#111 Bhagavad-gita Chapter 2 Summary- Kartikeya das

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All the shlokas where Krishna tells Arjuna get up you are meant to fight don't worry about the results helped me a lot when I was in a situation and thinking all 40 years of being married and if I could not change my husband's perspective towards life where he is stuck up in a illusory memory and still wanting and thinking that his life is wasted I was feeling the same way Arjuna felt and for two days I was so sad that I started thinking and crying that how come I did not notice that this thought ever existed in his mind. Then IKartikeya Das words started echoing in my ears get up you are not the karta or kriya each to his karma you just do your duty don't brood over the things that are not in your control get up wake up do your karma live to Krishna he will take care of rest. Thank you so much for explaining so beautifully. And bringing me out of a situation which I didn't know even existed. Feel sorry for him instead of being in Krishna consciousness having being stuck up in illusory thoughts. Hey Krishna please help him.😊😊


Hare Krishna Gurudev 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
From this chapter I learnt many of the thing like:-
1) That we are not this body we are spirit soul and things which we desire is not the quality of soul it is the quality of the matter body .
2) the sukh and dukha is just like the season which comes and goes we have to be tolerate being equipoised and by this we are able to get a higher position.
3) the soul is not changing it is eternal so the there is no cause of lamentation of this matter body.
4) so we have to know our Dharma and do it with hard determination.
5) and without getting attached to result as to giving pleasure to shri krishna .
6) and by the practice of budhiyoga we get enters into Godhead and break the cycle of brith and death.
Hare Krishna 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


It was indeed a blessing to hear the entire 2nd chapter of Bhagavatgeeta.Here it is explained the relationship between body and soul, karmayoga and Buddhiyoga .Now I feel whatever Lord wants to makes us learn through Bhagavatgeeta is already covered by this chapter.Every sloka is very thought provoking and teaching us new concepts.Iam sure if a person take seriously and understand the hidden meaning of the Slokas of this chapter, he won't have to lament about anything in worldly life as Lord has already given us knowledge how to withstand unwanted unpleasant occurance .
Iam so greatful to prabhuji for his wonderful explanation and looking forward towards the next chapter..


Very well explained prabhuji.
My realisation is never give up no matter and always align with Krishna's plan .

Hare Krishna 🙏🙏🙏


Hare Krishna for summarizing all 72 sholkas of 2nd chapter so very well


Jai Krishna 🙏
Dhanyavad Guruji 🙏
I learn many concepts in this 2nf chapter. Especially Karma yogi and Buddhi yoga helping me to control my mind. With grace lord Shree Krishna will control mind and serve shree Krishna 🙏


All the chapters teach us many things but karmoyoga and Budhiyoga open our eyes completely. The entire chapter explains us not to grieve on anything. We need to be happy whatever the lord has bestowed on us


Thankyou by krishnas mercy learned lot 🙏🙏hare krishna prabhuji


Dandavat Pranams Prabhuji🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻this is ultimate bliss Prabhu.. we are really fortunate to hear from you.. clear and wonderful .. 58 is my favourite as it gives a great teaching about controlling our senses that’s really challenging🙏🏻🙏🏻


Hare Krishna prabhuji 🙏 All glories to you Prabhuji


Understood very well, , thank you so much


All glories to you prabhuji.. Expert leader🙏🏻


Hare Krishna prabhuji
It was wonderful to hear chp 2 in one glance this chp has thought the art of work, how to face rough faces of our life, how to engage our sense in sevice of lord in which we can destroy our anartha, who are we what is our goal and what is our constitutional position thank you very much prabuji for starting sloka a day series hare Krishna


What a wonderful feast of hearing the entire summary of 2nd chapter. Almost all slokas are amazing in this chapter that counters all questions of Arjuna at once at high level. This covers Sankya philosophy, buddi yoga, karma yoga and characteristics of Sthitha pragnya. Explanation/purports of slokas covers many aspects like how killing Bhishma and Drona even them and different philosophies in detailed. Finally how one can be happy in the material world and attain Krishna is also covered. Harekrishna 🙏🙏


Hare krishna, you have explained chapter 2 in very practical way, i found easy to understand.


Thankyou prabhuji 🙏 you made it very easy to understand. Hare Krishna 🙏🏻


Very brief yet useful. All is said in a nutshell. Hare Krishna Prabhu.🙏


Extremely inspiring and in such a brief the second chapter of Gita. Hare Krishna.


I'm studying this for my exam and your smile is giving me such a positive vibe :)


Hare Krishna 🙏🏼. I understand, bChapter 2 has many important and eye opener Slokas. My favourite sloka is 14 - "Matra sparshathu kaunteya...". I felt this knowledge is indeed required to lead a day to day life peacefully. Happiness n sadness caused by sense organs are temporary and we must not get carried away by those emotions but have patience 🙏🏼
