REST Assured API Testing Tutorial Crash Course 2023

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Rest Assured API Testing Tutorial Full Course #restassured #apitesting #javatestng #restapitesting Rest Assured tutorial for beginners, Rest Assured Java TestNG Framework API Automation Testing

** Rest Assured API Automation Framework GitHub **

** Postman Collections link **

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🔊 Rest Assured API Testing Tutorial Full Course (Chapter 06 to 11)

00:00 Rest Assured Tutorial API Testing Tutorial Full Course
01:14 Postman collections
03:23 Rest Assured Framework GitHub repository
04:14 Chapter 01 Rest Assured Tutorial
06:26 What is Rest Assured? why Rest Assured? advantages of Rest Assured & Disadvantages of rest assured
11:12 What is API Testing? advantages of api testing
15:15 Software required for rest assured api testing full course
15:35 Rest Assured Java TestNG Maven Jenkins Eclipse IDE
16:03 Postman API Testing Full Course
16:30 Rest Assured sample API Request
17:28 How to install eclipse ide?
20:21 How to install testng framework?
22:48 How to create maven project?
29:04 Create package in eclipse
29:42 create a class in eclipse ide
30:50 Create GET API Request using Rest Assured
34:27 Validate status code in rest assured
36:28 Validate status line in rest assured
38:58 Validate api response headers in rest assured
41:30 Validate api response body in rest assured
46:02 Create POST API Request using Rest Assured
49:15 Create API Request body using JSONObject
57:16 validate api status code as 200
59:55 validate api response
01:05:32 How to create logs in rest assured
01:06:02 How to print api request in console output
01:09:27 How to print api response in console output
01:18:26 How to create API chaining in rest assured
01:21:01 How to pass parameters in rest assured
01:34:26 Chapter 02 Rest Assured API Automation Testing
01:36:23 How to create POST API request using file in rest assured
01:44:16 How to read txt file in java?
01:47:10 create POST API request using file in rest assured
01:51:25 JSON Path API expressions
02:05:14 GET API Request using rest assured
02:16:01 Chapter 03 Rest Assured tutorial for beginners
02:17:50 What is serialization? serialization in rest assured api testing
02:31:35 Add jackson databind maven dependency
02:51:10 How to validate json schema in rest assured api testing
02:57:00 add json schema validator maven dependency
03:06:08 Chapter 04 Rest Assured for beginners
03:07:25 How to create PUT API Request using rest assured
03:28:15 How to create PATCH API Request using rest assured
03:46:13 Chapter 05 Rest Assured testing
03:47:15 How to create DELETE API Request using rest assured
03:55:42 How to create TestNG xml suite file
03:57:15 Run TestNG suite file
03:58:49 Maven compiler plugin Maven surefilre plugin
04:00:50 Run as Maven test
04:01:42 Run API Test from command prompt

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Hello BakkappaN, amazing content am now clear with the concepts because u explained in a easy way ...thank you a small issue was not able to export environment details


Hello BakkappaN, Thanks for creating lots of QA training videos on QA. It helps us a lots. your simple demonstration of code and logic unit. I love it. I have one suggestion on play list name and list videos. it's very very messy. I always got multiple playlists with the same name and videos counts. Also their videos are not in synchronous so I always miss which training list I was following and I have to search videos and upcoming videos. Please keep doing great work. 👍


I have completed watching the crash course. Great course!! Thanks!


This vary useful for us .. thanks bro without expecting anything u given good knowledge of testing...I have one request please provide ant notes related pdf...


The tutorial is really good.
I have one dought where you have utilized the "RestAPIHelper" while writing test cases


The tutorial is really good. I am able to follow it up until the end but when I tried setting up the testng and the pom file I got the forked process error, cannot find class in classpath. I followed excatly the same as per tutorial. Are you able to help out how to solve this issue?


Hi Bakappa, Thanks for the video. I am not able to proceed with automating Create Booking API by using JSON Object as I get the error in eclipse which says " Type safety: The method put(Object, Object) belongs to the raw type HashMap. References to generic type HashMap<K, V> should be parameterized". Can you please help to fix this.


JSONArray jsonArray =, "$.booking.firstname") read function is highlighted in red in above statement . when hovered it is not showing any option to import. I already add dependency for json path in pom.xml but still getting this error.


Hi Bakappa, can you please help in resolving below issue mentioned by me


JSONArray jsonArray =, "$.booking.firstname") read function is highlighted in red in above statement . when hovered it is not showing any option to import


The content of the video is really good. But unfortunately the given postman collection link is not working at the moment. It says "We can't seem to find this page"


the postman url shows not found. The course is really informative and excellent


do we need feature files like UI testing in RestAssured framework???


{{b_id}} is giving an error while hitting the get request manually on postman collection


Can you please explain the difference between body request and payload request?


@testerstalk There is no environment variable file on Git Hub?


please share the environment file, you have only shared the postman collection. getting error in some of the api's


is assertThat() is mandatory inside then() section???


where can I get collection files? can you please tell me
