The Master of the Tower | DragonLance Saga

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#TheMasterOfTheTower #TowerOfWayreth #TowersOfHighSorcery #WizadsOfHighSorcery #DragonLance #Krynn #HeroesOfTheLance #DLSaga #DragonlanceSaga
Masters of the Towers of High Sorcery were not always chosen.
Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about the Master of the Tower. I would like to take a moment and thank the members of this channel, and invite you to consider becoming a member by visiting the link in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate links. I am referencing The Last Tower and Towers of High Sorcery sourcebooks for this information. If I leave anything out or misspeak, please leave a comment below!
To be granted the honor of being a Master of a Tower of High Sorcery is an incredible feat. However, before we allow it to go to the heads of the various past Tower Masters, they were not always chosen because of their individual skill or mastery of the Arcane arts, though that is always a factor. In some cases, location was of paramount concern as well. For example, more out of the way Towers, located away from city centers or industry, a Black Robe or Red Robe might be considered. In locations where the populace may be distrustful or skeptical, inevitably a White robe is placed in position. In the Age of Despair when Raistlin Majere claimed the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas, the conclave wasn’t happy about it, but they didn’t make a fuss because at least the tower was once again opened, and let’s be honest, they had no control over Raistlin at that point in his life. He was ostensibly a renegade mage and they were helpless to stop him. Today we are going to focus on the Master of the Tower of Wayreth in the Fifth Age.
As the ages of Krynn passed, more and more of the Towers of High Sorcery were either destroyed or went missing. In the Age of Mortals only the Tower of High Sorcery at Palanthas and Wayreth were left, and on one sunny Palanthian day, its Tower was seemingly brought down by its Master. In truth, Dalamar the Dark transported it to Nightlund. We even saw the return of the Tower of High Sorcery of Istar late into the Age of Mortals, but it is at the bottom of the Sea of Istar. The only Tower of High Sorcery that is believed to remain in this age is the Tower of High Sorcery at Wayreth.
Being a Master of a Tower of High Sorcery is more than just being its caretaker. The Towers themselves are magical artifacts. The Masters undergo secret rituals where a portion of their life essence is sacrificed to the Tower’s arcane essence, granting them complete control of the structure, guardians and surrounding lands. When this bond has been made, only death or the combined might of the Conclave of Wizards can break it. But in as much as you give to the Tower, it gives back. In much the same way as Clerics of the Holy Orders of the Stars are granted bonus spells, so too are Masters of the Tower of High Sorcery. The immense magical resources in the Towers are available to the Masters and they have unrestricted access to the most rare and wondrous spells. They enjoy resistance to magic while on the Towers grounds as well. One can see how this would be a truly covetous position for the ambitious Magi.
The Master of the Tower of Wayreth is a mysterious figure. He just appeared one day. Palin Majere was the Head of the Orders of High Sorcery at the Time, and magic was falling all around Krynn in the absence of the Gods due to the Chaos War. Many suspected The Master of the Tower to actually be Raistlin Majere, even the enigmatic Shadow Sorcerer believed this to be so, and she ended up being the Queen of Darkness, Takhisis herself. So who could this Master of the Tower be that would present a mystery to the Dark Queen? The Master of the Tower has never spoken his name, if he is a he and even has a name. The population of Krynn is ignorant to his existence because he never leaves the Tower of High Sorcery in Wayreth. His appearance isn’t even consistent...