Temptation Fades as We Seek Christ in Every Thought

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Yielding to temptation is like a magnet approaching a metal object, says Elder Ulisses Soares. As it draws closer, the magnet’s invisible force attracts the metal object and holds it tightly but loses power over the object when it is placed outside its power to attract.

“As we resist temptation, it fades away and loses its power over our mind and heart and, consequently, over our actions,” he says during his October 2020 general conference address.

“Seeking Christ in every thought and following Him with all our heart” weakens the attraction of temptation. This “requires that we align our mind and desires with His,” Elder Soares says.

Seeking Christ in every thought and following Him with all our heart “gives us the promise that we can walk in His light and that His guidance prevents the influence of darkness in our life,” he declares.

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I am 83 years old and a former Baptist minister that found the Restored Church of Jesus Christ 51 years ago. When I was 9 years of age the preacher was preaching about the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ and Israel had to be restored first plus the Church had to be restored. I was listening to my shortwave radio and happened to tune in and English speaking station, it was the United Nations taking a vote to make Israel a nation again, it was in the sprint of 1948, I was 9 years old and I heard a miracle, In one day God Restored the Nation of Israel. I was looking for the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, I was preaching a sermon in the Baptist Church when I said "there is no other scripture except the Holy Bible, such as the Book of Mormon" when the Holy Spirit told me "how do you know that is true", it startled me as I didn't only that that was what we were taught as Baptist doctrine. So I got a Book of Mormon and met with the Missionaries, I knew that this is the Restored Church of Jesus Christ with the Fullness of the Gospel. I joined the Church with my family in 1970. My father a Baptist minister for 15 years was upset and said Mormons are not Christian, I said "dad they are, have you read the Book of Mormon, No, read it". I pestered him for months he finally said "Ronnie, I'll read the Book of Mormon if you will leave us alone."
He came to me after a few months and said "Ronnie your mother and I know the Book of Mormon is true and we want to join the Church." The 1st year 14 members of my family, comprising 4 generations joined the Church. Later my dad was a Bishop, mother Relief Society president and when they retired they both served a 2 years full time mission in Bath, New York. I am currently the Ward organist and have been on and off depending on my callings for 51 years. This The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and is the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is coming soon, be ready. Keep the faith. Amen


As a convert I find temptation very hard to resist. I am so glad Jesus put this video in my path to see. I pray to Heavenly Father all the time for strength to resist temptation. Thank you for the video. I plan on rewatching it daily.


One of the men at my church displayed a sign from his computer saying "sin is like a credit card, enjoy it now but pay for it later" and im like facts.


😊♥️♥️😃 You know it’s the BEST day when you can look at your phone, click on an Apostle’s message and instantly feel the SPIRIT of God in the deepest part of your heart ❤️ & Soul! Thank You for giving me this GIFT today! I will pay it forward! 😃♥️♥️ 😊


I love Jesus Christ because He gives me the strength to avoid temptations!


I really admire the JESUS thoughts and opinions on every matter and i had learned many things from his teachings and it given me a new perspective about my life circumstances and way of living. Btw i am not a Christian by religion but i really find his teachings and lessons more useful in my daily life.🙂


I love how simply this is explained, it is so true. The further away we are from Christ, the more deeper we fall into the traps of the devil. Love this message, Love Elder Suarez, Love the Gospel 💕


Wow, this is so perfect for me today! I have been pondering covenants (which is a subject I have long neglected) and the reality the Spirit has taught me lately is that we are "strangers and pilgrims" in this world. This is NOT really our home or culture, and if I REALLY believe that, how can I live above anything that is not true to my as an eternal being who once dwelt in the light of the presence of my Father who happens to also be the God of all?
Seeking Christ in EVERY thought and with ALL our hearts was the perfect answer! I think that is why it is so critical we spend time with Him so we have more memories and lessons to ponder, like Nephi who said he "pondered continually on the things that he had both seen and heard" from the Lord. This video is so special and profound! How I long to be someone "after the Lord's own heart" :).


Thank Elder Soares. What an uplifting message


How dark my life was becoming until my prayers were heard and answered ..I truly and eagerly await his glorious return.


This is such a beautiful visual and expresses how it feels perfectly 🤍💙💜


Now that is a excellent example and Truth! Thank you all for making this video and presentation available. For all of us who trying to resist the magnet of the world of evil intentions and Temptations also thoughts! I'm constantly trying to pull my other leg out of Babylon into safety.


I Love You Jesus Christ and I Will Always Follow You🙌☀️👑👑👑! AMEN❤️! Beautiful Video😌🙏!


Exactly what I needed to hear right now. I'm fascinated with neodymium rare earth magnets, so the analogy hit me: proximity increases attraction.


I love this man. Could listen to him all day every day ❤️ Amo este homen. Pode ouvir-lo o dia enteiro tudos os dias ❤️


It’s interesting when you the message you’ve needed suddenly pops ups one day huh. God really does look out for us 🙂


This is a very helpful, useful and illustration of how we can free ourselves from the pull of dangerous forces and become strengthened by the light of Christ and his redeeming power. Thank you for creating and sharing this ❤


The power of this message is manifested in the two testimonies of the spirit and the body that make up our souls. The negative power of our thoughts is felt in emotional ailments such as depression and anxiety. As critical and frightening mental impressions arise the science says to ask the question, Does this help? In the context of Elder Soares, the additional question is, Does this thought bring me closer or farther from my Savior? The help that is needed is as he so plainly taught, is from the Savior's light. The body asks the question; the Gospel provides the answer to the spirit thereby enriching the soul.


I like this animation. It drives good points home. Thank you! Hold on to that iron rod, the Word of God, with both hands! Read the scriptures everyday, and use the spiritual tools that are available to you! Pray always in your mind and don't think about the past or worry, just one day at a time.


I’ve been tempted by many things, keeping up with the Joneses of social media is one of them! It’s so easy to get sucked into this seemingly lavish lifestyle that a lot of social media users portray themselves to have! And especially like now during the holidays, I see what this person has or what that person is decorating, you can’t help but feel like ok I’ve got to buy that advent calendar now or I’ve got to buy or cut down a 12 foot tree cuz this influencer has a 12 foot tree or I got to book a flight to the Bahamas cuz this couple is going and they make it look like paradise etc etc so you know the power of social media can be overwhelming! It’s like you have to step back and focus on what’s important about the holidays! It’s about the celebration of our King entering into this world….not about who has the most lights or decorations or 12 foot trees😐I have to train myself to just keep my focus on what’s important like faith family good health and try my best to ignore the rest or simply just turn off my phone🙂
