How I Learned the ICE HOCKEY STOP on Inline Skates

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The Ice Hockey Stop ... on Inline Skates


Last summer .. my hockey stop was ... not quite perfect.

On ice I could do it, no problem, but on inline skates, well...

I though maybe a wet surface would do the trick but .. no ... no!

Soon I realized that to do a power stop on inline skates you need a completely different approach.

Make a sharp turn, put weight through the heel or third wheel, lose grip and ... there you have it .. a slide.

It works very well on inline skates, but technically it's a completely different stop.

Back on ice .. after getting used to rollerblade stops .. I couldn't stop at all.

It was only after a few hours of ice time, that I got used to the ice hockey stop.

This made me very curious about why inline and ice stops are so different and I made several videos about it.

I tried to analyze what I did right / what I did wrong, what the differences are, experiment and prepare myself for when I'm back on wheels again.

One thing I really focused on was controlling my balance point on the blade. Like here, I do hockey stops on the heel - which normally is considered a bad idea

- but this is exactly what I need for inline skating.


So I told myself today - let's pretend I'm on ice. Do a hockey stop ... but make it more of a heel stop.

Not like completely on the heel as I did on ice, but more like the third wheel.

First few tries ... not a big success ... but I did try on my weak side.

On my strong side ... first two tries ... not that good either.

But the thrid ... pretty good.

And the fourth ... yeah .. I realized it works! It works!

And then I repeated again again again

A few more times ..

ough ... it's what I feared. The front wheel gripped which caused a nasty rotation.

It does look worse than it was .. thankfully .. and I did know this risk beforehand

that's why I was so focused on pushing through the heels and not have the balance too far toward the toes.

On ice hockey, on the other hand, you do normally put your balance more toward the balls of your feet.

And I think this is why, when I got more comfortable / confident, I lost focus and fell back on what I'm used to from ice .. and BAM.

So anyway, I didn't get hurt or anything but I really wanted to empasis this risk.

It's probably a good idea to have rockered skates where the front and back wheels are a bit elevetad.

That will reduce this risk of getting the front wheel stuck.


I've compiled a playlist of hockey stop videos. A few are mine from ice skating so you can watch the steps I've made to improve my hockey stop

and eventually prepared me for the inline hockey stop.

But other videos are by other inline skaters. They may call it parallel slide or shuffle stop, but it's the same stop - just different names.

One difference though - I've seen two different appraoches. Some make more of a sharp turn to trigger the skates to slide, and that's a good approach.

But the ice hockey stop is more like you rotate both skates really quick, and the slide then contines in a straight line.

So your homework tonight is to analyze these subtles difference and please leave your report in the comments below.
Рекомендации по теме

those hockey stops on your heels on ice are beautiful


Imagine having roads that have mostly smooth surfaces instead of holes every damn 30 cm


Should have titled this video how to make square wheels


I can see from your technique that you started ice skating first and then learned to hockey stop in inlines (I know you also said that). I had the opposite approach since I started ice skating after learning inlines. It was crazy how much grip I got on the ice and took me awhile to learn that I needed to slide on top of the blades instead of far on the edge! Going from one to the other can be tricky!


I miss skating on ice so much and transitioning to inline during a pandemic has been truly awful. The fact that I feel fine doing backwards C cuts and crap attempting everything else is 😫 I will check out your other videos but it is hard not to get discouraged.


I did the hockey brake on first try by accident going down a bridge, I had to stop fast so I decided to let my hockey instinct kick in, I slided for a good 2 meters.


Thanks for your input on the subject.This is def one that I've tried over & put off for awhile. I need to get it down though. With time I guess.


I want to commend you for wearing your helmet ! So many youtubers think they are such good skaters they don't wear one and set bad examples.


I just want to say good job for not being dumb and wearing a helmet and elbow pads


Might not help those on rough surfaces with hard wheels, but when I'm playing some outdoor pickup on a decent surface or inline leagues I have two sticky indoor wheels on the front and maybe the next hardness up (still indoor wheels) on my back two. I picked up the tip years ago and I've never gone back, it really helps your heels break out a little easier on a hard stop without sacrificing grip.


Thanks for the tutorials and tips dude. Today I did my first successful power stop with inline skates in years, thanks to your tutorials :) I've been skating on ice and roads half my life... I had a brief 15 years break and I'm rolling again. I'm surprised how fast everything comes back :p


Just started skating and trying to learn different types of stops. This seems advanced but one day I hope to master it!


I remember switching from roller hockey to ice and stopping was my biggest obstacle. First, I'd send myself flying head over heels trying to do a roller hockey stop on ice. Then when I finally learned it, I struggled with muscle memory whenever I would be playing roller hockey or ice hockey, so I'd either send myself flying the same way as before, or have my roller blades completely slide out from under me while trying to ice hockey stop. After a while I was able to do the proper stop every time on both surfaces without thinking about it. Later on I naturally figured out the two footed roller hockey stop.


Thanks for the tips man. I run 72s in the front, 80s on the back to help me keep a bit on my heels


This is really interesting! Been looking around for such a video, and today it popped up in my recommended videos! What a joy!


That looks like hell on the inline wheels


The hockey stop and the parallel stop are very different because in the hockey stop the outer leg pushes the ground hard and the inner leg slides on the surface till the end and helps to decide the stop and then balance

When in the parallel stop the inner leg and the outer leg slide until the end and then the outer leg determines the stop and balance


amazing!!! now I can hockey stop on Rollerblades thanks to this amazing video!! keep up the good work


Great video, explaination, experimenting, practice and research. You really are appreciated and honestly, this a great Advice Video for beginners. I used to skate inline and stopped many years ago. Just grew out of it I suppose. But it is very fun and this video is extremely helpful.

Thanks. 🏆


I dont skate on roads i skate in a skating rink and got my skates 2 days ago and i can only go on Wednesday FRIDAY Saturday and Sunday. Imma try this today and hope it helps. I have been skating on Skates for 3 years and can keep my balance decently well
