BizDevOps: Using KPIs to Unlock a Common Language - Electric Cloud
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BizDevOps: Using KPIs to Unlock a Common Language
Mark Sutton, Director, DevOps Solutions, Electric Cloud
Today, software IS the business. It’s more important than ever to build the right thing, build it right, and deliver it at the right time. DevOps is great, but there’s a missing link. Most DevOps initiatives improve IT cycle times. But how does this impact the business? How do you measure the business value of your efforts?
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. BizDevOps bridges business, development, and operations metrics to provide a deeper understanding of how your overall software delivery process affects business outcomes. With this knowledge, business leaders can understand, and better project, which inputs result in what outputs. In this talk, we’ll dissect the elements of BizDevOps, review some key metrics that help illuminate outcomes, and provide operational concepts for metrics collection.
DOES17 San Francisco
DevOps Enterprise Summit
Mark Sutton, Director, DevOps Solutions, Electric Cloud
Today, software IS the business. It’s more important than ever to build the right thing, build it right, and deliver it at the right time. DevOps is great, but there’s a missing link. Most DevOps initiatives improve IT cycle times. But how does this impact the business? How do you measure the business value of your efforts?
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. BizDevOps bridges business, development, and operations metrics to provide a deeper understanding of how your overall software delivery process affects business outcomes. With this knowledge, business leaders can understand, and better project, which inputs result in what outputs. In this talk, we’ll dissect the elements of BizDevOps, review some key metrics that help illuminate outcomes, and provide operational concepts for metrics collection.
DOES17 San Francisco
DevOps Enterprise Summit