How to Get ALL 25 Legendary Pokemon in Indigo Disk

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The Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC Indigo Disk Brings Back 25 Returning Legendary Pokemon that you have to hunt down all throughout Paldea. Here is How to Get ALL 25 Legendary Pokemon in Indigo Disk

0:00 Version Exclusives
1:42 How to Unlock Snacksworth Treats
2:23 Solo VS Group Snacks
4:01 Effective Catching & Shiny Locks
6:22 Articuno, Zapdos, & Moltres
7:52 Raikou, Entei, & Suicune
9:06 Lugia & Ho-oh
10:14 Latias & Latios
11:06 Kyogre, Groudon, & Rayquaza
12:58 Cobalion, Terrakion, & Virizion
14:32 Reshiram, Zekrom, & Kyurem
16:10 Solgaleo, Lunala, & Necrozma
18:02 Kubfu, Glastrier, & Spectrier

Official Playlist of Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Indigo Disk DLC

Official Playlist of the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

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Please Note: The Co-Op quests do NOT require opposite versions. 4 Violet players can unlock all the Scarlet Exclusives


Why is no one talking about how much of a gigachad this snacksworth guy is? Bro literally met every legendary and became their buddy. He almost beat suicune in a race to the shore just by doing backstrokes. He's the true main character


Fun Fact: Lugia and Groudon are the only Snackworth's Legendaries that have Tera Type that are not part of their Type. Lugia has Water Type as its Tera Type while Groudon has Fire Type of its Tera Type, which is interesting considering they are commonly known for being associate with those Type toward their moveset and ecology.


I hate that they lock like half of the legends behind the Union Circle, then don't allow you to form groups with random people


Something worth noting is that Lugia comes with Tera Water, and Groudon comes with Tera Fire, as opposed to being one of their stab types


Keep in mind, it does not need to be in the other version of the game. You can have 4 people playing violet, and as long as you can get a group quest done, you will get one of your group legends


As much as it sucks that everything is shiny locked, hearing all the original battle themes being in the game is wonderful 💜 Unlike a certain remake we recently had 👀


It’s things like this that make you miss ultra wormholes.


For solgaleo, use a flash fire pokemon with a ground tera type, that will be immune to both flare blitz and wild charge.


It is always disappointing when the legendaries are shinylocked because this game would be a good one to shiny hunt most of them.


I think someone should create a video that has a bunch of union-circle codes available for people to join in to complete this event. For example, entering in the code 1010 into union circle, would allow people who primarily play offline to get a chance to catch all these Pokémon’s. It is a let down that they are all shiny-locked.


Shiny locked and having to be online is lame.


They should've made it where you can play online with others randomly...without the link code and all that.

For Union Circle.

That would make this much easier.


If you use Breloom, I reccommend giving Breloom Tera Normal. This ensures that you dont take supereffective hits from pokemon like Glastrier and Reshiram. It also powers up false swipe.


I find it odd that Calyrex, Zacian and Zamazenta are all in the game but not available by doing this.
Especially since the 2 steads are there.
I find it very likely that these will be getting raids in the future, probably including Eternatus. Maybe they will even go as far as giving Zacian and Zamazenta boosted stats like in the Mewtu Raid


16:10 For Solgaleo, You can use a Tera Ground Pokemon with Flash Fire ability to wall both of Solgaleo’s recoil moves.


A fun little note for those that don't use Home. Many legendary pokemon have key items associated with them that you can't transfer over via Home despite being able to transfer the pokemon itself. If you get one of these pokemon, then a fourth auction opens up in the Porto Marinada Market. Of the 25 we get access to, Kubfu, Calyrex, and the BW trio unlock this.

The auctions for Kubfu will net you the scrolls that determined its style in SwSh, this time becoming key items that act like evolution stones (you can get both scrolls but like in SwSh, you only have the choice of one form). Having Calyrex can get you the Reins of Unity, which can be used to fuse and unfuse it with the Spectrier and Glastrier. I believe it's having Kyurem that will unlock the DNA splicers item.

Additionally, for those that maybe didn't move a Palkia or Dialga over from any version of DP or BDSP, or from PLA, then having either of the two of them also unlocks extra auctions, giving you the Adamant Orb (og hold item) and Crystal (PLA item for the origin forme) for Dialga and the Lustrous Orb and Globe for Palkia.


Just want to point out that Necrozma is right next to the Groundblight shrine. So if you have the shrines unlocked on your map, that's going to make it a lot easier.


I play Scarlet and don’t have a false swiper, but a lvl 100 Ting-Lu with Ruination worked pretty well for my solo legendaries. Ruination always brings the opponent down to half its current HP. Ting-Lu’s defense stat is really high, and its typing makes it immune to electric and psychic attacks, which is good considering a lot of them have psychic moves. Its ability Vessel of Ruin is an added bonus against special attacks too.


I just want to say thank you, Austin John, for the clarification on the iv's of all 25 legendary Pokémon in both scarlet and violet. I was hearing non-stop from other people in the Pokémon community that the indigo disk was severely glitched because of all 25 legendary Pokémon don't have any guaranteed iv's.
