*Update* Brittany & Abby Hensel New Child, Marriage, House, & More!

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Your coverage in this video was stellar. So empathetic and accepting. I loved your choice of words and how you presented all the information. Thank you for doing it with such grace!


I would not like to see a show about them. They deserve a quiet happy life. Let’s all let them have it.


While I LOVE the marriage, I just don't understand the Abby only thing.
How will Brittany find love and get married?
What will Josh think?
I have so many questions.
But honestly, not only fascinating, so inspirational.
These women have found a way to coexist, to love.
They're probably happier than 95% of the people I know.
Blessings & MANY THANKS for sharing your story.
We appreciate you ... BOTH of you!
Special shout out to Brittany, for being the #1 BEST SISTER ... EVER.


This takes third wheeling to a whole new level!


This is one of the most bizarre stories I have ever heard!!!


No more reality shows. Let these women and their families live in peace!


God bless Brittany for having such immense love for her sister Abbey to go so far as to agree to her marriage to her husband. How incredibly beautiful!


Abby looks so happy being married and Brittany is so supportive if her sister. Beautiful to see. I know abby will be as supportive when Brittany settles down with her own husband to start the next chapter if her life.

Its truly beautiful to see their careers and lives full of happiness

I have younger brothers that are twins i hooe they find this happiness it's an inspiration to us all ❤❤❤


I think hes married to both. legally only one. That's the only thing that makes sense.


I've been thinking about this for a while now... My wife tells me to put the subject down, but it is difficult to do so. They share a lower half, each woman controlling half the body. No matter how you frame it, the husband would be lying with two women at once. Legally, the ladies are separate individuals with their own driving licences, etc. Given this, wouldn't any church or even the law refuse to marry the couple? Wouldn't it be a case of bigamy? I remember my own viws instructing me to "forsake all others, " etc and as a legally binding contract it is taken seriously. I hope they are all happy, I hope the mechanics of it all work out, the girls truly are a miracle and i'd love them to create a big, happy family full of love and hope. That said...

I just cant see how the chap could be justified in saying that he's only marrying Abby, when he'd clearly be consummating the marriage with both women, like it or not, and one would expect a certain amout of sexual activity within the marriage where the result is usually pregnancy, if intended, and that brings up questions; does one twin legally possess one ovary each, for instance? Clearly, whichever falopian tube and ovary that the egg emerges from, that would dictate who the mother is, so, would that result be left up to nature or would eggs be implanted after being hatvested from Abby's ovary? How would that make Brittany feel? I'd imagine that after agreeing to sort of act as surrogate for Abby's pregnancy, she might like that the same opportunity be afforded to her as well. What if she wanted to get married and conceive the natural way, too?

I wish them all the best, but human sexuality is notoriously complicated even for those of us who aren't sharing a body and a single set of reproductive organs with their twin sister. God knows that if they can make it work then it behoves the rest of us to try a little harder in our own relationships. God bless them.


I just can’t imagine their sex life..I just can’t understand


Abby has always been the dominant twin. Britney has always been a supporting character.


I have SOOOO MANY questions about how this works!!


"Abby is the one married to him; there is no type of relationship between Brittany & Josh."
"Abby & Josh recently purchased a new house & they've been doing a lot of traveling as well."
Brittany's just going along for the ride. 🙃


Oh gosh, please forgive me, but this is sickening. Does Brittany just close her eyes and ears as Abby is intimate with her husband? This is wrong on so many levels.


If that was me, I would never get into relationship UNLESS that individual is willing to love and respect my sister exactly the same. Brittany is sharing her body with Abby's husband, why can't he share the love and the kiss? Is the expectation for Brittany to watch only while having to share her private part whenever those 2 felt like it? What was Abby thinking. I would never ever agree to put myself thru this. I personally found it very selfish and mean. My heart hurts for Brittany. 😢


For the sake of the little girl, I hope they don't do a reality show! Let Abbey & Brittany share what they choose to share and otherwise, let them live their lives as privately and peacefully as they choose. I'm happy to have a 3 year old news update on them, and I'm thrilled for the whole family! Congratulations to the happy couple!


They need to investigate this dude. He most likely just wants the notoriety.


I’m so glad that the girls have found happiness!! Marriage, new house, and a beautiful little step daughter! ❤❤❤ blessings to each of them and their family!!


I’ve been following the twins for years. I just love them and I am so happy for all three of them! It’s a win win.
