jQuery Tutorial for Beginners #3: Setting up Sublime Text for jQuery

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This tutorial teaches you how to set up Sublime Text as your code editor for jQuery to be able to write code fast and effectively. While following along the course, you'll often see the shortcuts I use to duplicate lines, merge lines, use multiple cursors and so on. Those are specific to Sublime Text so if you want to use them as well, make sure to follow along this tutorial to install Sublime Text -- it's a really quick one.

Now, with Sublime Text you can not only write your jQuery code, but also pretty much any programming language you like. In this course, you'll use it for HTML and JavaScript mostly, occasionally for CSS code as well. But there are various plugins available as well for Sublime Text so that you can really get it to support even more programming languages.

I greatly recommend you install the Emmet plugin for Sublime Text. It allows you to save typing around 95% of your code when writing HTML or CSS. Seriously, check it out. You'll also get an idea of how it works while following along the tutorials. Otherwise, you can of course check out the documentation as well to dive right in.

Once the code editor is set up, you can start using jQuery right away. There is not much setup required, you'll just need the JavaScript file containing jQuery. You'll learn how to do that in the following tutorial.


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