ARE YOU KIDDING?!? Trophy King Salmon Caught in Alaska!! (full video)

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King Salmon :: 48" L 32" G
Caught on the 4th of July, 2014
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So glad they threw him back. Memories just started to flood my mind. Was with my dad in a drift boat when he released 3 upper river reds that were all over 80 in one year. My dad and grandpa both have lost hogs that would hit a 100 or more at the net. They both said they would have released them, but that was at a time when returning huge hogs wasn't a thing. I think they only said that to make themselves feel better😅 We fished tbe Kenai back back in the early 80's to early 90's. Big hogs were caught all the time back then. I feel sick to know how it is today😢 Got a pic me standing next to 93lb hog when I was 12yo. It was bigger than me!!! Im so thankful of all the memories my dad made possible by taking me with him. We not only fished the Kenai river for 15yrs. We fish out in the salt for those same hogs for 3 years in May. Launching off the beach by a tractor. We fished the Queen Charlottes, The Johns.Nehalem, Tillamook, Smith River California. Steelhead in the Quinault from canoes. I miss my dad so much. He's not only the best fisherman I've ever known but the best manIve ever met and my best friend. Until we meet again, dad. Love you.


12:15 He is crying. Literally crying, I imagine he's thinkin about old times with Pa, Grandpa maybe, oh the fish they'd catch... what an awesome moment.


When they're releasing it you can hear the ol timers breathe hes so excited. Love to see it


That is insane. I have been going to that same lodge for the past 5 years and the biggest king I have seen caught was 43". Congratulations on a wonderful catch.  


Amazing guide work. I like how the guide kept his cool and kept the client calm as well "don't go to pieces on me now" in a totally calm and collected manor. Excellent catch, excellent release. You guys Rock. Thank you for sharing this Dano D. All the best. Mitch.


The jealous boat captain guide seems crusty and bossy. Buzzkill.


Massive Respect for returning the fish. Also for the almost unbelievable lack of swearing!!!!


Great fish! Brings back memories of my brother and I on the Kenai July 22, 1999. At the end of the day, I caught a 47 inch female silver king and 30 minutes later, my brother caught a 50 inch copper king male. We used Gary Hull from Slammin' Salmon and were his pamphlet cover picture for a long time. Maybe we still are.


I fished the little Susitna river for 10 days many years ago, caught 2 kings 63 and 48 pounds, trip of a lifetime never to be repeated.


My dad caught a 72 pound King in AK back in the mid 70's.
Tasted fabulous!


Seeing you guys work so hard and then release him is awesome because it shows how much you just enjoy the sport and love nature.


Yanks the pole out of his hands “ I’m not taking over for you” gee thanks guide; here take my pole a few more times while telling me I’m doing great 👍 I hate guides who can’t shut up and let a fisherman do his thing: great catch man, beautiful fish 🐟


When I was 16 years old I got the opportunity to come up to Alaska and work at deep Creek custom packing, Ripping fish guts and packing fish 12 to 14 hours a day, at the end of the day we would go home to my uncle's house and fish on the river for our dinner, it was my brother my three cousins and myself. For a boy from Tacoma it was an eye-opening experience. Truly a summer that I will never forget.


Excellent video and was awesome hearing someone who has the same philosophy as I do as far as seeing that you cannot rob the population of those type of genetics. Photographs are as good a trophy as any!


Great job, proud they cut it loose! they taste like crap after going red


Everyone knows you measure it laying flat. Then let the client release


That guide should become a night club comic. Someone needs to get excited about this catch.


is it my imagination or is this guide giving himself more accolades then the guy that caught the fish.


Come on now every body this was an amazing catch worth every second they supported each other very well and had total respect for that fish period


Hey Mike! I knew that was you. Hope you and your wife are doing well. I think of you every summer when the salmon run.
