Ocular Rosacea Treatment - 7 Tips to Help get Relief!

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Dr. Allen shares 7 tips on ocular rosacea treatment! Find out what to ask your doctor!


My Favorite Warm Eye Compresses

TeaTree Eyelid Cleansers
Foaming Tea Tree Face Wash
We Love Eyes Wash

Dry Eye Home Treatment Tips

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0:00 Ocular Rosacea Treatment
0:39 Ocular Rosacea Triggers
1:29 Ocular Rosacea and Warm Compresses
2:23 Omega 3s and MGD
2:56 Inflammation and Rosacea
3:21 Antibiotics and Rosacea
4:05 Ocular Rosacea Laser Treatment
4:51 Brimonidine for Rosacea
5:15 Ocular Rosacea Tips
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Ever been diagnosed with rosacea or specifically ocular rosacea? What are your triggers?


yay you did a video on ocular rosacea! I
Here is my journey and whats working for me for anyone suffering and curious:
I was diagnosed about over a year ago and it pretty much took me a whole year to have SOME normal eye days again. Red meat is my number one trigger i found out! My eyes become SO inflammed and the next day i am in severe pain with red eyes and swollen lids. my glands become clogged as well when eating red meat. I completely stay away from it now because its not worth it to me with the amount of pain it cases. Regular eye mascara is no good, my eyes are itchy with it and my eyes go red. I found a brand called EYES ARE THE STORY and its the only one that works for me and i cant even feel it when im wearing it. My routine right now is i did about 7 IPLS so far. Took about 5 IPLS to make a difference for me where my glands were producing more rugular oils and not a toothpaste like consistancy anymore. I go for maintanacce IPL now every few months. I use pataday eyedrops in the morning because my allergies play a big role in my ocular rosacea ( i also take a allergy pill at night time). II take PRN omegas (4 a day). I use ocusoft wipes at night after i wash my face. Ivermectin cream over my moisturizer at night. Cequa eye drops at night... and staying away from triggers. It will take a long time to find your triggers so i recommend a journal. Im sure i still have other triggers i have yet to discover but be kind and patient with yourself and keep track of things. Be patient with medications as they take long to work. Cequa took many months to make a difference for me. Ivermectin was HELL for 5 weeks i had crazy breakouts which is the demodex dying off on your face. You have to get through hell to make progress with ocular rosacea. I really wanted to try doxy for inflammation but i am trying to get pregnant and unable to take certain medications.
EXERCISE HELPS BELIEVE ME. At least go for a daily walk it will help your circulation in your body and the inflammation. you need to get the inflammation down in your body with ocular rosacea! focus on your health completely your eyes will thank you!
** HEAT COMPRESSES do not work for everyone with ocular rosacea, it made things a million times worse for me! heat is a trigger for many of us. Hot compresses made my eyes so red and irritated and swollen it was horrible. so make sure your compress is doing you more good than bad.
Hope you all heal and find your triggers.


we can send a mannequin in a tesla into space, but can’t figure out what rosacea is


Heat and wind makes my ocular rosacea and dry eyes worse doxycycline works great for me and I’m a sensitive and complicated case with many allergies to medication and eye drops


I've been in treatment for OR when I recently sought out an optometrist who ran a Dry Eye clinic. She told me to get serious about diet. So, I started a food diary, and one of the things I noticed was that some foods, within 20 minutes of ingestion, caused a grittiness feeling in my eyes (I would notice it because I often read while eating). After this observation, I eat the same meal over and over (over subsequent days) and switch out various foods to see if the same grittiness would occur. At this point in my treatment, any hot/warm food or drink will cause the grittiness. Drinking coconut water offers the best benefit for my eyes - no grittiness, and "cooling".

