My first talking point I dive in and explain to you The TRUE Fundamentals of Shooting Form. I always like to first focus on your form and making sure that your fundamentals are dialed in is incredibly important. If we look at the best shooters in the NBA think of guys like Trae Young and Steph Curry they have an optimized form that helps them keep their shot repeatable and fluid. Both shooters all get phenomenal power when shooting and it's because there is essentially zero wasted motion. When it comes to figuring out why you're in a shooting slump making sure your form is optimized when shooting I walk you through a few basketball shooting tips to make sure we are optimizing your shooting form which will, in turn, help you bust your shooting slump.
After that, we talk a ton about the little details of shooting the basketball from making sure you are working out in a manner that will help you be effective shooting the ball in a real game. I also dive in and talk to you about the most important part of shooting a basketball, and that is having confidence. This can seriously be the biggest factor between being an ok shooter to becoming a GREAT shooter.

As always make sure you are paying close attention to these basketball shooting tips so when the time comes you can really expand your game to the next level! Watch the video all the way through and make sure you aren't making this one crucial mistake on your jump shot. This will instantly increase your shooting consistency! Keep in mind that these shooting fundamentals are incredibly important to your jump shot! I always recommend that you experiment with all the options I present you with throughout the full video and see what option gives you the best results.

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"Basketball Shooting Drills" "How to Shoot a Basketball" "Basketball Shooting Tips" "Perfect Basketball Shooting Form" "Shooting For Beginners" "Basketball Shooting Tips" "Basketball Shooting Form" "Basketball Drills" "Basketball Training Tips" "Basketball Shooting Secrets" "Perfect Basketball Shooting Release" "Basketball Shooting Form Tutorial" "Basketball Shooting Form Tips" "Basketball Jumper Hacks" "Shooting Secrets" "Instantly Increase Shooting Consistency" "DON'T do THIS on your Jump Shot" "Basketball Shooting Myths" "Stephen Curry Shooting Form" "Trae Young Shooting Form" "Basketball Guide Hand" "Basketball Shooting Guide Hand Tips" "How to Get Perfect Basketball Shooting Guide Hand" "Basketball Shooting Guide Hand Tutorial" "Get Perfect Shooting Guide Hand Like Stephen Curry" "Guide Hand" "Basketball Shooting Fundamentals" "The TRUE Fundamentals of Shooting Form" "Fundamentals of shooting a basketball" "Basketball Shooting Fundamentals for Kids"

#Shotmechanics #NBAShootingSecrets #BasketballShootingTips
Рекомендации по теме

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Makes sense if you're shot's already money.


I use curry with hof quickdraw and im greening everything


Bro, I wish this guy was my 1 on 1 coach. Can’t find one for the life of me, and he would be a really good one.


Here’s my story
I am a freshman right now. I’ve been practicing basketball a lot in the summer last year. I would try to practice everyday for at least a hour. When basketball tryouts for the freshman team came up. I started getting nervous and I completely messed up in my tryouts. I was so upset. One kid who made the team said this, “Just fix your jump shot, that shit looks ugly”. That stayed in my head and here I am now!


This is more helpful than those “fix your jump shot” ad


Kinda like rapping faster or slower than the beat. *Flow is everything.*


Great video. I like the way you put it and explained why nobody's shot will be the same or why there isn't a perfect form.


how is there a dislike and the vid just came out 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣🤣


Needed to hear the part where you said “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” When I shoot I pretty much use both of my hands. For example when I go up and I’m getting ready to release and should be using mainly my dominant hand to shoot it, I use my guide hand along with my dominant hand all the way through. And the thing is my shot is pretty consistent when it comes to the amount of days I’ve been practicing. But I just have this fear that if I try out my coach might force me to “fix” my shot so I’ve been trying to fix it beforehand. Appreciate it💪🏾


Thanks for the amazing tips! I went outside and made way more shots than before!


Best basketball fundamental coach I have ever seen! I understood everything that was taught. Great job! 🏀


This is the best basketball coach on YouTube. Keep it up man!


Love your tips and your way so much thank ya for your efforts coach ❤️💗


2:40 that first one is my issue. specifically spot up when i get deeper in range


I’m still missing slightly’s and I only green every once in awhile, and this helped so much


I think I found the Best coach on youtube.


When I did this I got every shot and I'm only 11yr old


i was a shooter freshmen year got like 4 threes in and i was a passer so gave up many shots for a better one. My coach told me to fix my shot and then my shot was broken, like actually horrible, he made me sit on the bench my next year and now im fixing my shot back to join on the team junior year.


“Simply adjusting your form” what a vast understatement of such a difficult process.


Dude, the last tip really got into me.
I am left handed, but when I was a Kid a shot with my right hand.
When I became a teen they told me that was wrong and made me change my game. So, I started shooting with my left hand. My jumpshots became TRASH!!!!
