Using PowerShell - Count of users in a specific OU

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Using PowerShell - Count of users in a specific OU

1. Prepare

2. Step by step : Count of users in HR OU, IT OU and QA OU

- DC31 : Count of users in HR OU, IT OU and QA OU

+ Using interface :

+ Using Windows PowerShell

+ Start - Windows PowerShell, type :

+ Get-Aduser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=HR,DC=Yi,DC=VN' | Select Name # Display users belong HR OU

+ (Get-Aduser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=HR,DC=Yi,DC=VN' | Select Name).Count # Count users belong HR OU

+ Get-Aduser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=IT,DC=Yi,DC=VN' | Select Name # Display users belong IT OU

+ (Get-Aduser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=IT,DC=Yi,DC=VN' | Select Name).Count # Count users belong IT OU

+ Get-Aduser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=QA,DC=Yi,DC=VN' | Select Name # Display users belong QA OU

+ (Get-Aduser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=QA,DC=Yi,DC=VN' | Select Name).Count # Count users belong QA OU
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