Doug Batchelor's Fables #13: Eternal HELLFIRE Is A Doctrine From SATAN?!

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There's so many presuppositions and assumptions Adventists make in their doctrine of hell that it's redicuous.

1. "Well because God is loving He can't punish people in hell forever." This is a limited human understanding of love imposed upon God. We don't even fully know what it means to be loving and good. We are sinful! God is holy and righteous. That brings me to a second problem they make, which is to pit one of God's attributes against another. God's love doesn't override Holiness, justice, and righteousness. Every sin ever committed must be dealt with appropriately. They have no concept of the doctrine of the simplicity of God.

2. "Well it's not just for a "lesser" sinner to suffer in hell just as long as Hitler. In this claim they fail to understand what the issue in sin really is! It's not the severity of my sin that makes it worthy of supreme punishment, but the fact that I have committed my sins against supreme majesty and holiness. Sin against the infinitely holy God is worthy to be infinitely punished. To give a human example. if one of my kids hits the other one, it is wrong and deserves to be punished. However, if one of my kids hits me, the seriousness of what has been done just increased, and the punishment must be increased. No if my kid grows up and hits a police officer, that is again going to warrant a much more severe punishment than hitting me. Assaulting an officer will get them jail time! No lets say the jail time gets served, and they are released. Only this time they go and physically hit the president of the United States. Well if they don't get shot dead by the Secret Service, the prison sentence will surely be much worse! So we recognize even in human justice that the stature of the one the offense is committed against, requires the severity of the punishment to increase! Well all sin is committed against God. Sin is nothing less than a cosmic treason and assault committed against Him who is of the ultimate and infinite stature! Therefore an infinite eternal punishment for sin is not so outlandish after all.

3. "Well the Bible says it's either eternal life or perish. It doesn't say eternal life in heaven or eternal life in the fire." This one perhaps bothers me the most, because it reveals they clearly don't understand what it means to have eternal life. Jesus said it is eternal life to know Him. Jesus doesn't define eternal life as simply existing, but knowing Him! Also there is not a single place in the whole of Scripture that defines death as ceasing to exist. This view of death that Adventists hold is essentially no different than the view atheists and materialists have. The only difference is Adventists believe there will be a resurrection someday from this non-existence. But nowhere does the Bible say death is non-existence. Scripture instead defines death as separation. it defines physical death as the body being without the spirit. But then there is also the issue of spiritual death, which Adventists have no conception of. To be spiritually dead is again to be separated. Spiritual life is knowing Jesus, having fellowship with Him. But spiritual death is no communion with God. When Adam and Eve sinned they died spiritually because their communion with God was broken. God came to them and they wanted nothing to do with Him anymore. They wanted to get away from God as far as they could. They were in a state of spiritual death. And the only thing that changed that was the pure grace of God. So no death does not mean non-existence, and eternal life does not mean mere existence. life and death are fundamentally about knowing Christ or not knowing Him. That's the difference. As Adventists know, the Bible even calls the lake of fire the second death (which again they assume means non-existence). But if the lake of fire is the same thing as the second death, then their defining death as ceasing to exist makes zero sense.


Doug in 1990s - Authority
Doug after Google - Hmmmm IDK
Doug after Youtube - Skip


Doug is right about more Bible scolars are changing there mind about eternal conscious torment


Old Dougie has officially left the reservation 😅 Adventists cannot accept clear scripture on hell because they would have to deny the investigative judgement.


The guy on this channel seems like a bitter Ex Adventist. What this bachelor guy is saying is 100% bible supported but this channel will be contrary to everything SDA even if it’s sound doctrine..that’s a shameful approach to edification. They’re a funny spirit with these guys on answering Adventist.


If I read few verses in Revelation and Mathew and 1 parable I would go along with you, if I read from Gen. to Revelation I have to agree with Doug.


I'm ex catholic, , and after reading the KJV 5 times plus and hundreds of hours of seminars ....
I Agree with doug Batchelor better read the bible for yourselves ....
Trust no one except for GODS written word ....


Growing up sda I remembered not caring about being sinful because I believed their atheistic claim that the wicked will only burn for a moment. That did not stop me from throwing myself into sins and it never got me to reflect at all.

After I realized hell is eternal, I started to straighten up, but it would be false to say I follow God because of fear of hell, it is fear of my own wickedness as well as my love for all things Godly and God Himself that keeps me balanced spiritually.

Balance between two extremes. I have hope because I realized the reality of the existence of both heavens eternity and hells eternity.


There are multiple views of hell that have been held by orthodox Christians. The eternal conscious torment view wasn’t always the dominant view, and its scriptural support is the thinnest among the options on the table.


The concept of hell is based on what the Roman Catholic Church of the idea of purgatory . Countless near death experiences have shown this . The wicked will be destroyed that’s the bottom line . I can leave Adventism and not agree about a lot of doctrines however their idea about Hell is 100% valid.


