Can Banks Fail Is Your Money Safe What Can Preppers Do

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Keep stockpiling foods, add to your stockpile every time you shop, inflation is here, price hikes are real. Why you should be stockpiling food now. Food Shortages are happening all over the world. Take this as a Prepper Wake Up Call What Current Crisis Means For Us Sometimes it takes fear to awaken the prepper within. Don't become a prepper out of fear, plan to provide the things you and your family need no matter what the future holds. Pandemic, war Ukraine Russia, Nuclear war, civil unrest, food shortages, job losses, economic downturn, natural disasters, hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, floods, drought. Stockpile food and supplies now while food is available. Price hikes are beginning, shortages are happening.



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Never let your tank go less than 3/4. When we get to 3/4 if we are going near a petrol station, then we put the fuel in. At least it helps a bit, if a problem.


Thank you for the research you have done, and for sharing it. You are very much appreciated.


In the State of RI in the early 90’s the Governor shut down all credit unions due to embezzlement and bankruptcy of the private insurance coverage, most of the credit unions were not covered by the FDIC. Many people lost their business and homes and it took years to recover. Your advice is excellent, but keep small bills nothing higher than $20 is my suggestion. ✅😊


The only reason to keep your money in the bank is security. They pay no interest and if you use their services a couple times a month you really get nothing in return. The reality is that security is crucial, your money is yes insured up to a certain amount. It takes a long time to save 100-300k or more. Keeping it at home or buried is not feasible. Keeping what you need to survive for a year plus barter is ie 10-20k. If you have no cash when the power grid goes down which we’ve experienced many times your screwed as experienced by unprepared people during major storm damage situations.


I had an account with a regional bank that went under in the '90s. It's like you said, when a new bank buys an old one, the only difference is you need new checks/ATM card, and they handle it for you. The Fed really learned its lesson from the Great Depression, and few will lose money in a bank failure. If you're lucky enough to have more than 250k, either invest or deposit in multiple banks to avoid the FDIC limit.


AG---I must say having been with you for years I have learned more from you for myself and family then anywhere else.You are always spot on. I always learn something. When I see what we are sending overseas all we are doing is depleting this country ...of oil, military arms, and money....its like a floodgate of giveaways but not to dont trust the banks or anything else....stay safe hang tough and God Bless you


Hi AG! Excellent video. Getting ready for retirement in 350 days ( who’s counting). I am in process of getting rid of debt, so cash on hand is limited. I try to split up what cash I do have in 5’s, 10’s and 20’s. We have minimal amounts of hundreds. I have also used a large amount to buy and stock my pantry. My goal is to have enough food to support my family. I pray that before SHTF I have met my goals. Thanks for your research, as I was just thinking about this topic on a road trip with time to think and strategize. Hope you have a awesome weekend!!!!


Great info! Thanks for sharing! All those banks going under is an eye opener!


Great advice to be prepared with some cash on hand. Not just for failed banks, but if a storm was to come through and knock out utilities -- no internet is needed to deal in cash. We try to keep a good chunk on hand with plenty of smaller denominations like $5's, $10's and $20's to minimize the amount of change needed for those times where the seller can't break a $100.





Thank you for your research and sharing 😍


My apologies should have been clearer with my question. If one has a large sum of money in the bank how much should one take out within what timeframe of days? For example should one withdraw $1000 on day one, $2500 on day three, $900 on day six, etc...random amounts alternating days sometimes 2 days, sometimes 3 days between? Would having our Bank issue a cashiers check for a large amount then cashing it elsewhere be a benefit? We just don't know when the SHTF and I am anxious to get this done within days/weeks, if not months, if possible.


Good informational video, thanks for sharing, God bless !


Do credit unions fail? No credit union was part of that list


Funny you should post this today. I've been gradually taking money out of my savings for safe keeping. About 6 mos ago I could take out, at the ATM, 800. It dropped to 500 and now today it's 300. We had a cash deal and I went to the inside of the bank for 10k. I was told they don't have that much money there and they had to get an over ride from the bank manager. Imagine! It's my money and they acted like they were doing me a favor. We live on my husband's pension and our SS. If either one disappears we are in big trouble. Worse yet, we couldn't get our money out of the bank. Cash is still king, at least for now. I wouldn't put any faith in the FDIC. Federal reserve is not a government branch and you can't trust congress as far as you can throw them.


Both of my parents were born at the start of the stock market crash that created the depression. Rags for shoes, shanty-town and soup lines. Work was very hard to find. Families moved in with relatives; sometimes 3 families to one house. My dad grew up with his cousins like brothers. My mother was "given up" to live with her childless aunt because her parents lost everything. My mother DRILLED the depression into our heads as kids. How to stretch food. How to mend clothes. Make-shift shoes. When I was a kid, my grandparents only kept in the bank what was needed to pay bills for THAT MONTH. Their "savings" was stuffed in mattresses, in tin boxes in the attic, inside of walls, in the underside of furniture. DO NOT EVER trust the bank. DO NOT believe them even though they are insured up to a certain amount. Insurance is a rip-off. Always has been. Trust NOTHING but yourself and your knowledge. Learn to barter services for goods and vice versa. Hard times ahead. Hold on tight my


So how does someo withdraw money from your bank to avoid red flags?


Better look into bank bail ins- ask people in Greece. local Credit unions are better, but only somewhat. Also, "Safe " deposit boxes can be seized.
Problem is keeping much cash or PMs in your home can be dangerous. You will talk if someone is ruthless enough.
An I dea I heard- hold in postal money orders made out to you only-IDK...


Great video keep up your great work 👍 God bless you and yours


My grandma was a widow with 9 kids. She lost her $ in a savings & loan that went under. It took many years for her to get her $ back. Don't know if she ever got the whole amount.
