Do it now - Sing for the climate - Bella Ciao - ULTRAHD 4K

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Dalla melodia di "Bella ciao" è stata realizzata questa canzone che vuole portare all'unione di tutti coloro che lottano perché sia tutelato il clima e l'ambiente del nostro pianeta.

In September 2012, 380,000 Belgians came into the streets singing their demand for strong climate legislation.
A video clip uniting all the voices was used to convince European leaders to sign on to UN agreements.
Set to the melody of the anti-facist resistance anthem “Bella Ciao,” the text calls us to wake up, build a better future and start right now!
Sing for the Climate (Do It Now!)
Music: Traditional, Lyrics: Nic Balthazar and Stef Kamil Carlens, 2012. Used with Permission. Arranged by Diana Porter 2015.)
Do it now Bella Ciao Sing for the climate
Sing for the Climate (Do It Now!)
We need to wake up
We need to wise up
We need to open our eyes
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
We're on a planet
That has a problem
We've got to solve it, get involved
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
Make it greener
Make it cleaner
Make it last, make it fast
and do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
No point in waiting
Or hesitating
We must get wise, take no more lies
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now

In September 2012, 380,000 Belgians came into the streets singing their demand for strong climate legislation.
A video clip uniting all the voices was used to convince European leaders to sign on to UN agreements.
Set to the melody of the anti-facist resistance anthem “Bella Ciao,” the text calls us to wake up, build a better future and start right now!
Music: Traditional, Lyrics: Nic Balthazar and Stef Kamil Carlens, 2012.
Used with Permission. Arranged by Diana Porter 2015.)
Delivery December 2015: in conjunction with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(COP21, Paris-Le Bourget, 30 November to 11 December 2015)
Partners Global Shapers
CONTACT DETAIL Thomas Grond Head of Young Audiences TV

More than 380,000 people sang Do it now! and afterwards a video clip was produced that united all the voices.
This clip was shown to the Belgian prime minister, the state secretary for the Environment, and Flemish and European ministers of the Environment.
The politicians all signed a commitment to the climate campaign.
Finally, the clip was shown at the last plenary meeting of UN Climate Conference in Doha.
It may be a coincidence, but that very last night they reached an agreement to extend the Kyoto Protocol.
With your support and the help of the Global Shapers, we want to take this campaign worldwide.
Because the Climate Conference in Paris (COP21) this year will be the real moment of truth, we really want to unite as many voices as possible.
To let world leaders know, hear and feel that citizens want serious measures taken.


This initiative has national and international aspects.
The international video clip will be produced by the Belgian group that launched the initiative: click here to watch the 2012 clip.
All participating EBU Members will have access free of charge to the international platform
where individuals can find the karaoke version of the song and upload their own video of them singing Do it now!
The logos of participating EBU Members will be featured on
All participants are free to publicize the initiative at national and local level and use all national and local content at their discretion.
Examples of usage could be audio-excerpts for radio shows or websites or video-excerpts for websites or TV shows.
Participating EBU Members can edit a national and/or local video clip if they wish to do so at their own expense.


Nic Balthazar is a Belgian film director and TV/radio personality, well known in Flanders as a movie critic and television presenter.
Here is his speech about Sing For the Climate initative, given at TEDxGhent 2015:
Year of production 2015
Рекомендации по теме

Beautifully done!!! Awesome!!! We will build a great, clean and amazing


my little girl is learning in kindergarten, thank you guys


Such an overwhelming performance 😭 BEAUTIFUL


Iam in school and my music sir is teaching me this song


Haben wir mit der Schule (über 1000 Schüler) am Hof gesungen👍


00:14 I had to learn this song for English class we need to wake up - We need to build a better future and we need to start right now


But it's MORE IMPORTANT all planet could live without varius problems starting to live in pacific way without religious problems first, then people needs to share ...


Incredibile! Come si può? Che grande canzone storica….! L ‘ho
Sempre detestata come aria canzone sin da ragazzina! mi rendeva triste e mi rende triste tutt ora ! Non riesco ascoltarla ed E’ più forte di me (A prescindere da colore politica ecc e ‘ una brutta canzone e ora? Cos e’ è diventata un inno?!! Per chi ?? Mi tappo orecchie! Bella ciaoo?!!!….


Wie kann man oh Bella ciao so Foltern alter Lostester Song sein Urgroßvater


@Gianluca Zappacosta torna su fortnite è meglio


I tacchini cantano meglio *GLU GLU GLU ahahahah*