This makes no sense because when I grew up in Spanish SDA church they would talk about burning in hell forever. SDA is the most confusing religion I ever was a part of. I'm so glad I left. Keep exposing them.


I will pray for you brother that someday you will seek truth again. God bless.🙏


Don't matter I'm not going there cause of what my savior did ones on the Cross


My 3 Hiding In Plain Sight volumes just arrived! As a former SDA for 20 years now, I'm I'm excited to read them!


The official Adventist response to Isaiah 66 is that the chapter must be taken from the point of view of those to whom it was being spoken to at that time. Things were explained to them in images that they could understand.

Obviously, in the rubbish dump (the valley of Hinnom or Ge-hinnom/Gehenna, where there was no more room to bury anyone (Jer 19.6, 11) the fire would go out eventually, and the worm would only consume until the flesh was eaten up.

The worm consumes from within, and the flame from without.

As for Revelation 14:11, it is here telling us that there is no coming back from the punishment. There is no return from any sort of purgatory, because there is no purgatory. The Phoenix will not rise again, so to speak.

The smoke of their torment rises forever and ever, because that is the last thing they will ever know. There is no reincarnation, and there is no reprieve, no rest (and also they choose to force a day of worship that offers No spiritual rest), for that which destroys will be destroyed, the wicked parish, and death is swallowed up in victory.


Answering, , , as a former SDA are there any Adventist doctrine you still believe?


I want to share a perspective that kind of helped me wrap my mind around an eternal hell because when I used to be SDA I could never understand. Then as I was transitioning out it was still a point of confusion on a “moral” level. I genuinely asked God to help me understand. And then one day after reading the word a bit I literally had it all flash in my mind in a matter of minutes. Like puzzle pieces literally all coming together

Where do we get our court system of right and wrong and justice? It’s in our moral DNA where God has put that within us

So let’s take a scenario in our court system. Let’s say somebody stole a car, got pulled over, assaulting a police officer, lied to the police officer, drove through a red light while they were drinking earlier that day mind you, and killed a family.
Let’s say it was a family of four.

When this person receives the sentencing they got a total of 320 years in prison. But wait that’s not logical, nobody lives to be 320 years.

It’s because the judge sentenced them individually for ALL of their infractions and lawbreaking. They got a sentence of a certain years for the DUI, for the manslaughter on all four accounts, for hitting a police officer, for stealing a car etc

This is literally just a handful of infractions that this person did within the scope of their life and that’s what they are getting sentenced regarding.

Now, when somebody who has lived their whole life doing thousands upon thousands of sins, sinful thoughts, etc. and they did not have the righteousness of Christ to cover them and were not born again, God is a righteous JUSGE even more righteous than any human judge. And that person in the same way would be sentenced for every single sin they had ever done and thought. Could that equal eternity? Just about. Certainly thousands of years. And I believe this is why Jesus talked about the whole eternal punishment versus eternal life quote, and so many other verses too 

I started thinking, wow if I were to put this analogy back into the court system it would be like somebody doing all of those things and the judge sentencing them to like 3 minutes in prison, simply because the crime technically took a few minutes. Would they be a just judge, would they be a righteous judge? We would all say NO!!
So the argument of “why would someone be punished forever for just one lifetime” is the same question of “why would a judge sentence someone to life when the crime only took 5 minutes?”

I was really struggling last year with the idea of hell with all the verses I was reading, and I feel like God just hit me with that analogy so strong that I changed my mind right then and there.

Sin is SEVERE because it’s who we are sinning against 
When you understand hell then we can truly understand what Jesus really did on that cross and what he saved us from

 we stand in that court room with God as our judge, and we see all of the thousands upon thousands of sins and infractions. God says this is what the punishment should be for this, this is the sentencing that you should be getting. But then it would be like literally a man walking into the court room and saying I pay every single fine that this person has against them. It is then that the judge can legally let you go because all the fines are paid

The ironic twist of Adventism and Jehovah’s Witness and Mormonism etc., it’s sells you a different gospel so that you’re now under a cursed gospel to be Damned Galatians 1 and 3, while watering down the message of hell so that it’s not really concerning to you. I mean really it’s just so sad what the enemy is doing!!


You do not have to imagine, it is reality. If you do not belive it, you will go in it and tell me how is it feel?


The Roman Catholic Church is Adventisms most favored scapegoat.

Unknown to them: Eastern Orthodox Christianity came before Roman Catholicism and in the Church we let the faithful know what happens to those who do not want to follow God.

Adventists also don’t know what the sacrament of confession with an Orthodox priest does for the soul.

Loving God and your neighbor is not the highest commandment to adventists.

They reject every path to the heart. So sad


Question, I see you making comments about the SDA church and Doug Batchleor in particular. Have you followed Matthew 18 and sat down with Doug? Have you sat down with a scholar from the SDA church to discuss what you believe to be inconsistent or faulty hermeneutics?