As an aside, the fact that "heat" causes problems for the eyes is a significant complicating factor for women who are going through menopause. If one more doctor tells me that menopause is not a factor here - I will scream! 🙃


My rosacea and ocular rosacea has cleared up by about 95% My eyes got so bad that I thought I was going blind before I was diagnosed. Back in April of this year I went on a ketovore diet eliminating processed foods, sugar and seed oils for other health concerns. I haven't had a flair up in months. I can workout at the gym and get in the sun without showing any signs of redness or itching burning eyes. I know this is anecdotal. So take it how you want to. I just thought I would share


I have an ocular rosacea flare up after I started using a washcloth to clean my face instead of just my fingers. I already have a dry eye issue but this made it worse. Atarax, baby shampoo with tea tree oil to wash my eyelids is helping along with heat mask and eye drops. I think the sudden change in weather also contributed to this flareup.


Who else thinks that dry eye treatments should be covered by insurance? It’s shocking to me that they’re not, especially since so many people are affected by this issue.


I think this is what I’ve been struggling with for 2 years now. My eye Dr did prescribe doxycycline 30 days ago, but did not give the name of ocular rosacea! And it’s made a tremendous improvement! This is my 2nd eye Dr, plus a dermatologist who also failed to diagnose me! This gives me hope!


I had many problems with infections in my eyelids / swelling that was being treated with steroids by my ophthalmologist it would help temporarily but quickly return. I then saw my dermatologist and he diagnosed it as ocular rosacea. I started taking ORACEA which is slow release doxycycline and it has worked amazing compared to all the previous treatments. I have been on it for a few years now with no more issues, actually down to just taking it every other day.


you're a life saver. been to multiple derms and opthalmologists in LA and only one has ever heard of this...


Fantastic video! I have rosacea and didn't realize it affects the eyes!


Glad you made a video on this. I was dx about two years ago. Had a series of 5 IPL treatments, Omega 3 daily, and use a warm wet washcloth with baby shampoo to scrub eyelids. Suffered with this for over 20 years. Pollen, heat and dry weather are my culprits, but I live in Phoenix (can’t move bc of family). Has improved with tx, but still could be better.


I have both kinds of rosacea. Think weather changes, wind, sun are my biggest triggers.


I would recommend doing a tiny test with the tea tree oil stuff somewhere else on your skin (not your eyes) first, to make sure you are not allergic to it. I am, and I found out after using a tea tree oil shampoo and waking up with an itchy rash all over my scalp.


Thank you for doing this video. When I was first diagnosed with MGD a year ago I was also having a roseacea flare so I definitely asked google the question regarding any relationship between these two conditions having been diagnosed with roseacea a long time ago. I had extreme sensitivity to light (I even put up dark curtains in my apartment for several weeks) My eye doctor was willing to listen and prescribed me a 5 day course of Azithromycin. This really helped.
My triggers are heat and hard to digest foods. So I only do a warm eye mask every week or so. I don't eat wheat or dairy. I take omega 3. I have had a reduction in needing my dry eye drops but despite everything still wake up most days with extreme sensitivity to light. It comes in the form of literally not being able to open my right eye due to pain and extreme blurriness. I can't read for several minutes upon waking. I thought it was because one of my eyes was more damaged and dry than the other but now I feel I need to work on getting more treatments and better medication since it's been a year since diagnoses of MGD and the symptoms you spoke of are no better. I believe now that it could really be ocular rosacea. Glad to have your video to give me talking points for my eye doctors visit.


I was having frequent infections and hordeolum. It was incredibly painful down my sinus tract. When I finally got an appointment, the swelling was gone. I used frequent warm compresses. When I did see the doctor, she ordered Pataday.😢


Yep - suffering from this and I do warm compresses, did IPL, clean my eyelids and even tried doxycycline. But I’d be hesitant to start long-term, life-long antibiotics (and its side effects) for what is just a cosmetic side-effect (red eyes).


Wow! You mean I can treat my ocular rosacea and beautify my skin at the same time?!?!!
I wish I had known about this 20 years ago! 🥴


I use Zaditor drops for itchiness. Recently was prescribed erythromycin ointment to put in my eye when the blepharitis flares up. Wash my eyelid in t he shower everyday.
