Ozzy Osbourne's Heartbreaking Message

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Ozzy Osbourne shares what he says is probably the hardest thing he's ever had to say to his fans...



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It’s amazing he’s still alive. No one could fault him for retiring from the road.


This man doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, his love of his fans and rock and roll has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.


Ozzy has given us all a lifetime of magic. Time for him to rest. He more than deserves it. Get rest and get well Ozzy.


Ozzy has nothing to prove. With his music, He’s given millions of young people a will to live during their own dark times because he understood them. It’s a sad day for his fans but even more sad for him. He lives to perform and it’s going to break his heart to have to sit it out from now on. Ozzy, you are deeply revered and loved. When YOU are down, Never forget that. 🤘🏻


I feel like this. Ozzy is one of the few if not the only artist who could delay and reschedule shows only to have to cancel them all, and no one is mad at him. God bless ya Ozzy!


Ozzy has given everything to rock n’ roll and fans will forever remember him and his contributions to music, the man is a legend, but his health comes first before anything else. Thank you Ozzy


Ozzy has given more to rock music than almost anyone in the world, it's crazy that he still wanted to give more. He's a legend in this game beyond compare, I hope he can look back and feel proud and not feel like he was stifled in the end with his injuries. I thank him for what he's given to me and the rest of the world.


Even the Prince of Darkness can't keep it up forever. Ozzy has given us DECADES of outstanding music, and will forever sit atop the mountain of metal.


Ozzy has devoted his life to his art of music. Now he’s doing what is right for HIM. I hope he gets to enjoy the rest of his life with his family with no more problems. Ozzy is a one off and he will be surely missed.


My mom told me about Black Sabbath...and in 1976 at the age of 6 I remember thinking the intro to Iron Man was cool, and the singer was really good. Then in my teenage years in the 80's Ozzy's solo band was very popular in my high school...I saw them live once on the Bark at the Moon tour. This man is a part of my life...he's part of our culture...has been for generations. I love you Ozzy!!!


I saw him twice back in the 70s..
He gave me years of memories. You have served us rockers well, my friend.
Have a good rest.


Ozzy’s music is the play list of my life since I was 13 yrs of age . I’m 58 now and still rockin to Mr Ozzy Osborne . Thank you for all of your music . 😊


A true fan could never ask for anything more from Sir Ozzy Osbourne. Thank you for the music ❤️ it'll out last all of us


He has given us all. It's time we give him back the love ❤ Take care of ur health Ozz.... U are my biggest motivation. Love from India🇮🇳


Ozzy has had an amazing career and he is a legend. He's given us so much with his music from Sabbath and his solo career. He deserves to rest now, and we understand.


He thanks his fans for our endless dedication but the man has been performing and writing absolutely amazing music with amazing musicians for 45 years no ozzy THANK YOU for your endless dedication to your fans, he could’ve stopped touring 20 years ago but he still did it despite everything because he loves preforming and loves his fans


With the way Ozzy lived as a true Rock star, I hope he can take solace in the fact that his touring career comes to an end mostly because of old age and not from some tragic accident that cut his life way too short. This man has stood the test of time and should be proud and feel blessed by the length of his career. Sit in a recliner and make music man, we will all still be here for it.


Wish I could go back to the summer of 81 & see Ozzy for the 1st time again. Black Sabbath & the Blizzard of Oz (Ozzy) have remained essential listening since I 1st got on the bus as a 12yr old in 1979.
God bless Ozzy Osbourne!!


Born into the working-class streets,
A life of hardship, a life of feats,
Ozzy Osbourne, the Prince of Darkness,
A legend born from his own starkness.

With a voice that roared like thunder,
A sound that shook the world asunder,
He took the stage with wild abandon,
A rebel spirit, forever unbroken.

From Sabbath's gloom to solo flights,
He lit the fire of a thousand nights,
His music a force of primal might,
A symphony of chaos, dark and bright.

But life was never easy for the prince,
A constant battle, a never-ending wince,
From addiction's grip to family strife,
He fought his demons, to reclaim his life.

And though the road was rough and long,
He stood his ground, and he stayed strong,
A survivor, a rock star, an icon true,
Ozzy Osbourne, we salute you.

So here's to the life of a heavy metal king,
A journey fraught with everything,
A life of music, a life of pain,
A legacy that forever will remain.


I've been a fan since age 14. I'm 42 now and I feel I grew up with him. My Dad was in a band and sang a lot of Black Sabbath. Listening to him is like coming home.
He is and always will be the greatest rocker that ever lived.
