Engineer Solves The Mystery of Christ’s Return?! [VERY SOON]

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Christian Widener reveals 7 mysteries pointing to ONE YEAR that Jesus will return...
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If 2027 is when Jesus returns then there is no time for the two witnesses to witness for three and a half years.


I’m a Bible thumping Christian and I think about Jesus coming back everyday. I’m interested in these guys all saying we believers need to be ready. How do we be ready? Is it looking for him everyday?


I’m ready to go home Lord Jesus, I hope it’s soon.🙏


Hi Janie, I appreciate your channel and work you put into it. My Mom and Dad were married on May 14th, 1948! My three children (all in their 40's) found out their great-grandfather was 100 percent Jewish! So, people like you have helped me so much to share with my children and grandchildren, the Gospel of Jesus. Sometimes I feel like my children and grand-daughters are what is causing a "delay" of the snatching away of the Church. Pray for my lost loved ones. I pray for you and believers around the world. Plus, I appreciate Christian soooo much.


Also, that date, April 13, 2029 would be the date the asteroid Apophus hits the earth.


I'm so excited to think soon and very soon we are going to meet the King! Look up for your redemption draws near. I pray we are all counted worthy to escape the time of Jacob's trouble and stand with Jesus. He is my righteousness. Thank you for the wisdom. Im am so amazed!


I really enjoyed this episode. Mostly, I have followed Christian’s theories of end times happenings in the past but this time I really see his maturity coming through. I appreciate his ability to be humble about his findings and also his consideration of a basic variance due to scripture overlap and our actual keeping of the actual year being tampered with in the past. He provided a narrow path of consideration that sits well with the scripture and well with my soul’s understanding. I pray that Jehovah will bless you both in your home and your ministries. ❤


Christian is one of those rare people whose face is smiling even when he isn't smiling. A pleasant countenance. Thank ya'll for covering this. Very interesting and encouraging.


I love the format of your show. You have the best guests and bring out the best in them. Thank you, Janie and Christian!


Thank you for having this video. Pleases keep them coming...You are changing hearts to the Lord. God bless...


Thank you, Janie Duvall and Christian, for keeping us up-to-date. God bless you both🙏🏼


The season and all signs are definitely here! Bible says when these things "Begin" to happen look up your redemption draweth nigh!❤❤ We have a breif window I believe to reap the harvest to tell others Jesus is at the door waiting for Father God to tell Him go get your bride.❤ He comes soon but know in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.❤ The birth pangs we are in are ramping up and getting more frequent and more intense!❤ Behold I come quickly and My reward is with Me.❤


Bible teaches:

““But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭36‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
Predicting a date is wrong and against Jesus words.
We should be ready every moment. Our life is not guaranteed tomorrow. So next moment for those who asleep in the Lord will be awakening to His Coming. 🙏🕊️
Rev. 14:13


Hi Janie and Brother Christian. This was such an amazing collaboration. Janie, you are an incredible host and have the best guests. I'm currently reading "Witnessing the End" and I am blown away by its accuracy and insight. I've been feeling an urgency in my Spirit to be ready and to warn others about our Lord's imminent return. We need to bind in prayer for our lost loved ones. Thank you so much for continuously blowing the trumpet. Sending Sisterly love in Yeshua HaMoshiach's mighty and glorious name. Come Lord Yeshua. Come! ❤


Also 50 years for a jubilee makes sense. God has appointed 120 Jubilees for mankind. 120 x 50=6000 years. There is a parallel with the number 120 in Genesis 6:3 when the Lord said "My Spirit will not always strive with man, yet his days shall be 120 years." (Or for the overall picture or timeline of mankind, 120 "Jubilees" which is 6000 years in total. The 6000 years will be complete at the Second Coming of Christ and then the last 1000 years (7th day, day of rest) will be the 1000 year Millennial Reign of Christ seeing as though 1000 years is as 1 day to the Lord. 2 Peter 3:8


I have been waiting on Christian to let us know his thoughts recently. It’s concerning when Christian W. gets quiet. I am ready Lord Jesus come, come, come!!! 🙏🏻


Shalom from Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 Thankyou and may the most high FATHER ELOHIM continue to bless you through our Messiah YESHUA 🤗 ❤️ 🙏🏻 🍷 🍞 🎶


I thought the Bible states that Jesus Himself comes for us in the air, not His angels----Rapture.


Rapture tribulation millineum then satan loosed final war and judgement then new heaven and new earth


Genesis 6:3. ESV Then the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years."
