Elenco AM-780K AM Radio Kit Build and Review

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Build your first AM radio with this do it yourself Elenco AM 780K kit. You will need to know how to solder and basic tools. Most can be found in the Elenco DIY FM radio kit.

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* Todderbert's Rockin' Radio Shop *

Features I like about this radio kit:
Everything is clearly labeled.
Components fit with no trouble.
Good soldering practice.
Solder included.

Features that could be added or improved on:
AM Band expanded, could only tune 560 to 1100.
A LED indicator showing tuning/power on.

Overall, a great learning kit to practice your soldering skill and have a basic, working AM radio when completed.

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Just built this radio today. Detailed instructions and pulled in 8 stations in daytime.
Plan on building another and building a wooden case making it a mini tabletop.
Components can be move with connecting wires to facilitate a case enclosure.


It's a sweet kit. I usually don't do AM kits. Unless they have tubes, or are Crystal sets. But I got it from an aunt who didn't check with other family members.
Our shop radio is a pull from a 1980 Bobcat/Pinto. Simple, and pulls in all local stations. At night, it got the Los Angeles station. 1200 miles away. The elenco kit, was the only radio, without tubes, or not being a car radio, that ever got that station.
Good serendipity, Aunt Dee.


This looks great, I hope to put one together for myself soon!


Great video ! Thank you. It takes me back to Shop class in Junior High, building our own radios.


Oh Good! I have a different tuning capacitor with mine that doesn't match either of the diagrams in the instructions, but that is ok. Also, it was good to see that your dial's labels didn't exactly align to the actual station. I am just going to make my own arrow with some whiteout. Either way, its more about the learning experience. Good job on your build. I also jumped the gun and pulled the antenna wires tight, but I didn't cut them so I will probably back those back out and give them more slack to slide the antenna. Great video!


Thank you for your videos, I found a.another video., good as his video was he had it going.at warp drive, I glad when people slow down for us old guys, thanks.for all the things you exsplain, it very helpful, it took your 2.5 hours, I will probably take me longer, it's nice to have your video to follow along with.I finally got my kit out to build, I probably do the fm.one.next, it's a lot I bought for my son.I hope he, up to it, .


These kits are fun to build I done this IA great radio to put together


Thankyou very much. I had elenco AM RADIO KIT but I was confused how to make


Would be nice if you use the passive loop antenna with this just to see how to relate it to the ferrite. And see how much it enhances reception. Very nice video. Thank you😊


todderbert, Hi, I am a big fan of your channel, matter of fact you have done a review on a Tecsun model R9012 and that radio is great, I enjoy watching you build these kits, you are very educational in the videos and I have learned a lot from these videos... have a nice day and thank you kindly...


Just Completed mine, Happy with the lesson but unhappy with the Antenna. I would like to replace the ferite antenna with a telescopic, any ideas on how?. Thanks, great video.


Reminds me of an old Heath kit radio 📻😄


Thank you for sharing your experience mate 👍


Great kit mate! Keep doing! And also wishing you the best with your ham license:)


Elenco has several radio kits and much more they have capiciator checker kit and one for resistors, either built or kit and power supplies etc.I love they come with direction, chinese kits dont.


Even with your considerably talents in the assembly process it doesn't look like it will be replacing your C. Crane EP Pro.


Nice video. But I can't understand why moving the coil on the ferrite rod changes the inductance.


For some reason the stations are pushed up to the middle of the dial and none of the stations line up with the numbers. Has anyone else had this problem, and how did you solve it?


So you can't really glue that loop stick in place if you have to move it on every station.


I got a new soldering station., I want to use to build this kit, But the antenna leads I can't tell what color goes in what number hole, I can only tell the red is two but the other three, so you still have your radio and could you help me out with the antenna leads correct number holds where each color goes into what number, anyone please.
