REST ASSURED API Tutorial - Lecture 3 - Sending The Get Request With Basic Auth
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REST ASSURED API Tutorial - Lecture 3 - Sending The Get Request With Basic Auth
In this video we will see how to send GET request to the API using basic AUTH
~~~~Full course for Webservices API Testing (Basics + Advance) (Manual + Automation) on POSTMAN and REST ASSURED API with live projects and frameworks:~~~~
~~~~Join the most demanding Automation courses with Many live projects~~~~
1. Webservices API Testing using Rest Assured API & POSTMAN (Best seller course)
2. Automation Architect - Selenium WebDriver - 7 Live Projects (A Unique course on Web which will make you Master in Framework designing and Architect):
3. Selenium WebDriver Training with Java and Many Live Projects (BIGGEST Selenium course in the industry)
4. Appium - Mobile Testing with Latest 1.8.2 and Live Projects (Best seller course on Android and IOS Automation)
5. Protractor: End to End testing framework for AngularJS Apps (Best seller course)
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7. Cucumber BDD for Selenium & Appium with Live Projects
8. Protractor with CucumberJS BDD on a Live Project
9. Selenium WebDriver with Java (Basics + Advance + Architect)
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In this video we will see how to send GET request to the API using basic AUTH
~~~~Full course for Webservices API Testing (Basics + Advance) (Manual + Automation) on POSTMAN and REST ASSURED API with live projects and frameworks:~~~~
~~~~Join the most demanding Automation courses with Many live projects~~~~
1. Webservices API Testing using Rest Assured API & POSTMAN (Best seller course)
2. Automation Architect - Selenium WebDriver - 7 Live Projects (A Unique course on Web which will make you Master in Framework designing and Architect):
3. Selenium WebDriver Training with Java and Many Live Projects (BIGGEST Selenium course in the industry)
4. Appium - Mobile Testing with Latest 1.8.2 and Live Projects (Best seller course on Android and IOS Automation)
5. Protractor: End to End testing framework for AngularJS Apps (Best seller course)
6. JMETER - Master Performance & Load Testing(Basics + Advance) (Recently updated with Latest JMETER 5.0 series and Live Projects):
7. Cucumber BDD for Selenium & Appium with Live Projects
8. Protractor with CucumberJS BDD on a Live Project
9. Selenium WebDriver with Java (Basics + Advance + Architect)
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