How To Get Unlimited Diamonds In Minecraft Survival

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Using Villagers And A Simple Trick You Can Get Unlimited Supplies Of Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18+ Survival. The diamond tools and armor you can get is basically unlimited and this glitch/trick can really help you in your survival world. Showing you how to do it step by step in just 3 minutes!

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Here is why I titled it "unlimited diamonds". The main thing you use diamonds for is to make tools and armor. And with this trick you get diamond tools and armor, without ever needing to get the ores. And "unlimited" seemed imporant, since when mining, there is a fixed supply of ores, but with this trick you can do it for an unlimited amount of times and it never runs out.
Apologies if the title/thumbnail seemed too far off for you will do better in the future


This has everything to do with getting unlimited diamond tools/armor/weapons (granted, very useful), and nothing to do with getting unlimited diamonds.


Im sorry but this thumbnail is just click bait, I mean of course trading tricks are useful to know and your need for diamond tools will definitely be satisfied. But calling your video "How To Get Unlimited Diamonds In Minecraft Survival" is just plain wrong. This does not help me construct my diamond beacon or mass craft fireworks.


Unlimited diamond gear is not the same as unlimited diamonds. :( Also, just to be clear, this concept isn't a new feature. Villager spamming for diamond gear has been around for a while.


You guys have a good channel, good content and hopefully a good relation. Please don't lose this to clickbaiting and misleading videos :/


Me after watching this video:

“My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.”


I've been playing minecraft for a while now, so I knew this was clickbait. But I still had hope that some new trick would be shown that I didn't know about. Unfortunately I was disappointed.


You must rename this title to: How to get unlimited Diamond Tools in Minecraft.


I love this channel, but this honestly is clickbait. Diamond Armor and tools may be the most crafted stuff out of diamonds, but they are *not* diamonds. There are many people/builders who like to use the jukebox as a building block(before you start typing noteblocks, I meant the top face), the enchanting table's bottom face, and diamond blocks in general to build or decorate, or make a throne(ahem, hermits)etc.(Edit: fireworks as well) In that case, what to do?
So, it is my request to give proper information in the thumbnails and titles, even though you are probably going to change it anyway some days later.


That's just diamond gear, not diamonds themselves :(


When I saw the thumbnail and title I thought that he will tell that how we can get 8 diamonds for 1 emerald but I don't thought that 1 diamond chestplate=8 diamonds 😁


This is my go-to channel for unmatched quality tutorials and farms. Honestly, the best of its kind on youtube. However, I would argue that a diamond tool is not equivalent to its composite diamonds. Raw diamonds have potential for many things, while a tool is only one realization of those many potentials. The yt algorithm obviously promotes "click-bait" titles, but it is not a good game to play as you will disappoint the core community that keeps the channel strong and growing. That said, Shulkercraft is an amazing channel that stands out as bridge between the technical and casual communities. I look forward to future videos! Thanks!


This is what I do now. I can't remember the last time I mined for diamonds. But I get my emeralds from sticks from my automated bamboo farm or iron farm. I think an early villager trading farm might be the quickest way to get to late stage. If you can get the potion of weakness and golden apples early and nip into the nether for some other resources then can make a trading farm with an integrated zombie villager curing station to quickly get down to 1 emerald a trade. then you are sorted for ever.


If only you could smelt down diamond armor, tools, and weapons into singular diamonds the way you could with gold and iron, then this would truly be unlimited diamonds.


You can't get unlimited diamonds though. Only unlimited diamond armour.


3:00 Tip: If you place bed or iron bars near the zombie villager it'll speed up the process


Thank *GOD* you point out 3:13 - You have no idea how many videos fail to point that out. Sure, some people will touch only hard mode - so it won't affect them, but this affected my ass because I was on normal and lost quite a few useful villagers before realizing the world's difficulty wasn't set appropriately. This is basically the only reason you play in Hard Mode - but god is it a useful reason nonetheless...


i was expecting for unlimited diamonds, not tools/armors, the reason is i wanted to make a diamond beacon.


Now that you have found an *OUTSTANDING* method of getting "diamonds", make a fresh new beacon out of diamonds obtained by this trick. Then we shall believe you.


For anyone wanting to try this method please read this.
Things the video didn’t explain
1.leveling up villagers takes an extremely long time and lots of resources
2. Getting the potion of weakness (the thing you throw at the villager once they’re turned into a zombie villager) is crafted by first crafting a brewing stand with blaze rod and cobble stone. Then cook sand to create glass bottles fill them with water then put them in the brewing stand use blaze power to power the stand and add spider eyes.
3. Golden apples are crafted by using 8 gold ingots and 1 apple(if you like go into the nether to mine lots of gold)
